
Cool open-source recycling machines let you turn old plastic waste into useful stuff — at home!

Precious Plastic: the idea behind these do-it-yourself machines is that anyone can build and use them to make new and useful products from plastic waste.

Making Plastic Precious: putting recycling straight into the hands of people, where they live

Dutch designer and inventor, Dave Hakkens, has created a series of open-source blueprints for a variety of do-it-yourself “Precious Plastic” recycling machines. The idea behind the scheme is that anyone can build and use the machinery to make products from plastic waste.

DIY machines that enable everyone to build a little plastic workshop Precious Plastic developed DIY machines that enable everyone to build a little plastic workshop. Now share it into every corner of the world and let the recycling begin! Source: Facebook BrightVibes

Precious Plastic is a global community of people working towards a solution to plastic pollution

Precious Plastic is a global community of hundreds of people working towards a solution to plastic pollution. Knowledge, tools and techniques are shared online, for free. So everyone can start.

"We are independent, poor but free," says their website. Hundreds of people all over the world contribute to the project with their skills & knowledge, or with single or monthly donations. Precious Plastic was started in 2013 by Dave Hakkens and is now at its third iteration, counting on dozens of people working on the project, remotely or on site in the Netherlands.

The recycling line includes a plastic shredder, an extruder, an injection moulder and a rotation moulder.
Your very own plastic recycling plant production line The recycling line includes a plastic shredder, an extruder, an injection moulder and a rotation moulder. Source:

This is how it works:

Once you get it all set up, it really is a production line.

Find a space: First step is to find the right place to create your workspace. Precious Plastic teach you how to do it in a shipping container (because it is easy to replicate, as containers are to be found worldwide) but it could be made anywhere depending on what’s convenient for you.

Collect your raw material: Plastic waste is our raw material. Setting up an efficient and recurrent collection system is the first step to run a successful recycling workspace. Learn how to get plastic and set up a system that keeps it coming in.

Sort different plastics: Different plastic types have to be separated as they have different melting temperatures and properties. An efficient sorting system is crucial to avoid mixing plastic and ruining your process.

Shred that plastic: Bigger plastic objects are chopped into smaller flakes using the shredding machine. Shredded plastic is easier to store, wash, melt, sell and use in the other machines or processes.

Get your paint ready: The shredded plastic should be labeled and stored accordingly to avoid cross contamination and create a material bank for your creations. Try to store your plastic by colours and start using it as your paint!

Melting time: Once your plastic is ready you can start creating valuable products from plastic waste using our four machines. Each machine is slightly different but work on the same concept: melt, press, cool down.

Create products: Through the years, say Precious Plastic, they have developed different techniques to create with plastic waste. Products, construction material or art objects- the possibilities are endless. 

Display & sell :Once your products are ready is time to finish, photograph and display your creations beautifully so you can sell your recycled products to people around the world.

The possiblities are endless. That was one of the main selling points of plastic as a material in the first place.
Create a range of useful and durable goods from plastic waste The possiblities are endless. That was one of the main selling points of plastic as a material in the first place. Source:

‘It takes an army to tackle global problems’ — Precious Plastic Community

‘We are people from all over the world and unite here to work towards a better future. Together we become mega smart, a powerful voice and able to push global ideas forward.  An internet army. Don’t worry we are friendly. We haven’t figured it all out yet and learn everyday. But we know that together we can achieve great things.’

Check out the community either through Dave Hakken’s website, the Precious Plastic Community Facebook Page, or through

Precious Plastics Machine Blueprints

They are made from basic materials, affordable & easy to build. Check out the website.

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