
Check out the winners of the hilarious Comedy Wildlife Photography Award 2021

From a tree-hugging proboscis monkey to a pair of dancing bear cubs, Comedy Wildlife’s photographs transcend cultures and ages to bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Gallery of Winners and Finalists 2021

Born from a passion for wildlife, and decades of experience living & working in East Africa, The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards began its life modestly in 2015 as a photographic competition.

Since then, steered by its founders, Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE and Tom Sullam, it has grown into a globally renowned competition seen by millions of people every year, and always with wildlife conservation at its heart.

The free competition, open to wildlife photography experts and novices, celebrates the hilarity of our natural world and highlights what we need to do to protect it. From a surprised otter to a swearing turtle, Comedy Wildlife’s photographs transcend cultures and ages to bring a smile to everyone’s face.

You can find out more about the competition, the mission and conservation efforts on their wonderful website.

“A golden silk monkey in Yunnan China - this is actually a show of aggression however in the position that the monkey is in it looks quite painful!”
with their picture 
‘Ouch!’ “A golden silk monkey in Yunnan China – this is actually a show of aggression however in the position that the monkey is in it looks quite painful!” Source:


Alex Walker’s Serian Creatures on the Land Award

“When this Bald Eagle missed on its attempt to grab this prairie dog, the prairie dog jumped towards the eagle and startled it long enough to escape to a nearby burrow. A real David vs Goliath story!.”
Arthur Trevino
 — with their picture ‘
Ninja Prairie Dog!‘ “When this Bald Eagle missed on its attempt to grab this prairie dog, the prairie dog jumped towards the eagle and startled it long enough to escape to a nearby burrow. A real David vs Goliath story!.” Source:

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Spectrum Photo Creatures in the Air Award

“I was taking pics of pigeons in flight when this leaf landed on the bird's face.”
John Speirs — 
with their picture 
‘I guess summer’s over.’ “I was taking pics of pigeons in flight when this leaf landed on the bird’s face.” Source:

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Creatures Under the Sea Award.

“A smooth-coated otter
Chee Kee Teo
with — their picture 
‘Time for school
.’ “A smooth-coated otter “bit” its baby otter to bring it back to and fro for swimming lesson.” Source:

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Affinity Photo People’s Choice Award

“I was taking pics of pigeons in flight when this leaf landed on the bird's face.”
John Speirs — 
with their picture 
‘I guess summer’s over.’ “I was taking pics of pigeons in flight when this leaf landed on the bird’s face.” Source:

* * * * *

Amazing Internet Portfolio Award

“An elephant expresses his joy in taking a mud bath against the dead trees on the shores of Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe on a hot afternoon.”
Vicki Jauron — 
with their picture ‘
The Joy of a Mud Bath’ “An elephant expresses his joy in taking a mud bath against the dead trees on the shores of Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe on a hot afternoon.” Source:

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“Two Kamchatka bear cubs square up for a celebratory play fight having successfully navigated a raging torrent (small stream!)”
Andy Parkinson 
with their picture 
‘Let’s dance!’ “Two Kamchatka bear cubs square up for a celebratory play fight having successfully navigated a raging torrent (small stream!)” Source:
Chu han lin
 — with their picture 
‘See who jumps high
‘ Mudskipper, Taiwan Source:
“Bald Eagles will use the same nest for years, even decades, adding new material to it at the beginning and throughout the nesting season. Normally, they are highly skilled at snapping branches off of trees while in flight. Possibly tired from working nonstop all morning on a new nest, this particular Bald Eagle wasn't showing its best form. Yes, sometimes they miss. Although this looks painful, and it might very well be, the eagle recovers with just a few sweeping wing strokes, and choses to rest a bit before making another lumber run.”
David Eppley — 
with their picture ‘
Majestic and Graceful Bald Eagle.’ “Bald Eagles will use the same nest for years, even decades, adding new material to it at the beginning and throughout the nesting season. Normally, they are highly skilled at snapping branches off of trees while in flight. Possibly tired from working nonstop all morning on a new nest, this particular Bald Eagle wasn’t showing its best form. Yes, sometimes they miss. Although this looks painful, and it might very well be, the eagle recovers with just a few sweeping wing strokes, and choses to rest a bit before making another lumber run.” Source:
“This Proboscis monkey could be just scratching its nose on the rough bark, or it could be kissing it. Trees play a big role in the lives of monkeys. Who are we to judge...”
Jakub Hodan — 
with their picture 
‘Treehugger.’ “This Proboscis monkey could be just scratching its nose on the rough bark, or it could be kissing it. Trees play a big role in the lives of monkeys. Who are we to judge…” Source:
“The little raccoon cubs are telling secrets to each other”
Jan Piecha
 — with their picture 
’Secrets’ “The little raccoon cubs are telling secrets to each other” Source:
“Two Western Grey Kangaroos were fighting and one missed kicking him in the stomach.”
Lea Scaddan
 — with their picture ‘
.’ “Two Western Grey Kangaroos were fighting and one missed kicking him in the stomach.” Source:
“This raccoon spends his time trying to get into houses out of curiosity and perhaps also to steal food.”
Nicolas de VAULX — 
with their picture ‘
How do you get that damn window open?.’ “This raccoon spends his time trying to get into houses out of curiosity and perhaps also to steal food.” Source:
“ A young bear descending from a tree looks like he/she is playing hide and seek.”
Pal Marchhart
 — with their picture 
‘Peekaboo.’ “ A young bear descending from a tree looks like he/she is playing hide and seek.” Source:
“I spent my days in my usual
Roland Kranitz — 
with their picture ‘
I got you
.’ “I spent my days in my usual “gopher place” and yet again, these funny little animals haven’t belied their true nature.” Source:
And finally… an entry from the VIDEO category.Source: Facebook/comedywildlifephotoawards

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There are more than 7 billion people on Earth. Imagine if every one of us committed to do one thing — no matter how small — to protect wildlife every day. Even minor actions can have a major impact when we all work together. Here are ways you can make a difference.

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