Source: JohannWalterBantz/Stocksnap

Was 2017 all bad news? Not at all, as we are happy to prove!

Judging from what most media showed us, 2017 was nothing but misery. Here’s proof that they’re wrong.

12 good reasons to be optimistic as we enter the new year

It’s important to see this. Why? Because fear-mongering news just makes us numb and depressed. Fear feeds hate, whilst progress motivates. Here are a dozen good reasons to look on the Bright side as we enter 2018.

2017 seemed nothing but bad news? Wrong! Do you agree we need to hear more positive news in 2018? We sure do. Are you in? Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

Choose the news you peruse

If you were to follow only the mainstream media outlets, you may be forgiven for forming a somewhat bleak picture of the future, if 2017 was anything to go by. 
On the other hand, if you were to vary your news sources and do a bit of your own research you would soon discover there is plenty of good news happening all the time, all over the world. 
Below is a list of the 12 examples in the video, and in each example the highlighted text is a direct link to the original source of the story:

Thanks to better access to clean water and sanitation, the number of children around the world who are dying from diarrhoea has fallen 33% since 2005
A third fewer children dying from diarrhoea worldwide Thanks to better access to clean water and sanitation, the number of children around the world who are dying from diarrhoea has fallen 33% since 2005 Source: SethDoyle/Stocksnap

2018: may it be your best year yet!

There can be no denying we have made tremendous progress in many areas, but there is still so much more to do. Let’s direct our energy at takng care of our planet!

Remember… fear feeds hate whilst progress motivates! Please share this article if you agree the world needs more positive stories.

We would also like to send a Big BrightVibes Thank You to our friends over at FUTURE CRUNCH for their inspirational and amazing overview of "99 Positive News Items on Why 2017 was a Good Year!" each with links directly to the original source.

We at BrightVibes aren’t here to question the motives of the mainstream media or their doom and gloom, but we are here to point you in the direction of positive, uplifting news stories from around the world, and to remind you that the default setting of our species is good and decent and wholesome, especially when we all pull together in the same direction.

Don’t be disheartened. Choose the news you use. Look for the good in the world and you will find it…. and while you’re looking, be the good you’re looking for.

From all of us at BrightVibes, may we wish you a wonder-filled, inspirational, optimistic, positive and uplifting 2018! Happy New Year! May it be your best year yet! List of Alternative News Sources

If we allow the mainstream media to spoonfeed us "news" as they see fit, we might not be getting the whole picture. Vary where you get your information and you may find you get a more balanced and palatable world view. Good news is out there.

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