Source: Esmeralda Wendela Van Wayenbergh

This Female police officer knows that sometimes ‘we all need somebody to lean on’

To help a mother, who’s nine-year-old child was hit by a car, a female police officer sat down for a long time to provide the mother support and comfort.

This Police Officer got her back

When a nine-year-old child was hit by a car in Amsterdam, this police officer offered her back as support for the mother of the child so she could hold her child in her arms until she was transported to the hospital in an ambulance. 

Police officer provides her back as support. Source: Esmeralda Wendela Van Wayenbergh

Keep It Positive

The scene was witnessed by Esmeralda Wendela Van Wayenbergh, who took the picture. On her Facebook she praised the policewoman. 

"There’s so much negative attention for police officers, but what this police officer did, deserves nothing but praise".

She also expressed that she hopes her message goes viral and encourages people to #KeepItPositive

Another eye witness also praised the police officers. "Really beautiful how the police distracted the victim’s little brother by showing him the police car. Awesome".


– Facebook Esmeralda Wendela Van Wayenbergh

NH Nieuws

An image of a police officer helping an elderly woman in Lincolnshire has exposed the softer side of policing. PCSO Dave Bunker is photographed holding hands with a woman who had lost her way in Skegness. The kind gesture touched the hearts of many who have taken to Twitter to share words of support for the officer.

Source:  Twitter / @ColinHaigh791
Helping elderly lady find her way An image of a police officer helping an elderly woman in Lincolnshire has exposed the softer side of policing. PCSO Dave Bunker is photographed holding hands with a woman who had lost her way in Skegness. The kind gesture touched the hearts of many who have taken to Twitter to share words of support for the officer.

Source: Twitter / @ColinHaigh791 Source: Credit: Colin Haigh

Every police officer is someone’s hero

We came across this beautiful poem on the PoliceOne website.  It’s a beautiful reminder that every police officer is someone’s hero. Whether you are your wife’s hero – as is the case with this poem – or a hero to your mother, father, daughter, son, brother, or sister, someone is always waiting for you to come home from your shift.


I beg to differ there.

You say it doesn’t affect you,
Which is also quite contraire.

Put on the uniform, duty belt,
Boots and the vest.
Head out into the night,
And hope for the best.

Yes there are some mundane
Things officers do.
But to say you’re no hero,
Just isn’t true.

Traffic stops, welfare checks,
Domestics aren’t all.
You never know what you will
Encounter on that call.

From suicide attempts, accidents,
DUIs, burglaries and hostage situations,
I don’t know about you, but my heart
Is having palpitations.

As I lay awake at night and 
Wait for your text,
I wonder to myself,
“What will he face next?”

You saved a woman that 
Wanted to take her life.
Your quick reaction as
You took her knife.

You say you are no hero,       
I beg to differ there,
It’s you as a person,
Not the uniform you wear.

Warrant squad, SWAT team,
These scare me the most.
You deal with some horrible 
Situations, but you never boast.

I see it in your face when
We discuss your night,
But you always say not to
Worry, everything will be alright.

I kiss you goodbye as you
Walk out the door,
But it’s the pit in my stomach
That I just can’t ignore.

You called to say you’d be late,
You have a SWAT call,
I said be safe,
I love you above all.

Shots fired at the blue,
You had to end the threat,
You did what you had to do,
Your duties were met.

You say you are no hero,
I beg to differ there.
You say it doesn’t affect you,
I say that’s quite contraire.

I am the heart behind you,
You don’t walk this alone.
I love you with everything
I’ve got, I want this to be known!

If they only understood,
The sacrifices officers make.
Running toward danger,
No room for a mistake.

Missing holidays and
Occasions added to the
LONG list of things of which an officer’s
Life does consist.

You say you’re no hero,
I beg to differ there.
You say it doesn’t affect you,
Which is also quite contraire.

I am your safe haven, 
Your place to unwind.
I’m here for eternity,
For your peace of mind.


Positive reinforcement

As you know on BrightVibes we celebrate the positive and share contagiously inspiring stories. This does not mean that we – of course – do not strongly reject any unjustified police force. We are very upset too with the sometimes brutal, unnecessary force used against anyone. But we believe that the large majority of police officers have the best interest of the public in mind. And that the positive role they often play, deserves more attention.

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