Source: Facebook/Blossom

Do something GREEN today with these 15 super-simple eco-friendly tips!

Check out these smart and simple ideas from Blossom to save you money and save energy while helping the planet.

15 top green tips to help the environment and save cash

From what you put in your body at one end, to how you clean up after it at the other, the inspirational folks over at Blossom have put together a video of some brilliant eco-friendly tips to save energy and money, thereby helping the environment.

Preservatives... pesticides... need we say more? Where and when possible, you know it makes sense.
1. Choose organic fruit and vegetables. Preservatives… pesticides… need we say more? Where and when possible, you know it makes sense. Source: Facebook/Blossom
Regular paper does not dissolve in the ocean as easily.
2. Choose biodegradable or recycled toilet tissue. Regular paper does not dissolve in the ocean as easily. Source: Facebook/Blossom
3. Go meatless once a week to save water and energy. Source: Facebook/Blossom
Because physics.
4. Placing an old PET bottle filled with sand (or even a brick) in the toilet cistern can save thousands of litres of water per year. Because physics. Source: Facebook/Blossom
People spend hundreds (dollars, pounds, euros, you name it) on single-use “disposable” plastic bottles every year. Do yourself and the environment a favour and buy a water filter.
5. Buy a water filter. People spend hundreds (dollars, pounds, euros, you name it) on single-use “disposable” plastic bottles every year. Do yourself and the environment a favour and buy a water filter. Source: Facebook/Blossom
Switching to a low-flow showerhead can save you money in the long run.
6. Showering is the number one use of water in a household. Switching to a low-flow showerhead can save you money in the long run. Source: Facebook/Blossom
7. Switching to LED lightbulbs will save you money and is better for the environment. Source: Facebook/Blossom
Either buy reusable ones or save money and make your own.
8. People use about 730 cotton rounds per year. Either buy reusable ones or save money and make your own. Source: Facebook/Blossom
People use about 25 paper cups per month. Switching to a reusable cup reduces waste and saves money.
9. Get a reusable cup. People use about 25 paper cups per month. Switching to a reusable cup reduces waste and saves money. Source: Facebook/Blossom
Did you know that one dirty container can mean the entire bin is unrecyclable? Take a second to give them a quick rinse.
10. Rinse out your recyclable containers before putting them in the bin. Did you know that one dirty container can mean the entire bin is unrecyclable? Take a second to give them a quick rinse. Source: Facebook/Blossom
We should all know this one by now.
11. Swap out single use disposable plastic shopping bags for sturdy reusable ones. We should all know this one by now. Source: Facebook/Blossom
Except under fairly rare circumstances brought about by physical necessity, most of us could easily swap our reliance on plastic straws for bamboo or metal alternatives, or simply refuse plastic straws at the point of sale and sip our drinks.
12. Using metal or bamboo straws instead of plastic ones is a no-brainer. Except under fairly rare circumstances brought about by physical necessity, most of us could easily swap our reliance on plastic straws for bamboo or metal alternatives, or simply refuse plastic straws at the point of sale and sip our drinks. Source: Facebook/Blossom
Beeswax wrap or reusable silicone sandwich bags are readily available.
13. Find alternatives to single-use food wrappings. Beeswax wrap or reusable silicone sandwich bags are readily available. Source: Facebook/Blossom
Bamboo toothbrushes are a fantastic great alternative to regular plastic ones, and can be found easily online and now in many stores.
14. Bamboo toothbrushes. Bamboo toothbrushes are a fantastic great alternative to regular plastic ones, and can be found easily online and now in many stores. Source: Facebook/Blossom
If your living situation requires the use of a tumble dryer, you can reduce the time the machine is drawing energy from the grid with this nifty little trick. If you were wondering what to do with all those spare balls of wool lying around, this is it.
15. Balls of wool stuffed into an old pair of tights can reduce drying time in the tumble dryer, thereby saving energy and money. If your living situation requires the use of a tumble dryer, you can reduce the time the machine is drawing energy from the grid with this nifty little trick. If you were wondering what to do with all those spare balls of wool lying around, this is it. Source: Facebook/Blossom
Do something GREEN today with these 15 eco-friendly tips! Check out these smart and simple ideas from Blossom to save you money and save energy while helping the planet. Source: Facebook/Blossom


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