Source: BrightVibes

Elon Musk’s grand plan to send us to the Moon is a stepping stone to Mars

Elon Musk just announced that humans are going back to the Moon. Here’s what that means in relation to humans becoming a truly multi-planetary species.

It’s not rocket science….no, wait…

Ask any engineer and they’ll tell you rocket science isn’t easy. It isn’t cheap either – just ask NASA. In recent years however, a number of commercial spaceflight companies have sprung up in order to assist national space agencies extend their reach into the final frontier.

How Elon Musk intends to get humans to Mars, via the Moon Right now SpaceX is working on the Crew Dragon, a next-generation spacecraft that is designed to ferry humans to the International Space Station. In the near future SpaceX even plans to land on Mars. If Elon Musk gets his way, humans will begin colonising the Red Planet in the next decade or so. Source:

SpaceX: who are they and what is their mission?

"SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionise space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets." — States the company website.

"SpaceX has been approached to fly two private citizens on a trip around the moon late next year. They have already paid a significant deposit to do a moon mission….We expect to conduct health and fitness tests, as well as begin initial training later this year. Other flight teams have also expressed strong interest and we expect more to follow. Additional information will be released about the flight teams, contingent upon their approval and confirmation of the health and fitness test results." reported Futurism.

This means the company plans to launch the unmanned Crew Dragon (Dragon Version 2) spacecraft to the ISS this year, then a subsequent mission with crew will fly in the second quarter of 2018. After that the company will head to the Moon, an important stepping-stone as they work towards their ultimate goal—transporting humans to Mars.

SpaceX Falcon 9 Successful Landing live (19 February, 2017) By accelerating the development of reusable rockets, innovative companies like Elon Musk’s SpaceX have dramatically reduced the cost of leaving our planet. This improves both our capability to explore the wider universe and scientists’ ability to conduct research beyond Earth. Source: Youtube Spacex
SpaceX plans to send two people around the Moon in 2018 More footage of SpaceX ambitious plan to take humans out into space. Source: Facebook World Economic Forum

Elon Musk Has a New Timeline for Humans Living on Mars

SpaceX has changed their timeline for a manned mission to Mars a couple of times but has recently stated that they will definitely launch their lander by 2020. This new timeline will allow SpaceX to devote energy to other important projects while pursuing this expedition.

Do we really need to explore Mars? According to tech innovator Elon Musk, it’s not just a choice we have to make, it’s a necessity. “We will stay on Earth forever, and eventually there will be an extinction event…and the alternative is to become a spacefaring and multiplanetary species—That’s what we want.”

11 Ways to Build Your Own Space Program

Like the railways and air travel before it, space travel is here to stay and will soon employ thousands. Here are some suggestions on how you can get more involved with the current interest in space exploration. Some of them are more serious than others, and some are just for fun.

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