Source: Stuart Ruckman/The Nature Conservancy

Virgin River in Zion National Park to Be Protected in Perpetuity Thanks to the Nature Conservancy

A vital and picturesque property near Zion National Park has been safeguarded for future generations thanks to a private land purchase along a stretch of the Virgin River in Utah.

Nature Conservancy buys Sheep Bridge to protect ‘pristine’ Virgin River habitat

The Nature Conservancy, one of the oldest nonprofit organisations dedicated to the preservation of lands, animals, and rivers, has just purchased a large tract adjacent to the majestic Zion National Park. The 419-acre Sheep Bridge property was bought from confidential private owners for approximately $4.3 million with funds from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through its endangered species program.

The Sheep Bridge area along the Virgin River near Zion National Park was purchased by the Nature Conservancy. Source: Stuart Ruckman/The Nature Conservancy

Sheep Bridge is the third property The Nature Conservancy has purchased along the Virgin River

The 419-acre Sheep Bridge property, adjacent to the majestic Zion National Park, Utah, was bought from confidential private owners for approximately $4.3 million with funds from the US Fish and Wildlife Service through its endangered species program.

The Sheep Bridge area is a habitat for four of the Virgin River’s six at-risk native fish: the Virgin spinedace, flannelmouth sucker, desert sucker, and speckled dace.

The Virgin River is also a source of drinking, agricultural, recreational water for all of Washington County. According to the Nature Conservancy, the river at large supports 40 state “sensitive” species, 12 federally-listed endangered species and the six native fish.

While the property will continue to be private and taxed on the county level, it will be managed by The Nature Conservancy and the state Department of Natural Resources. The popular JEM bike trail will still be open for the public.

Sheep Bridge is the third property The Nature Conservancy has purchased along the Virgin River.

“So much is expected out of this little river,” Elaine York, Nature Conservancy’s West Desert Regional Director, said. “We’re protecting nature for people and wildlife.”

The purchase was also made with funds from many state foundations, philanthropies and federal contributions such as the Dr. Ezekiel R. Dumke and Edna Wattis Dumke Foundation, George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation, The Virgin River Land Preservation Association, The Washington County Water Conservancy District and Zion Forever.

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Source: TheSpectrum

The two-mile swath of land along the river, was acquired in order to preserve the Zion National Park-adjacent habitat. Source: Stuart Ruckman/The Nature Conservancy
The purchase was part of an increased effort by advocacy organisations to buy up private property outside the park and protect it from development.
The Virgin River, which eroded many of Zion’s canyons, is a major habitat for endangered species and a water source for the residents of Washington County. The purchase was part of an increased effort by advocacy organisations to buy up private property outside the park and protect it from development. Source: Stuart Ruckman/The Nature Conservancy
Laura Romin, acting Utah Field Supervisor with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, said the river is vital for native fish species such as the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher as well as migratory birds, and “maintains connectivity of important and rare riparian habitat which is so vital in the arid lands of Utah’s red rock country.”
The 419-acre Sheep Bridge property was bought from confidential private owners for approximately $4.3 million with funds from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through its endangered species program. Laura Romin, acting Utah Field Supervisor with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, said the river is vital for native fish species such as the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher as well as migratory birds, and “maintains connectivity of important and rare riparian habitat which is so vital in the arid lands of Utah’s red rock country.” Source: Stuart Ruckman/The Nature Conservancy

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