Source: Photo by Anders Jildén/Unsplash

Startup Aims To Restore Arctic Sea Ice to Counter Global Warming

The rapid disappearance of Arctic sea ice poses a significant threat to global climate stability. Arctic Reflections, a Dutch impact driven start-up, aims to halt this process by restoring Arctic sea ice through innovative approaches and strategic interventions. This article explores the organization’s mission, its team, the scientific evidence supporting their cause, and the latest news related to their efforts.

Artic Reflections

Arctic Reflections is committed to countering global warming by restoring Arctic sea ice, which serves as a crucial component of Earth’s climate system. Their focus lies in preserving and regenerating Arctic sea ice to address the urgent climate crisis and mitigate devastating feedback loops.

Source: Photo by Annie Spratt/Unsplash

What They Do

Arctic Reflections employs a unique approach to restore Arctic sea ice. Their strategy involves pumping seawater onto existing ice in strategic locations across the Arctic Sea during winter, with the aim of thickening the ice and enhancing its ability to survive the summer months. Inspired by the traditional Dutch technique of ice thickening for natural ice skating, Arctic Reflections leverages the extensive knowledge and expertise of the Dutch water management ecosystem to make a significant impact and save the Arctic ice.

Source: Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos/Unsplash

Who They Are

Arctic Reflections is comprised of a team of Dutch scientists and entrepreneurs who are passionate about environmental conservation. Their connection with the Arctic goes beyond scientific interest, as the Dutch have a historical affinity for ice-related activities like skating. The team recognizes the value of Arctic ice and its impact on local ecosystems and the global climate. Through collaboration with local communities, technical universities, and leading dredging and offshore companies, they are determined to bridge the gap between theory and implementation.

“While restoring Arctic ice cannot replace the urgently needed reduction of carbon emissions, it is a crucial measure to avert the devastating feedback loops that come with Arctic sea ice loss.” – Fonger Ypma. Founder, Arctic Reflections

What Science Says

Scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports the urgent need for Arctic ice restoration. The Arctic region is warming at an alarming rate, nearly three times faster than the rest of the world. Studies indicate that Arctic sea ice volume has already decreased by 75% over the past four decades. Even the most optimistic carbon emissions reduction scenarios predict ice-free summers in the Arctic as early as the 2030s. The loss of Arctic sea ice disrupts the Earth’s energy balance, exacerbating global warming and triggering detrimental feedback loops.

Source: Photo by Alexander Hafemann/Unsplash

Recent Satellite Data Findings

Recent satellite data reveals a significant loss of ice sheets on Earth over the past thirty years. Greenland and Antarctica, home to the majority of the world’s freshwater ice, have experienced a staggering reduction in ice mass. These findings emphasize the urgency of Arctic sea ice restoration, as it cannot solely rely on carbon emissions reduction efforts. While restoring Arctic ice does not replace the need for emission cuts, it plays a vital role in preventing irreversible consequences and preserving Earth’s climate stability.

Arctic Reflections stands at the forefront of efforts to restore Arctic sea ice, combatting global warming and its severe repercussions. Through their focus on innovative techniques and collaboration with various stakeholders, they strive to make a lasting impact on the preservation of Arctic ice. By restoring the Arctic’s role as a “global refrigerator,” Arctic Reflections aims to mitigate the acceleration of climate change, prevent the release of harmful methane reserves, and reduce extreme weather events.

If you’d like to read more about efforts to conserve the Arctic, read this article about how Norway closed its last Arctic coal mine and turned it into a Giant National Park wilderness.


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