Source: BrightVibes

Life Terra’s first “Climate Forest” takes root in Germany

Discover how Germany’s first “Klimawald” or “Climate Forest” is helping the fight against Climate Change with Life Terra.

How Life Terra’s first “Klimawald” in Germany is fighting Climate Change

Stift Ehreshoven is a longstanding forestry business situated near Cologne in Engelskirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany. It owns an estate with 1,500+ha/3700 acres of forest land that is managed sustainably. 

The current problem of bark beetle infestation in German forests is affecting a lot of their spruce stands and the need for more resilient, mixed forests becomes more evident every day. Life Terra facilitated the planting of a variety of 16+ climate resilient species which were selected with the help of the landowner, two trusted nurseries, academia and ‘Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz Nordrhein Westfalen’. This project is Life Terra’s first “Klimawald”(climate forest) in Germany to be closely tracked with monitoring technology.

In collaboration with Stift Ehreshoven some 50,000 planted trees are made available for adoption on both the Life Terra app and web platform.

The current problem of bark beetle infestation in German forests is affecting a lot of their spruce stands and the need for more resilient, mixed forests becomes more evident every day.
Beetlemania! The current problem of bark beetle infestation in German forests is affecting a lot of their spruce stands and the need for more resilient, mixed forests becomes more evident every day. Source: LifeTerra

Germany’s forests have been having a hard time

Jörg Deselaers grew up in the woods. He comes from a forestry family. As a family, the Deselaers never had anything else on their minds except trees. As they say in Germany: “you can’t see the forest for the trees”. 

Today, Jörg Deselaers is the  the curator of “Stift Ehreshoven”, whose forestry operations in Oberbergisches Land, Gummersbach, Germany cover 1,500 hectares/3700 acres of forest. In recent years, German forests have faced a number of calamitous threats. 

According to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), never since Germany started its annual ‘Forest Condition Survey’ in 1984 have so many trees died as in the year 2020. 

Drought has been the main problem for the last two years; and this year, there has been no water up to 4 meters in depth, no groundwater. 

“We noticed the climatic changes already ten years ago.” Deselaers told BrightVibes. “We have completely different hot summers than 20 years ago and, therefore, of course, nature has tried to defend itself accordingly; but lost in the end.”  says Jörg.

Today there is much talk in Germany about bark beetles that are destroying forests. However, Deselaers says that’s actually the wrong way of looking at it. 

“Our trees have deteriorated because we haven’t had water. We have had drought, drought, drought, and this little bug is actually one of nature’s helpers, saying: ‘Alright now, Jörg… If you can’t handle this situation with your trees… I’ll help you.’ and it only goes to a tree that’s diseased. We’re finding that out now. We have to think about which plants we can use in the future to meet this climate change.”

This project is Life Terra’s first “Klimawald”(climate forest) in Germany to be closely tracked with monitoring technology.
In collaboration with Stift Ehreshoven some 50,000 planted trees are made available for adoption on the Life Terra app/ web platform.
Life Terra facilitated the planting of a variety of 16+ climate resilient species which were selected with the help of the landowner, two trusted nurseries, academia and ‘Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz Nordrhein Westfalen’. This project is Life Terra’s first “Klimawald”(climate forest) in Germany to be closely tracked with monitoring technology.
In collaboration with Stift Ehreshoven some 50,000 planted trees are made available for adoption on the Life Terra app/ web platform. Source: Life Terra

“How can we help nature?”

Together with Stift Ehreshoven, Life Terra has inaugurated its first climate forest in Germany — and the goal with this climate forest is to create biodiversity beyond the borders of Germany. 

That means that they have planted plants of Spanish origin, and they want to see whether there are possibilities to create a stable mixed forest with these species from similar climate regions.

Gero Karthaus – Mayor of the municipality of Engelskirchen said:

“Something special has been created here right at the start of one of our large forest areas is an area that was affected by the death of spruce trees which to a large extent are currently disappearing from Oberbergisches Land. Within the framework of an EU-wide project of Life Tierra, a so-called climate forest has been created, in which different varieties, different species of trees have been planted.”

“This means that an area has been afforested here in international cooperation, which can perhaps be a starting point for a campaign that can establish new forests, new resources throughout Europe, and I am pleased that Engelskirchen is perhaps a very important but hopefully a sustainable starting point for this action.” 

