Holy smack… these seniors show what ‘live life to the max’ really means

18 years old or 81 years young? The ultimate proof that age is just a number.

We often think life is sort of over when you get older. The golden agers in the video below prove that’s not the case at all, as long as you’re young at heart. I know 18 years olds that don’t have a much life in them as these 81 year olds do.

Oldsters show us how to get most out of life. Source: Facebook BrightVibes

Mamy Rock – oldest DJ ever

Ruth Flowers (AKA Mamy rock) shows us you’re never to old to try new things. At age 66 she discovered EDM! And in 2010 she had a hit with her single "Still Rocking".

Since then she shared the podium with e.g. Lenny Kevitz and played in Pacha. She died at age 84 and until her very last day, she lived the way she wanted without caring about what other people might think. Good for her!

Ruth Flowers in Pacha and Londen Wow, would we not all would love to have the energy of Mamy Rock! Source: Youtube Mamy Rock Official

Johanna Quaas, the worlds oldest gymnastic (86)

According to the Guinness book of Records the German Johanna Quaas is the oldest gymnastics athlete in the world. She started doing gymnastics at the age of 9. The video below was recorded when she was 86 years young.

86 years young Johanna Quaas for Germany shows she is everything but stiff. Source: Youtube

Ivy Baldwin, the 82 year old cord dancer

Ivy Baldwin has been a daredevil all is life and grew old with it 😉

In 1907 Ivy Boldwin broke the record of cord dancing without any security measures.
In 1907 Ivy Boldwin broke the record of cord dancing without any security measures. Source: Wikimedia

In 1907 he broke the record for tight-rope walking-rope 580 feet high and 555 feet long without any form of protection.

Ivy Balwin (82 years young) crosses the canyon without safety net or cord. Source: Youtube

Dancing Nana

Nana’s grand daughter regularly picks up her grandmother Nana. When she arrives at her home, she opens the windows of her car and pumps up the volume. 

Her moves are fantastic and show she enjoys life to the max. And that she does not avoid the F-word makes her even cooler. Watch the video till the end 🙂

Dancing Nana is 89 and she moves her hips like a 19 year old. Source: Youtube

Young from 1934

Paddy  is a 78 years young grandma from England who moved to Spain with her husband. After he passed away she went back to dancing classes where she met Nico, her dance instructor. Since their appearance at Britain’s Got Talent they became a living attraction. 

At first I thought I was looking at a young person wearing a suit and make-up. But there is no disguise. She is the real deal. Source: Facebook Antena3

Georgina Harwood is not intimidated by heights (or sharks)

Georgina celebrated her 100 birthday by going skydiving. This was already her third jump. She took her first jump when she was 92. And she’s got more plans… she wants to shim with sharks. What will be next?

Skydiving at age 100... R.E.S.P.E.C.T. I did not even dare when I was 18 (nor now). Source: Youtube Sky news HD

Love her self-mockery

We do not know who this lady is, but we do know she has a great sense of humor. Even if you’ve seen the video before, watch it again. It is hysterical. 

Source: Youtube

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