Source: Flickr/Jonathan Díaz Marbá/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency

Twenty captivating photos showcase Europe’s wondrous wildlife, but it needs our help right now!

20 beautiful images of the delicate diversity of Europe’s wildlife — but a European Environment Agency report warns the continent’s nature is in serious and continuing decline.

Europe’s nature in serious and continuing decline say European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union, whose task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. Their latest evaluation shows Europe’s nature in serious, continuing decline.

EEA findings point to unsustainable farming and forestry, urban sprawl and pollution being the top pressures to blame for a drastic decline in Europe’s biodiversity, threatening the survival of thousands of animal species and habitats. Moreover, European Union (EU) nature directives and other environmental laws still lack implementation by Member States. 

Most protected habitats and species are not in good conservation status and much more must be done to reverse the situation, according to the EEA report, “State of nature in the EU — Results from reporting under the nature directives 2013-2018

The EEA regularly run photo competitions, and below are a selection of 10 finalist entries in the European Environment Agency’s WaterPix photography competition. Following those, a further 10 images from Environment & Me 2014’These images show why we need to act now to protect the delicate balance of Europe’s wildlife and ecosystems.

Around half (47 %) of the 463 bird species in the EU have good status, which is 5 % less than during the last 2008-2012 reporting period. The proportion of birds with poor or bad status has increased by 7 % in the last six years to reach a total of 39 %.
1. ‘Fight’ by Grzegorz Zimny; Category: Water and nature (© Grzegorz Zimny, WaterPIX /EEA) Around half (47 %) of the 463 bird species in the EU have good status, which is 5 % less than during the last 2008-2012 reporting period. The proportion of birds with poor or bad status has increased by 7 % in the last six years to reach a total of 39 %. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
At national level, around 50 % of improving population trends involve mostly wetland and marine birds for which Natura 2000 sites have been designated, such as the Ruddy Shelduck or the Black Guillemot.
2. ‘The kingfisher’ by Petar Sabol; Category: Water and nature (© Petar Sabol, WaterPIX /EEA) At national level, around 50 % of improving population trends involve mostly wetland and marine birds for which Natura 2000 sites have been designated, such as the Ruddy Shelduck or the Black Guillemot. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
Breeding birds, such as the Crane and the Red Kite, have the highest share of reports showing improving population trends. This is due to the implementation of habitat protection or restoration, and improvements in knowledge, better monitoring and awareness.
3. ‘Golden Bird’ by Jerzy Mazur; Category: Water and nature (© Jerzy Mazur, WaterPIX /EEA) Breeding birds, such as the Crane and the Red Kite, have the highest share of reports showing improving population trends. This is due to the implementation of habitat protection or restoration, and improvements in knowledge, better monitoring and awareness. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
Only 15 % of habitat assessments have a good conservation status, with 81 % having poor or bad conservation status at EU level.
4. ‘Green magic forest – Peruća lake and trees’ by Ivan Banović; Category: Water and nature (© Ivan Banović, WaterPIX /EEA) Only 15 % of habitat assessments have a good conservation status, with 81 % having poor or bad conservation status at EU level. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
Reptiles and vascular plants, such as the Italian Wall Lizard, the Horseshoe Whip Snake, the Hairy Agrimony, or the Great Yellow Gentian, have the highest proportion of good conservation status (35 %).
5. ‘Frog and snake’ by Angelika Cenkl; Category: Water and nature (© Angelika Cenkl, WaterPIX /EEA) Reptiles and vascular plants, such as the Italian Wall Lizard, the Horseshoe Whip Snake, the Hairy Agrimony, or the Great Yellow Gentian, have the highest proportion of good conservation status (35 %). Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
Marine regions have many assessments with unknown conservation status, reflecting the general lack of species data.
6. ‘Lack of shelter’ by Alex Marttunen; Category: Water and nature (© Alex Marttunen, WaterPIX /EEA) Marine regions have many assessments with unknown conservation status, reflecting the general lack of species data. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
Grasslands, dunes, and bog, mire and fen habitats show strong deteriorating trends while forests have the most improving trends. Compared with the previous reporting period, the share of habitats with bad conservation status has increased by 6 %.
7. ‘Winter Blue’ by Piotr Górny; Category: Water and nature (© Piotr Górny, WaterPIX /EEA) Grasslands, dunes, and bog, mire and fen habitats show strong deteriorating trends while forests have the most improving trends. Compared with the previous reporting period, the share of habitats with bad conservation status has increased by 6 %. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
Around a quarter of species have a good conservation status at EU level, which is an increase of 4 %, compared with the previous reporting period.
8. ‘Natural abstract’ by Petar Sabol; Category: Water and nature (© Petar Sabol, WaterPIX /EEA) Around a quarter of species have a good conservation status at EU level, which is an increase of 4 %, compared with the previous reporting period. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
The EEA aims to support sustainable development by helping to achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment, through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policymaking agents and the public.
9. ‘Osprey breakfast ‘ by Piotr Krześlak; Category: Water and nature (© Piotr Krześlak, WaterPIX /EEA) The EEA aims to support sustainable development by helping to achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe’s environment, through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policymaking agents and the public. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
The EU nature directives — the Habitats and Birds Directives — require conservation efforts for more than 2000 species and habitats across the EU. The EEA assessment, which is based on reported data from EU Member States, is the largest and most extensive data gathering and reporting exercise carried out in Europe on the state of nature. Over 220 000 people (60 % of them volunteers) have contributed to this process across the EU. The data analysed aim to identify successes and shortcoming in nature conservation, key pressures and threats and the status of current conservation measures.
10. ‘Dewy damselfly’ by Lajos Hajdu; Category: Water and nature (© Lajos Hajdu, WaterPIX /EEA) The EU nature directives — the Habitats and Birds Directives — require conservation efforts for more than 2000 species and habitats across the EU. The EEA assessment, which is based on reported data from EU Member States, is the largest and most extensive data gathering and reporting exercise carried out in Europe on the state of nature. Over 220 000 people (60 % of them volunteers) have contributed to this process across the EU. The data analysed aim to identify successes and shortcoming in nature conservation, key pressures and threats and the status of current conservation measures. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency

