Source: techAU

Due to the lockdown by coronavirus, air pollution plummets in Los Angeles

Due to the lockdown by coronavirus, many industries had to close for several weeks. However, there is a positive side, it has affected the environment.

The lockdown has an effect on the environment

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many countries have taken measurements to fight against it. Industries have closed and only essential stores are still open due to the lockdown, which has had a positive effect on the environment.

One of the major cities affected has been Los Angeles, with a 12 million population, this city has had a drastic decrease in gas emissions. 

Source: techAU

City of Los Angeles in lockdown Source: techAU

Blue and clear skies

In April of 2019, the Environment Protection Agency of America informed that the air pollution was not getting any better. In addition, the agency indicated that 43% of the population was living in contaminated areas.

This lockdown is giving an idea of how the city could look like if we take care of the environment and we take control of the gas emissions. techAU wants us to think that skies could look blue and clear once all cities have installed electric cars.  

More than 100,000 Americans each year die of heart attacks, strokes and other illnesses caused by air pollution spewed from factories, motor vehicles and even bucolic-seeming farmland, according to a new report. The estimated annual toll is roughly equal to the number of people in the U.S. killed in car crashes every year. Such consequences are not evenly distributed: Emissions of PM 2.5, no surprise, are densest in cities and especially along the East Coast.

With a blue, clear, and free contaminated sky, the clean air will definitely have a positive impact on millions of people’s health in Lons Angeles and around the globe. 

Source: techAU and 

Electric cars in LA Source: 3BL Media

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