A final word from Jörg: 

“What matters is that we do something, and that is why we have already planted 150,000 trees in our operations this year. A large part of it was with the support of Life Terra. Therefore I am infinitely grateful and the project just excites me so much.”

Do you agree we need more climate-resilient forests? 

And the goal with this climate forest is, of course, to create biodiversity beyond the borders of Germany.
Together with Stift Ehreshoven, Life Terra has inaugurated its first climate forest in Germany. And the goal with this climate forest is, of course, to create biodiversity beyond the borders of Germany. Source: Facebook/LifeTerra

LIFE TERRA: 500 million trees by 2025

Life Terra is a foundation with a mission to enable people to take impactful climate action now. They facilitate tree planting, educate future generations, and develop tree monitoring technology.

Life Terra is founded on the knowledge that tree planting is regarded as the most cost-effective nature-based solution to capture carbon. As part of a multi-faceted mitigation strategy, planting trees can play an important role in the fight against climate change and the devastation it causes (heat waves, drought, forest loss, desertification, erosion, flooding).

Life Terra seeks to bring people together to plant 500 million trees in 5 years, harnessing and monitoring nature’s own carbon capture mechanism and enabling citizens to take urgent action against the climate crisis.

Let’s plant 500 million trees together and restore the health of our planet. (Video)

Life Terra is one of Europe’s largest climate action initiatives. It brings together 15 experienced organisations from 8 countries and is led by the newly established Life Terra foundation. This project was awarded €7 mln support by the Life Programme, which the consortium will use as seed money to put this initiative on the map. More information about the Life project can be found under Actions and Expected results.

Planting a diverse mix of tree species is essential to our planting plan. We believe firmly in “the right tree in the right place”, for more effective land restoration and greater ecosystem resilience.
Planting. Planting a diverse mix of tree species is essential to our planting plan. We believe firmly in “the right tree in the right place”, for more effective land restoration and greater ecosystem resilience. Source: Facebook/LifeTerra

About the life terra project

A four-pronged approach is being taken by Life Terra;

  • Planting

Planting a diverse mix of tree species is essential to the planting plan. They believe firmly in “the right tree in the right place”, for more effective land restoration and greater ecosystem resilience.

  • Monitoring

Monitoring trees is important to ensure that the climate & environmental benefits they claim to make are happening! They are busy developing a state-of-the-art monitoring program, where you can track your tree.

  • Education

Education is the most valuable investment. Life Terra is working with educational specialists to create a STEM based, interactive environmental education program for children ages 8-14.

  • Community

Community involvement is key to their success. If they want to scale tree planting and speed up the pace of climate action, they need your help planting and teaching people how to plant.

Life Terra is one of Europe’s largest climate action initiatives. It brings together 15 experienced organizations from 8 countries and is led by the newly established Life Terra foundation. This project was awarded €7 mln support by the Life Programme, which the consortium will use as seed money to put this initiative on the map. More information about the Life project can be found under Actions and Expected results.

Monitoring trees is important to ensure that the climate & environmental benefits we claim to make are happening! We are busy developing a state-of-the-art monitoring program, where you can track your tree.
Monitoring. Monitoring trees is important to ensure that the climate & environmental benefits we claim to make are happening! We are busy developing a state-of-the-art monitoring program, where you can track your tree. Source: Facebook/LifeTerra
Education is our most valuable investment. Life Terra is working with educational specialists to create a STEM based, interactive environmental education program for children ages 8-14.
Education. Education is our most valuable investment. Life Terra is working with educational specialists to create a STEM based, interactive environmental education program for children ages 8-14. Source: Facebook/LifeTerra
Community involvement is key to our success. If we want to scale tree planting and speed up the pace of climate action, we need your help planting and teaching people how to plant.
Community. Community involvement is key to our success. If we want to scale tree planting and speed up the pace of climate action, we need your help planting and teaching people how to plant. Source: Facebook/LifeTerra


Life Terra is a foundation with a mission to enable people to take impactful climate action now. We facilitate tree planting, educate future generations, and develop tree monitoring technology. Click to learn more and get involved where you are.

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