
This award-winning 11-year-old MicroActivist started his own nonprofit to save our oceans

Connor Berryhill is dedicated to connecting youth with the world’s oceans, creating the next generation of ocean warriors.

MicroActivist is dedicated to connecting youth with the world’s oceans

Connor Berryhill, the first MicroActivist, has faced his own challenges since early childhood, but rather than seeing his differences as ‘less’ he has embraced his passions.  His belief in including children of all abilities has led MicroActivist to be an organisation of children who care deeply about the ocean and support each other in a common mission of ocean conservation! Connor received the 2017 Young Hero Award from the Aquarium of the Pacific, in recognition of his outstanding service to people and the planet through an ongoing series of beach-cleaning and peer education projects.

Ocean Defense Kid, Connor Berryhill Connor Berryhill was only 5 years old when an underwater encounter with an endangered monk seal set him on a path to take care of the world’s most vulnerable creatures. Now 11, he’s taken his small-scale activism big and started his own nonprofit, MicroActivist. Their mission: to connect youth with projects to protect the ocean — and save our planet’s oceans and seas. Source: Youtube/60SecondDocs

What began as one little boy’s mission to save endangered monk seals has grown into a movement

MicroActivist: The Founder’s Story

Since birth, Connor Berryhill has loved the water. It soothed him and drew him in and was always his happy place. At 10 months old the instructor of his swimmng class said he had never seen a child so comfortable underwater. Over the years, Connor struggled to fit in with other children above water and became more and more drawn to the underwater world. Ocean documentaries were always preferred over cartoons, and he begged for a way to breathe underwater.

During a family trip to Hawaii, Connor saw a wild monk seal on an early morning walk down the beach. In the usual Connor fashion, he had to learn all there was to learn about the endangered monk seal. Learning how these curious creatures are often entangled in discarded fishing nets and leftover beach trash set the five-year-old on a mission to clean up as many beaches as he could.

Over years of engaging in his single-handed mission to clean up as much as possible, he has had countless other children notice what he is doing and eagerly join up. It is absolutely amazing what a group of energetic youngsters can accomplish in a short period of time! These kids willingly volunteer to pick up what others have left, while having a great time…not for a reward or because someone asked them to, but because it is the right thing to do and they love nature and all its creatures. 

What started out as one little boy’s mission to save endangered monk seals has grown into a movement of like-minded children determined to change the fate of our oceans!


...but they also make children fall in love with the ocean and become ocean warriors forever!
The beach clean-ups remove trash from the beach …but they also make children fall in love with the ocean and become ocean warriors forever! Source:

Today’s youth will become tomorrow’s advocates for change

MicroActivist say on their website that they are a certified non-profit dedicated to connecting youth with the world’s oceans, creating the next generation of ocean warriors. They continue:

‘Healthy marine ecosystems are critical for human survival, and today’s youth will become tomorrow’s advocates for change. We coordinate hands-on activities that connect kids with the ocean and all its creatures, create innovative education modules, and bring awareness to issues, marine wildlife and places that are in need.’

Our beach cleanups remove trash from the beach…but they also make kids fall in love with the ocean and become ocean warriors forever!

MicroActivist educational modules are great for schools, scout groups and clubs. Incorporating fun and interactive elements, these make learning fun!

The MicroActivist Team makes movies about the ocean and its critters…in a format that kids love, get excited about, and can relate to!’
Connor received the 2017 Young Hero Award from the Aquarium of the Pacific, in recognition of his outstanding service to people and the planet through an ongoing series of beach-cleaning and peer education projects.
Connor receives the 2017 Young Hero Award from the Aquarium of the Pacific Connor received the 2017 Young Hero Award from the Aquarium of the Pacific, in recognition of his outstanding service to people and the planet through an ongoing series of beach-cleaning and peer education projects. Source:

How to get involved with conservation

You may not live near the ocean, but conservation of the planet is one of the most important subjects we can care about. So, what can we do to ensure that the planet and all its creatures are cared for? Here are some tips on how to promote conservation wherever you live.

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