Against all the odds… Tom Hardy’s fight to turn his life around

Drug addiction, alcohol abuse and run-ins with the police – how Tom Hardy went from a very dark place to inspirational Hollywood star

UPDATE – Tom says HI to you all. Seriously!!!

This is just unbelievable. Yesterday on Facebook we received a comment from Peter Franks who works with Tom. Today Peter uploaded a picture of a smiling Tom with the text:

" Tom says thank you all for your kind comments". Wow, Tom ‘the man himself’ Hardy has seen the video and read some of the comments. He definitely is the great guy as we portrayed in the video. Seriously, I’m blown away. Wow. Well Tom, THANK YOU for reaching out to us. We’re totally honoured. Oh, and we would love to get your response to some of the DMs we received. You won’t believe it. 

Source: Facebook Peter Franks

The life of Tom Hardy – known from movies like Mad Max Fury Road, Batman The Dark Knight Rises and Warrior – has not exactly been easy. Watch his inspiring story below. 

Tom Hardy’s amazing story Source: BrightVibes

Big softie

Known for his tough guy image, Tom Hardy is actually a big softie at heart – he likes nothing more than watching Fireman Sam with his young son! But, it could have all turned out very differently for the British actor after he became addicted to drugs and alcohol in his teenage years…

Tom with his beloved son
Family man Tom with his beloved son Source: Pinterest

Battle with addiction

At 11, Tom fell in with a bad crowd and began sniffing glue, which quickly escalated to crack cocaine and alcohol addiction. He was expelled from school for stealing, and arrested for car theft and gun possession. 

In 2003, he collapsed in central London and woke up to find himself covered in blood and vomit. It was the wake-up call he needed. He had reached rock bottom and began the slow and difficult journey through rehab.

Once sober, Tom put all his energies into acting and quickly made an impression, winning a Bafta Rising Star Award in 2011. His visceral portrayal of notorious British prisoner Charles Bronson in the 2008 film Bronson made Hollywood sit up and take notice and the rest, as they say, is history.

Tom in Bronson
Breakout performance Tom in Bronson Source: Flickr

Helping others

He hasn’t let the fame go to his head, however, and never forgets the importance of respect and kindness. Tom uses his position in the public eye to champion charitable causes. 

"I want to help other people," he explains. "I’m really grateful for the things that happened in my life. It could have gone the wrong way." 

Among the good causes Tom supports are UK charities the Prince’s Trust, which helps young people get into work, and Help for Heroes, which supports members of the British Armed Forces.

Never give up on your dreams Tom in his role as Prince's Trust ambassador Source: YouTube

Man’s best friend

A big dog fan, Tom adopted a stray dog on the set of Lawless and now also actively supports animal-rights organisation Peta to encourage more people to adopt unwanted animals. 

Despite everything he went through, Tom believes his personal struggles have made him a better person. "You don’t know what winning is," says Tom. "If you don’t know what losing feels like."

What a hero!

People who met him confirm…

… that Tom is a really nice guy in real life. Underneath some reactions to our Tom Hardy video of people who met him.

Lisa Clarke I have met this man and what I can say is what a true gentleman , I met him at the princes trust awards at the after party just over 4 years ago . I had a photo taken with him I passed him my daughter and had a laugh and joke with him saying I want maintenance . He laughed along with us and held my daughter . At the after party he came over and took her out of my arms and started feeding her . He is just a normal bloke who at the time was missing his own son . A true gentleman
Lisa Clarke I have met this man and what I can say is what a true gentleman , I met him at the princes trust awards at the after party just over 4 years ago . I had a photo taken with him I passed him my daughter and had a laugh and joke with him saying I want maintenance . He laughed along with us and held my daughter . At the after party he came over and took her out of my arms and started feeding her . He is just a normal bloke who at the time was missing his own son . A true gentleman Source: Reaction Facebook BrightVibes
Can I just say - I do know Tom - I work with him - I hear and read a lot of stuff about him - you believe what you want but I can say he IS a really nice guy! - Peter Franks
Peter Franks works with Tom Can I just say – I do know Tom – I work with him – I hear and read a lot of stuff about him – you believe what you want but I can say he IS a really nice guy! – Peter Franks Source: Facebook Peter Franks
Tom says THANKS for the positive comments on the video!
Tom says THANKS for the positive comments on the video! Source: Peter Franks Facebook

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