Source: Instagram/laurainwaterland

“It’s not my garbage, but it’s my planet” — check out the latest #enVIRALmental trend

People around the world are posting photos to social media of them leaving places tidier than they found them by picking up other people’s trash.

“When we pick up trash that is not ours, we help normalise caring for our planet.”

"When we pick up trash that is not ours, we help normalise caring for our planet. We help break the stigma that it is dirty to touch, and inspire awareness that it is actually dirty to leave it there. We can inspire so much change by leading by example.” @laurainwaterland 

This quote accompanied a photo of Laura in Waterland posing with a bag of other people’s trash she had collected during a visit to the beach. Laura is not alone in posting photos to social media of garbage they collected while out and about. Some had the tag #itsnotmygarbagebutitsmyplanet.

Last year we saw the #trashtag challenge. This year let’s make #itsnotmygarbagebutitsmyplanet the next enVIRALmental craze and leave places tidier than we found them. 

Laura in Waterland: “When we pick up trash that is not ours, we help normalise caring for our planet. We help break the stigma that it is dirty to touch, and inspire awareness that it is actually dirty to leave it there. We can inspire so much change by leading by example.” — @laurainwaterland Source: Instagram/laurainwaterland
5MinuteBeachCleanup Source: Facebook/5MinuteBeachCleanup
Elite Group Tunisia Source: Facebook/EliteGroup
Sun Africa Hotels Source: Facebook/SunAfricaHotels
LeastWaste Source: Instagram/least.waste
Menlo Rowing team volunteering at California Coastal Cleanup Source: Instagram/menlorowing
Elite Group Tunisia Source: Facebook/EliteGroup
Unknown Hero Source:
The #trashtag challenge last year was a similar idea People around the world started picking up trash at places they visited, then posted the pictures to social media to get others to join in. Source: Facebook/BrightVibes


Single use plastic is everywhere. In a matter of decades we have become addicted to the convenience of single use plastic. But we cannot escape the consequences of throwing away vast quantities of a material that takes hundreds of years to break down. Here are 9 reason why we should refuse it, and 9 ways to be less reliant on it.

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