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Don’t follow your dreams, chase them!

“It is not death most people are afraid of, it is getting to the end oflife only to realize that you never truly lived.”

Prince EA (Richard Williams).

Richard Williams is a huge inspiration and not just for me. For a long time, Richard struggled with depression but managed to overcome it. He wanted to use his experience to help others who struggle with depression and decided to use social media for this. Richard started a YouTube channel with the name Prince EA, with EA standing for ‘earth’. On this YouTube channel he posted videos, recorded in his bedroom, with topics he deems important and that have the possibility of moving people. In a short amount of time, his subscriber numbers went up and his videos became increasingly more professional. By posting videos on social media, he can reach a lot of people at once. This way he can make people think about topics he finds important. So we don’t lose, as it is often said, touch through social media, but rather it enables us to make a connection.

Jang Mi and Prince EA. Source: None

I myself struggled with depression for a while. A lot of people don’t know this about me. Professional help didn’t work for me as I kept dragging myself back into this depression. I had many friends, but none I could really talk to. I went through the motions until one day I found Prince EA’s YouTube account. He taught me to surround myself with the most positive people possible; to take on a different outlook on life; to love myself and to love nature. He told me there’s nothing wrong with being different and that trying your best in school isn’t something to be ashamed of. Of course it took a while for me to get ou tof my depression, but even with a few videos, I managed to get an entirely different outlook on life.

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We’re all here to chase our dreams. So don’t just sit there, but strive to realize those dreams, no matter how difficult it might get! Will there be obstacles? There most definitely will be obstacles. You’ll fail at times and there will be times when you feel like giving up and the pressure gets too much, but don’t forget that it’s all part of life! You learn from it and you push through untill you’ve reached your goal. Steven Spielberg got rejected from film school three times, but he didn’t give up. Oprah was told she didn’t belong on TV, but she didn’t give up. Beyoncé was told she couldn’t sing and Justin Bieber got death threats, but they didn’t give up. Criticism and pain are inevitable, but the choice is up to you:  “the pain to success”, or “the pain of living with regrets”. Follow your dreams and become happy so you’ll never regret the things you didn’t do.  You can’t go back and change the followed path, but you can move on and make a brand new start!