
Dancing Kids from Uganda become a Viral sensation — but they really need our help

This group of inspiring kids from Uganda show off their amazing choreographed dance routines in viral videos, but behind the joy in their infectious smiles hides the tragedy of losing one or both parents to war, poverty and disease.

In spite of the tragedy that has marred their young lives, the children are radiant with hope

Masaka Kids Africana, is an organisation dedicated to supporting children in “education and social well being, through their talents.” The troupe is composed of Ugandan children aged two and above. They all are incredibly talented dancers and show off their awe-inspiring moves in charmingly choreographed routines set to African tunes; videos of which have gone viral.

The catchy and entertaining music videos incorporate the kids’ dancing talents with costumes, props, and a sneak peek into the culture of their village of Kayirikiti in Nyendo, Uganda. 

However, the infectious energy of the children and the joy on their faces becomes all the more poignant once you learn the story behind Masaka Kids AfricanaThe organisation sponsors children who have lost one or both parents under devastating circumstances, including war, extreme poverty, and disease. 

“In spite of the tragedy that has marred their young lives,” the Masaka Kids Africana website explains, “the children are radiant with hope, musically gifted, and wonderfully entertaining.” It allows them to see their own potential and have dreams for their future.

Scroll down to watch more videos of these kids dancing. To learn more about the organisation, including how you can offer your support, visit the Masaka Kids Africana website and Facebook Page, and of course their YouTube channel.


Masaka Kids Africana Dancing Jerusalema By Master KG Feat Nomceb Currently, at least one in every four households in Uganda has an orphan. Source: YouTube/Masaka Kids Africana vlog
14% of all children (2.43 million children) have been orphaned — nearly half due to HIV / AIDS. Close to 60% of Uganda’s population are children below the age of 18 years old. Source: YouTube/MasakaKidsAfrikana

Uganda has a total population of 30.7 million people, 17.1 million are children. Over half of Uganda’s children (8.1 million children – 51%) are either critically or moderately vulnerable, while 63% live with caregivers other than their biological parents. Source: YouTube/MasakaKidsAfrikana

Masaka Kids Africana sponsored children have gone through some of the worst experiences a child could face — but through dance and song and sharing their love of Uganda, these children connect to each other and the world. They see their own potential — they have hope for their future. Source: YouTube/MasakaKidsAfrikana

MasakaKidsAfrikana wants to build this home for the children and provide hope but they don’t have the necessary financial resources to establish it. “We rely on the generosity of our extended family — people like you — so we can educate, feed, clothe and support all of our children. Every dollar you can give towards this noble work, it will be greatly appreciated.” Source: YouTube/MasakaKidsAfrikana


MasakaKidsAfrikana relies on the generosity of our extended family — people like you — Any support can helps to provide all children with food,education and health we can educate, feed, clothe and support all of our children. Every dollar we save from our performance is also a dollar earned for the continued care of our kids. Our music and dance troupe children will soon begin training again during their school term breaks and over select weekends. Show your support of music and advocacy – it’s so easy to do. Click for details.

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