Europe’s protected species and habitats face uncertain future

A majority of EU wide protected species, and habitats from grasslands to dunes across Europe, face an uncertain future unless more is urgently done to reverse the situation, according to the EEA report “State of nature in the EU — Results from reporting under the nature directives 2013-2018 ”.

The report shows positive developments in conservation efforts. Both the number and area of sites protected under the Natura 2000 network have increased over the last 6 years and the EU met the global targets with around 18 % of its land area and nearly 10 % of marine area protected.

Top threats to nature identified

However, intensive agriculture, urban sprawl and unsustainable forestry activities are the top reported pressures to habitats and species, the EEA report says. Pollution of air, water and soil also impacts habitats, as does continued over-exploitation of animals through illegal harvesting and untenable hunting and fishing.

These threats are compounded by alterations to rivers and lakes, such as dams and water abstraction, invasive alien species, and climate change. Abandonment of agricultural land contributes to the continued decline of semi-natural habitats, like grasslands, and their species, like butterflies and farmland birds. The report also points to some positive developments, mostly at national or regional scale.

Policy-wise there is also hope due to the new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the Farm to Fork Strategy, both core elements of the European Green Deal. The biodiversity strategy aims to strengthen and enlarge the network of protected areas, set up a restoration plan and ensure that ecosystems are healthy, resilient to climate change, rich in biodiversity, and deliver the range of services essential for citizens’ prosperity and well-being.

Apart from these new policies, extra efforts are needed to improve monitoring capacities in Member States to support the targets. Currently, many data gaps persist, especially for marine species and habitats. More data are also needed to fully evaluate the role of Natura 2000 network. Finally, implementation of EU legislation must be significantly improved.

