
Bus driver honoured for her kindness to a homeless passenger

A Wisconsin bus driver didn’t hesitate when a homeless man stepped on her bus during a cold night, offering him food and helping him find a place to stay.
Now she’s being honoured for it.

Bus Driver Helps Homeless Passenger Find Housing

When Wisconsin bus driver Natalie Barnes got behind the wheel of her vehicle on a recent wintery Saturday evening, she had no idea that by the end of the night she would help change a man’s life; but that’s exactly what happened when she provided food to a homeless passenger and connected him with a place to live.

Milwaukee Bus Driver Helps Homeless Man Find Housing When Natalie Barnes got behind the wheel of her bus on a chilly Saturday evening, she had no idea that by the end of the night she was going to help change a man’s life; but that’s exactly what happened when she helped a homeless man get some food and a place to live. Source: YouTube/RideMCTS

“At some point in our lives, everybody needs help,” says bus driver honoured for kindness

Natalie Barnes was driving the GoldLine on October 13, 2018, when Richard, a passenger she has met before, got on her bus in Downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Richard rode until the end of the line at Brookfield Square Mall, and during Natalie’s break the two started talking. 

As they chatted, Richard said he had been homeless for the past week because the home where he was staying had been condemned. Richard asked if he could ride along for the night to stay out of the cold. Natalie said “Yes”.

“At some point in our lives, everybody needs help,” Natalie said in an interview on the RideMCTS website. “I wanted to do what I could to help Richard in some way.”

As Natalie drove east picking up and dropping passengers off, Richard sat silently on the bus. At Natalie’s layover at UWM she offered to get Richard something to eat.

“Now I don’t know what to say but to say thank you,” Richard said to Natalie in a touching moment that was caught on the bus surveillance video. Richard said he would pay Natalie back, but she refused.

“I want to help you,” Natalie told him.

Natalie was so moved by Richard’s plight that she contacted a friend at Community Advocates —a local organisation that serves Milwaukee residents who need help with their energy bills, housing issues, surviving domestic violence, substance abuse treatment, policy advocacy, and more—to see what sort of help they could provide.

Community Advocates was able to get Richard into a temporary shelter and they have been working with him to find permanent housing.

“We were happy to welcome Richard at Autumn West Safe Haven,” Community Advocates CEO Andi Elliott told RideMCTS

“Annually, our safe haven provides temporary housing and supportive services to more than 50 individuals who have experienced homelessness and want to transition into their own place to live. Autumn West Safe Haven is a lifesaver for men and women like Richard who need a safe space and support so they can put down roots and live independently.

Helping others while on the job is not new to Natalie. She often brings extra sandwiches when she is driving to offer passengers who need something to eat. The mother of three has been driving for MCTS for two years. This is her third commendation for outstanding service.

Source: RideMCTS

County Executive Chris Abele continued, “Across Milwaukee County, employees are focusing on empowering people and strengthening community, and we are investing resources throughout the County to reduce homelessness. Natalie demonstrated what we all need to do to fight homelessness: to look out for each other, to care for each other and to work together. I’m deeply grateful for Natalie’s actions.”
Natalie’s kindness, compassion and respect for this man in need are what MCTS Excellence is all about,” County Executive Chris Abele continued, “Across Milwaukee County, employees are focusing on empowering people and strengthening community, and we are investing resources throughout the County to reduce homelessness. Natalie demonstrated what we all need to do to fight homelessness: to look out for each other, to care for each other and to work together. I’m deeply grateful for Natalie’s actions.” Source:

About MCTS Excellence

MCTS Excellence was started in 2017 as a way to highlight big and small act of kindness by MCTS employees. Each year MCTS employees receive hundreds of commendations. MCTS management is proud of the great work of employees and every employee receives a formal letter of recognition for each commendation.

“At some point in our lives, everybody needs help,” mother of three Natalie Barnes said. This is her third commendation for outstanding service.
Natalie Barnes recognised for her kindness, compassion and community spirit “At some point in our lives, everybody needs help,” mother of three Natalie Barnes said. This is her third commendation for outstanding service. Source:

12 Simple Steps to Becoming a Kinder Person

We could all be a little more kind. If you don't know where to begin, two self-centred New Yorkers, Jessica Walsh and Timothy Goodman, created a 12-step program for overcoming selfishness and promoting kindness.

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