Source: Channel9

Heroic Australian Beachgoers Rescue Struggling Shark Washed Ashore: A Story of Bravery and Compassion

A group of heroic Australian beachgoers recently displayed remarkable bravery and compassion by rescuing a struggling shark that had washed ashore.

The sight of a struggling shark washed ashore is not an unusual occurrence, but it can be a daunting task for even the bravest of souls to rescue it. However, a group of courageous beachgoers in Perth proved that nothing is impossible when it comes to helping a creature in distress.  Watch the video below.

A Heroic Effort

The heroic effort of the group of beachgoers did not end there. Another group of fishermen from Western Australia also came to the aid of a shark that was in distress. The shark had hooks, fishing lines, and seaweed tangled in its mouth, making it impossible for the shark to swim freely. The group of fishermen acted quickly and removed six sinkers from the shark’s mouth before releasing it back into the ocean.

The Incident

On a Sunday afternoon, a species of shark, believed to be a mako shark, was spotted swimming close to the shore at Quinns Rocks. Unfortunately, the shark became stuck and was unable to free itself. In videos captured by onlookers, the distressed shark could be seen thrashing in the shallow water while opening and closing its mouth in panic. The situation was dire, and something needed to be done quickly to save the shark’s life.

The Brave Rescue

A group of at least seven men quickly came together to rescue the struggling shark. Despite the danger, they bravely grabbed the shark by its tail and pulled it back into the ocean. The rescue was not an easy feat, but their bravery and determination prevailed, and they were able to push the shark back into the water, where it could swim freely once again.

Most dangerous animal

Contrary to popular belief, sharks are not the most dangerous animals in the world. In fact, they are far more at risk from humans than we are from them. Each year, an estimated 100 million sharks are killed by humans for their fins, meat, or simply as bycatch. In comparison, there were only 57 shark incidents worldwide in 2020, of which 10 were fatal. This number is minuscule when compared to other causes of death, such as car accidents, which claimed over 1.3 million lives in 2019 alone.

Source: Unsplash

Humans, on the other hand, are responsible for the deaths of millions of animals each year through habitat destruction, pollution, and poaching. In this context, it is important to recognize that we have the power to make a positive impact and help protect the planet’s wildlife. Whether it’s by reducing our carbon footprint, supporting conservation efforts, or choosing to eat sustainably sourced seafood, we can all play a role in protecting the planet’s biodiversity. So while sharks may have a reputation as fearsome predators, it is ultimately our actions that pose the greatest threat to both ourselves and the world around us.

More good news

Fortunately, there is more good news for sharks. IFAW announced in November 2022 that a groundbreaking decision was taken by world governments. They promise to turn the tide for shark conservation, with nearly 100 species of shark and ray awarded increased protections by the 19th Conference of the Parties (CoP19) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Read more in this BrightVibes article about this historic decision.


IFAW advocates for sustainable trade limits for shark species threatened by the international demand for shark fins, and provides resources and support to governments seeking to better manage sharks and rays in their region.

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