Source: Pixabay

11 Dutch Beach Bars Will Quit Serving Plastic Coming May

Faced with the ocean and all the plastic waste that’s entering the beaches everyday, these beach bars near The Hague decided to do their part, and quit plastic.

No More Plastic

Time’s up for straws, single-use cups and other plastic waste. 11 Beach bars near The Hague are not serving any disposable plastic stuff anymore after the first of May.

These squeaky clean seas are unfortunately no longer the standard, let's work towards a future where our oceans are clean again!
These squeaky clean seas are unfortunately no longer the standard, let’s work towards a future where our oceans are clean again! Source: Pixabay

Reusable cups and cane straws are just the beginning

When your restaurant or bar overlooks the ocean and the beach everyday, it’s difficult not to think about all the harm our pollution does to this nature. 

It is however, one thing to not want to add to this pollution anymore, but making it a reality is a whole other thing. It can be very difficult to make this transition as there are a lot of things to think about, as well as the cost of it.

Luckily there are environmental clubs that will gladly help with this transition. We Are Nature guided the beach bars in this transition, helping them choose sustainable alternatives to their plastic products.

The plastic cups they used on the terrace are replaced by reusable festival cups, and the plastic straws are replaced by cane straws.

Furthermore they switched out their coffee milk cups with a simple bottle of coffee milk and stopped serving small plastic units of honey.

Source: AD

This is one of the awesome beach bars that has decided to do away with plastic and choose for the future!
Zanzibar This is one of the awesome beach bars that has decided to do away with plastic and choose for the future! Source: Zanzibar

Fighting plastic

It may seem expensive and daunting to switch to zero-plastic entirely. However, when it’s not just you or your business, but you’re joined by other companies as well, it can make the transition easier and cheaper. 

These 11 beach bars chose to make the switch and by doing so they are contributing to a cleaner environment and helping work towards a world without plastic pollution. 

This is unfortunately very needed as the plastic pollution situation is very dire. It is predicted that the ocean will contain more plastic than fish in 2050 and there are weekly cases of (large) sea creatures dying from eating all that plastic.

We can and should all do our bit of using less plastic, because not using plastic is better than recycling! Check the video below for tips on how to swap plastic items for sustainable alternatives and check the links below for initiatives and people that are combating the large plastic crisis we are facing.

9 bits of plastic you can quit todaySource: Facebook BrightVibes

We Are Nature

this environmental group that guided the Beach bar owners in their transition to sustainability, does a lot more to help nature. And you can help too! Find out where the next beach cleanup is or in which other ways you can get involved.

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