Source: Unsplash/MarkusSpiske

Top 10 plants to keep pesky pests at bay

A list from the pros that should help keep your home and garden a fun, safe, and vibrant place this season, free from unwanted bugs and critters.

10 Garden Plants to Help Keep Bugs Away!

Suddenly found yourself gardening more than usual? As a homeowner, there are some simple ways you can keep unwanted critters off of your property in order to protect yourself and your family, and one of those methods is as green as green can be, literally: plants! Certain plants fight off bugs, and in the process you’ll be bringing colour and fragrance to your garden or window box. Here’s a list of suggestions from those in the know at TruGreen, the lawn care experts, that should help keep your garden a fun, safe, and vibrant place this season:

Rosemary will protect your vegetable plants by repelling a wide variety of bugs that will want to feed on the plants you’re growing and plan to eat. Keep them back with rosemary.
1. Rosemary Rosemary will protect your vegetable plants by repelling a wide variety of bugs that will want to feed on the plants you’re growing and plan to eat. Keep them back with rosemary. Source: Unsplash/FranciscoDelgado
Known for its health benefits and seasoning, garlic plants deter Japanese beetles, root maggots, carrot root flies, codling moths, and can be planted near roses to repel aphids from eating your flowers.
2. Garlic Known for its health benefits and seasoning, garlic plants deter Japanese beetles, root maggots, carrot root flies, codling moths, and can be planted near roses to repel aphids from eating your flowers. Source: Unsplash/DanSmedley
This plant will repel flies, and if you have a roach problem you can use these to deter roaches in your kitchen.
3. Bay leaves This plant will repel flies, and if you have a roach problem you can use these to deter roaches in your kitchen. Source: Unsplash/JoannaKosinska
Add a splash of colour to your garden while repelling asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, various kinds of aphids, tomato worms, and a variety of other pests.
4. Petunias Add a splash of colour to your garden while repelling asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, various kinds of aphids, tomato worms, and a variety of other pests. Source: Unsplash/EmmaGossett
Japanese beetles and carrot rust flies won’t want to stick around your property if you have chives growing.
5. Chives Japanese beetles and carrot rust flies won’t want to stick around your property if you have chives growing. Source: Unsplash/DavidGreenwood-Haigh
Gnats and mosquitoes hate a smell that so many people love. Plant it near windows and doors so the scent wafts into your home.
6. Lavender Gnats and mosquitoes hate a smell that so many people love. Plant it near windows and doors so the scent wafts into your home. Source: Unsplash/TetianaShyshinka
Repel mosquitoes and houseflies with this wonderful herb. Maybe even put some plants by your backdoor to discourage them from getting inside, and have easy access to basil when you want to cook with it.
7. Basil Repel mosquitoes and houseflies with this wonderful herb. Maybe even put some plants by your backdoor to discourage them from getting inside, and have easy access to basil when you want to cook with it. Source: Unsplash/MarkusSpiske
Mint plants can repel spiders, ants, and mosquitoes. But be careful when you plant mint because these plants spread rapidly!
8. Mint Mint plants can repel spiders, ants, and mosquitoes. But be careful when you plant mint because these plants spread rapidly! Source: Unsplash/EleanorChen
This might be the best plant to deter bugs. Ants, Japanese beetles, roaches, bed bugs, spider mites, silverfish, and ticks will stay away if you have some of these around. Some bug repellents use an ingredient in this flower because of how effective it is. These flowers deter: * Ants * Japanese beetles * Roaches * Bed bugs * Spider mites * Ticks * Silverfish * Harlequin bugs * Lice
9. Chrysanthemums This might be the best plant to deter bugs. Ants, Japanese beetles, roaches, bed bugs, spider mites, silverfish, and ticks will stay away if you have some of these around. Some bug repellents use an ingredient in this flower because of how effective it is. These flowers deter: * Ants * Japanese beetles * Roaches * Bed bugs * Spider mites * Ticks * Silverfish * Harlequin bugs * Lice Source: Unsplash/YokselZok
The scent of a marigold will deter plant lice, mosquitoes, and even rabbits. Plant these in flower beds near your front or back doors, or even in your vegetable garden to keep rabbits and mosquitoes from harming your plants.
10. Marigolds The scent of a marigold will deter plant lice, mosquitoes, and even rabbits. Plant these in flower beds near your front or back doors, or even in your vegetable garden to keep rabbits and mosquitoes from harming your plants. Source: Unsplash/ForestDiver

“Flower Strips” can encourage natural antagonists of agricultural pests.

This list of plants should help you and your family enjoy your garden with fewer unwelcome visitors this year. The plants were selected from an article by the professionals at TruGreen, America’s #1 lawn care specialists.

Trugreen are not the only professionals to be interested in plants as a green alternative to pesticides. To ensure more beneficial bugs visit their fields to feed on pests, some farmers are planting “flower strips” in and around their crops.

With mounting evidence about the problems caused by pesticides—including polluting drinking water and killing bees—many of the insect-killers have been taken off the market in the UK and Europe. However, others are still frequently used; and that frequent use makes them less effective, as pests become resistant to the chemicals. 

Biological pest control is one way of contributing to the ecological intensification of agriculture. “Flower Strips” can encourage natural antagonists of agricultural pests. This helps to reduce pest infestation and hence damage to agricultural crops, as well as avoiding the use of plant-protection products. Learn more.

To ensure more beneficial bugs visit their fields to feed on pests, some farmers are planting “flower strips” in and around their crops.
Flower strips deter pests. To ensure more beneficial bugs visit their fields to feed on pests, some farmers are planting “flower strips” in and around their crops. Source: Flickr/MatthiasTschumi/Agroscope


Being outside is great for your health, but there’s a lot you can do to make your indoors healthier too! If you want to clean up your house or apartment to make it a safer environment, check out these 8 suggestions to make your home more healthy.

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