Source: EEA

A majority of EU wide protected species, and habitats from grasslands to dunes across Europe, face an uncertain future unless more is urgently done to reverse the situation, according to the EEA report “State of nature in the EU — Results from reporting under the nature directives 2013-2018 ”.
11. ‘Giving water’ © Nuno Alves, Environment & Me /EEA A majority of EU wide protected species, and habitats from grasslands to dunes across Europe, face an uncertain future unless more is urgently done to reverse the situation, according to the EEA report “State of nature in the EU — Results from reporting under the nature directives 2013-2018 ”. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
The report shows positive developments in conservation efforts. Both the number and area of sites protected under the Natura 2000 network have increased over the last 6 years and the EU met the global targets with around 18 % of its land area and nearly 10 % of marine area protected.
12. ‘Small frog’ © Václav Matoušek, Environment & Me /EEA The report shows positive developments in conservation efforts. Both the number and area of sites protected under the Natura 2000 network have increased over the last 6 years and the EU met the global targets with around 18 % of its land area and nearly 10 % of marine area protected. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
Intensive agriculture, urban sprawl and unsustainable forestry activities are the top reported pressures to habitats and species, the EEA report says. Pollution of air, water and soil also impacts habitats, as does continued over-exploitation of animals through illegal harvesting and untenable hunting and fishing.
13. ‘Beauty In Nature’ © Billy Horan, Environment & Me /EEA Intensive agriculture, urban sprawl and unsustainable forestry activities are the top reported pressures to habitats and species, the EEA report says. Pollution of air, water and soil also impacts habitats, as does continued over-exploitation of animals through illegal harvesting and untenable hunting and fishing. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
These threats are compounded by alterations to rivers and lakes, such as dams and water abstraction, invasive alien species, and climate change. Abandonment of agricultural land contributes to the continued decline of semi-natural habitats, like grasslands, and their species, like butterflies and farmland birds.
14. ‘Tera mystic’ © Dare Ferjan, Environment & Me /EEA These threats are compounded by alterations to rivers and lakes, such as dams and water abstraction, invasive alien species, and climate change. Abandonment of agricultural land contributes to the continued decline of semi-natural habitats, like grasslands, and their species, like butterflies and farmland birds. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
The report also points to some positive developments, mostly at national or regional scale.
15. ‘Yellow wagtail’ © Judit Bánszki, Environment & Me /EEA The report also points to some positive developments, mostly at national or regional scale. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
Policy-wise there is also hope due to the new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the Farm to Fork Strategy, both core elements of the European Green Deal.
16. ‘The new kingdom of the golden eagle’ © Jonathan Díaz Marbá, Environment & Me /EEA Policy-wise there is also hope due to the new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the Farm to Fork Strategy, both core elements of the European Green Deal. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
The biodiversity strategy aims to strengthen and enlarge the network of protected areas, set up a restoration plan and ensure that ecosystems are healthy, resilient to climate change, rich in biodiversity, and deliver the range of services essential for citizens’ prosperity and well-being.
17. ‘Polar Bird’ © Victor Troyanov, Environment & Me /EEA The biodiversity strategy aims to strengthen and enlarge the network of protected areas, set up a restoration plan and ensure that ecosystems are healthy, resilient to climate change, rich in biodiversity, and deliver the range of services essential for citizens’ prosperity and well-being. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
Apart from these new policies, extra efforts are needed to improve monitoring capacities in Member States to support the targets. Currently, many data gaps persist, especially for marine species and habitats.
18. ‘Waiting for the sunset’ © Victor Troyanov, Environment & Me /EEA Apart from these new policies, extra efforts are needed to improve monitoring capacities in Member States to support the targets. Currently, many data gaps persist, especially for marine species and habitats. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
More data is needed to fully evaluate the role of Natura 2000 network. Finally, implementation of EU legislation must be significantly improved.
19. ‘In the beech forest is our time stopped’ © Daniel Danko, Environment & Me /EEA More data is needed to fully evaluate the role of Natura 2000 network. Finally, implementation of EU legislation must be significantly improved. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency
The data analysed aim to identify successes and shortcoming in nature conservation, key pressures and threats and the status of current conservation measures.
20. ‘Early morning’ © Susanne Kuijpers, Environment & Me /EEA The data analysed aim to identify successes and shortcoming in nature conservation, key pressures and threats and the status of current conservation measures. Source: Flickr/EuropeanEnvironmentAgency

Read EEA Report No 10/2020: “State of nature in the EU — Results from reporting under the nature directives 2013-2018”

This report describing the state of nature in the EU is based on reports from Member States under the Birds (2009/147/EC) and the Habitats (92/43/EEC) directives and on subsequent assessments at EU or EU biogeographical levels. In addition to an overview on species and habitats status, both at national and EU levels, it also addresses the status of the Natura 2000 network and its possible contribution to the status of species and habitats. Finally, the report provides results on progress towards Targets 1 and 3 of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy.

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