Source: Facebook/HappyLittleMomentForYou

Dutch Sophie gives happy little moments to thousands of strangers with her tiny handmade cards

So far, the kindhearted Dutch Sophie, founder of Happy Little Moments, has left almost 6000 sweet messages on tiny handmade cards, in an envelope that states “For the finder,” to create little moments of joy for strangers.

Sophie wants to surprise 50,000 people by 2021

Because Sophie believes in a more loving world, she surprises as many strangers as possible with Happy Little Moments. Small, handmade cards with a loving message that she leave in public places, to give strangers a happy moment. A small gesture can have a big impact and Sophie therefore hopes that the cards reach people at the right time. Since the beginning of 2019 Sophie has been working with a sheltered workshop, where people outside the traditional labour market are delighted to make Happy Little Moment cards. In this way, the project not only makes the card-finders happy, but also gives the card-makers a fun and meaningful daytime activity. Almost 6000 finders have now been surprised and Sophie wants to surprise 50,000 people by 2021. Details of how you can help below.

“My name is Sophie and I make Happy Little Moments. These are little cards that I leave behind in public places to create little moments of joy for strangers. They have sweet messages on a small card in an envelope that states ‘For the finder’.”

Imagine finding this! “My name is Sophie and I make Happy Little Moments. These are little cards that I leave behind in public places to create little moments of joy for strangers. They have sweet messages on a small card in an envelope that states ‘For the finder’.” Source: Facebook/HappyLittleMomentForYou

Sophie says “I’ve always loved surprising people close to me and one day I thought: I can surprise many more people by addressing cards to ‘for the finder. I then started making these little cards and I haven’t stopped since. By now I’ve spread about 5 to 6 thousand little cards.”
“For you” Sophie says “I’ve always loved surprising people close to me and one day I thought: I can surprise many more people by addressing cards to ‘for the finder. I then started making these little cards and I haven’t stopped since. By now I’ve spread about 5 to 6 thousand little cards.” Source: Facebook/HappyLittleMomentForYou
Sophie’s favourite card is:
A little party in an envelope! Sophie’s favourite card is: “Do you know how beautiful you are?” with a mirror on it, because the first one she made and was actually meant for her because she needed to hear that message herself. She says “And then I made hundreds for others which provoked many beautiful reactions by people who were really touched and who really needed this.” Source: Facebook/HappyLittleMomentForYou
“When I get such a special response to a card, to me that’s such a confirmation to continue doing what I do. And yes, it just makes me very happy when someone else has a little happiness moment. One such a response makes it all worthwhile to create hundreds of cards, even if only one card really touches someone’s heart.”
Though Sophie is unaware of most finders’ reactions, on the reverse of each card it says and people can leave a message if they wish. “When I get such a special response to a card, to me that’s such a confirmation to continue doing what I do. And yes, it just makes me very happy when someone else has a little happiness moment. One such a response makes it all worthwhile to create hundreds of cards, even if only one card really touches someone’s heart.” Source: Facebook/HappyLittleMomentForYou
Also abroad… making and sharing messages in different languages and countries possibly, together with work shelters locally.
Sophie hopes that within five years more sheltered workshops produce happy little moment cards. Also abroad… making and sharing messages in different languages and countries possibly, together with work shelters locally. Source: Facebook/HappyLittleMomentForYou
“These are truly valuable things that - that at certain times - you feel that ‘I am not alone,’ when you least expect it. And I think if everyone would become more considerate, even if it's just smiling at someone or lending someone a hand we create a more beautiful world also in this day and age.”
“I think happiness is in the little things because, for example, the things a stranger did for me is something I will never forget,” says Sophie. “These are truly valuable things that – that at certain times – you feel that ‘I am not alone,’ when you least expect it. And I think if everyone would become more considerate, even if it’s just smiling at someone or lending someone a hand we create a more beautiful world also in this day and age.” Source: Facebook/HappyLittleMomentForYou
Sophie continues, “From then on, I spent much of my time creating and distributing cards
“As long as I can remember, I have been surprising people around me with things I make. More than four years ago I got an idea in Bali that has never left me: Why should I only surprise the people I know, if I could make so many more people happy?” Sophie continues, “From then on, I spent much of my time creating and distributing cards “for the finder”. I still think working on Happy Little Moment is the best thing there is.” Source: Facebook/HappyLittleMomentForYou
Unexpected Little Happiness Moments This is so incredibly sweet ❤️. Dutch Sophie makes people's day by leaving little, hand-made cards ? with an uplifting message in unexpected places. ? Happy Little Moment Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

Will you help reach 50k finders?

Almost 6000 finders have now been surprised and Sophie wants to surprise 50,000 people this year. Will you help?

Are you a finder? Let Sophie know via Facebook or Instagram! Also, check out the Website.

And if you want to find out why being kind actually feels so good, make sure to read this BrightVibes article.


This article was first published on BrightVibes on Dec 19 2020.


Have you ever noticed that kindness is one of those strange happiness paradoxes whereby we become happier when we’re making other people happy? The old saying goes something like —“Treat others how you want to be treated yourself” — and while this is something we all learn from an early age, did you know there are a number of real-life benefits associated with the way we treat others? Read on.

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