Source: LinkedIn/BenPeacock

10 thought-provoking design ideas to help people make better choices

A collection of examples where design is being incorporated to influence people’s behaviour in a positive way.

Designing for better choices

Behavioural design is a sub-category of design, which is concerned with how design can shape, or be used to influence human behaviour. All approaches of design for behaviour change acknowledge that artefacts have an important influence on human behaviour and/or behavioural decisions. 

Designer Brenda Castro Pelayo writes, ‘We have a profession that implies problem-solving, which means that we have the skills to improve lives, to reshape or create actions that can improve the world.’  

‘Educating people to make better choices is not a luxury, it is a responsibility as professionals in a world of information overload, miss-information, or cognitive biases that prevail in pervasive digital technologies.’ 

Areas in which design for behaviour change has been most commonly applied include health and wellbeing, sustainability, safety and social context, as well as crime prevention. Here are some examples of each.

This escalator is marked with footprints to show where to stand and where to walk. No written language is needed, meaning anyone can understand the message.
1. Walk this way… This escalator is marked with footprints to show where to stand and where to walk. No written language is needed, meaning anyone can understand the message. Source: Yoni Alter
An advertisement produced by Global Action in the Interest of Animals (GAIA). The message is clear: Plastic Bags Kill!
2. Plastic bags kill An advertisement produced by Global Action in the Interest of Animals (GAIA). The message is clear: Plastic Bags Kill! Source: Marshmarian
This receptacle at an unknown location (possibly a football stadium) encourages smokers to vote for their favourite player with their cigarette butts, stopping the poisonous and virtually indestructible trash ending up on the ground and in the environment.
3. It stops them being tossed on the floor, great! This receptacle at an unknown location (possibly a football stadium) encourages smokers to vote for their favourite player with their cigarette butts, stopping the poisonous and virtually indestructible trash ending up on the ground and in the environment. Source: Astrology Memes
This example borders on the controversial topic of fat-shaming. Putting the conscious decision firmly back in the forefront of people’s minds leaves the choice up to them. But once reminded. instead of stumbling around on autopilot like many do on their commute, now they really do have to consciously choose one route or the other.
4. It’s up to you This example borders on the controversial topic of fat-shaming. Putting the conscious decision firmly back in the forefront of people’s minds leaves the choice up to them. But once reminded. instead of stumbling around on autopilot like many do on their commute, now they really do have to consciously choose one route or the other. Source: Funny Pictures Plus
Here we see a visual representation of what is happening when we leave a tap to drip. Someone, somewhere is going to have to pay for the water wasted. It’s literally money down the drain. This subliminal message reminds users to ensure the tap is full off.
5. Money down the drain Here we see a visual representation of what is happening when we leave a tap to drip. Someone, somewhere is going to have to pay for the water wasted. It’s literally money down the drain. This subliminal message reminds users to ensure the tap is full off. Source: Pinterest
Being reminded that paper is made form a finite resource encourages people to think about what they’re doing.
6. Eye-level reminder Being reminded that paper is made form a finite resource encourages people to think about what they’re doing. Source: We Love Ad
A waste of yellow paint.
7. Shock tactics (don’t work on smokers) A waste of yellow paint. Source: Pinterest
When bananas hadn’t occurred to you because you don’t want to carry a bunch around, this might encourage you to buy one.
8. Have a banana! When bananas hadn’t occurred to you because you don’t want to carry a bunch around, this might encourage you to buy one. Source: LinkedIn/BenPeacock
This is to discourage that colleague who thinks it’s okay to eat other people’s lunches.
9. Anti-theft lunch bag discourages crime This is to discourage that colleague who thinks it’s okay to eat other people’s lunches. Source: Interesting Engineering
Cheeky tip jar message, using humour and perhaps a hint of a saucy mind to encourage bar/restaurant patrons to leave a tip.
10. And finally…. Cheeky tip jar message, using humour and perhaps a hint of a saucy mind to encourage bar/restaurant patrons to leave a tip. Source: Etsy

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