Source: Facebook/GreekReporter

Humanitarian Hero Saves Stranded Sea Turtle in Crete

A sea turtle entangled in fishing net and stranded at a beach in Crete was rescued by a passer-by earlier this month. The video of the agonising rescue soon went viral.

The incident occurred at Lendas beach near Heraklion

A man is seen using a knife to carefully cut the net around the rare loggerhead turtle (Caretta-caretta). After a few minutes the animal is free and is seen swimming away. — Greek Reporter

The single greatest threat to most sea turtles is fishing gear, the WWF warns. Hundreds of thousands of turtles are accidentally caught by gillnets, shrimp trawl nets and on longline hooks each year. Source: Facebook/GreekReporter
The loggerheads are the only marine turtles nesting in Greece and the Mediterranean. They can be distinguished from other turtles by their large heads, reddish-brown shells and yellow/brown skin, while they are considered to be one of the oldest species in the world.
Endangered loggerheads, green turtles and leatherbacks are especially vulnerable The loggerheads are the only marine turtles nesting in Greece and the Mediterranean. They can be distinguished from other turtles by their large heads, reddish-brown shells and yellow/brown skin, while they are considered to be one of the oldest species in the world. Source: Pixabay/12019
An adult Loggerhead grows to a length of 1.0-1.2 m, weights between 100-350 kg and can live for around 65 years.
Greece is the most popular nesting site along the Med, with more than 3,000 nests per year An adult Loggerhead grows to a length of 1.0-1.2 m, weights between 100-350 kg and can live for around 65 years. Source: Pixabay/skeez

5 Things You Can Do To Save Sea Turtles

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