Source: © TU Eindhoven/Bart van Overbeeke/

This Dutch solar camper is a completely Self-Sustaining House On Wheels

No need for charging stations, Stella Vita is self-sufficient in terms of energy — thanks to solar panels on the roof, it generates enough power to drive, shower, watch TV, charge your laptop and make coffee!

Stella Vita: The world’s first solar-powered house on wheels

Students from Eindhoven University of Technology have developed an electric motorhome with a range of more than 700 kilometers. Thanks to solar panels with a surface area of over 17 square meters, the ‘Stella Vita’ is a Self-Sustaining House On Wheels. This means that it is self-sufficient in terms of energy. Thanks to solar panels on the roof, it is independent of charging stations. Stella Vita generates enough solar energy to drive, shower, watch TV, charge your laptop and make coffee.

Stella Vita generates enough solar energy to drive, shower, watch TV, charge your laptop and make coffee.
No more charging stations thanks to solar panels on the roof. Stella Vita generates enough solar energy to drive, shower, watch TV, charge your laptop and make coffee. Source:

Driving 3000 km only on the energy of the sun

On the 19th of September, Stella Vita will hit the road for the first time and start a journey through Europe, where the team will drive 3000km from Eindhoven to Tarifa on the power of the sun!

Driving and living only on the energy of the sun! With the Self-sustaining House On Wheels the team show that they can live and drive only on the energy of the sun. It’s SHOWtime! The team are going to present their concept to the world. 

‘We want to inspire the current market and society to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable future. Therefore, we are going to make a tour through Europe with our Self-sustaining House On Wheels, the European Solar Tour. We will visit various companies, universities and governmental institutions. In addition, we will also visit many beautiful places to show the future of travelling.’

The route

The team will be travelling from the north to the south of Europe on the energy of the sun. Starting from Eindhoven and driving south from there.  After travelling 3000 km, the final destination is Tarifa, the most southern city of Spain. During the route, 13 different stops are planned. These stops were chosen because of their beautiful nature, the vibrant city centre and their important position in the energy transition.

As a student team, they have the power and freedom to be innovative. Not limited by market demands they say they can start the design process from scratch and free ourselves from preconceptions. This means that they, unlike the industry, can bridge the gap between technological innovation and our daily life.
Solar Team Eindhoven is a team of 22 enthusiastic and ambitious students from the Eindhoven University of Technology who strive for a sustainable future, where life is powered by the sun. As a student team, they have the power and freedom to be innovative. Not limited by market demands they say they can start the design process from scratch and free ourselves from preconceptions. This means that they, unlike the industry, can bridge the gap between technological innovation and our daily life. Source:
‘Therefore, we strive for a high energy efficiency and don’t waste energy. SHOW is super efficient and thereby it generates more energy than it consumes while driving. We use the extra energy to use for daily life. There are several aspects that influence the energy efficiency of SHOW.’
Energy efficiency: the goal is to reduce the amount of energy required to drive from location A to B. ‘Therefore, we strive for a high energy efficiency and don’t waste energy. SHOW is super efficient and thereby it generates more energy than it consumes while driving. We use the extra energy to use for daily life. There are several aspects that influence the energy efficiency of SHOW.’ Source:
Thanks to solar panels with a surface area of ​​over 17 square meters, the motorhome is completely self-sufficient in energy.
Students from Eindhoven University of Technology have developed an electric motorhome with a range of more than 700 kilometers. Thanks to solar panels with a surface area of ​​over 17 square meters, the motorhome is completely self-sufficient in energy. Source:
On the 19th of September, Stella Vita will hit the road for the first time and start a journey through Europe, where the team will drive 3000km from Eindhoven to Tarifa on the power of the sun!
Driving 3000 km only on the energy of the sun. On the 19th of September, Stella Vita will hit the road for the first time and start a journey through Europe, where the team will drive 3000km from Eindhoven to Tarifa on the power of the sun! Source: Facebook/SolarTeamEindhoven
That is why we make sure that SHOW is as light as possible. Everything is designed to be as light and efficient as possible. This is done by using lightweight materials for the interior and exterior. All parts in SHOW have been optimised to be strong enough, but also light.
Lightweight: transporting mass takes a lot of energy. That is why we make sure that SHOW is as light as possible. Everything is designed to be as light and efficient as possible. This is done by using lightweight materials for the interior and exterior. All parts in SHOW have been optimised to be strong enough, but also light. Source:
Would you give it a try?
What do you think? Would you give it a try? Source:
Good aerodynamics will reduce your drag and provide for better efficiency. The most ideal shape, for little air resistance, is a droplet. That means a rounded front end with a streamlined roof and a rear end with as little surface area as possible. The droplet shape is clearly visible in the design of SHOW.
Aerodynamics refers to the flow of air around the vehicle. This flow depends on the shape of the vehicle. Air resistance causes the vehicle to slow down and consume more energy. Good aerodynamics will reduce your drag and provide for better efficiency. The most ideal shape, for little air resistance, is a droplet. That means a rounded front end with a streamlined roof and a rear end with as little surface area as possible. The droplet shape is clearly visible in the design of SHOW. Source:
In a single hour, the amount of power from the sun that strikes the Earth is more than the entire world consumes in a year. By using our greatest energy source, the sun, we can make mobility not about energy consumption rather energy production. By putting solar panels on the roof of SHOW, we make efficient use of all the space on the car.
Renewable energy: The sun is a renewable source of energy that can supply us with all our energy needs. In a single hour, the amount of power from the sun that strikes the Earth is more than the entire world consumes in a year. By using our greatest energy source, the sun, we can make mobility not about energy consumption rather energy production. By putting solar panels on the roof of SHOW, we make efficient use of all the space on the car. Source:
The infotainment system in SHOW helps you understand how much energy your appliances consume and what you can do with the remaining amount of energy. This allows you to use energy consciously and live sustainably. The insight into your energy consumption is also useful for making choices. You have to decide whether to spend the energy on your daily life or on driving.
Infotainment: to avoid wasting energy, it is important to have a good understanding of your energy consumption. The infotainment system in SHOW helps you understand how much energy your appliances consume and what you can do with the remaining amount of energy. This allows you to use energy consciously and live sustainably. The insight into your energy consumption is also useful for making choices. You have to decide whether to spend the energy on your daily life or on driving. Source:
However, when stationary and charging the complete roof will be raised. This creates a much larger and more comfortable space to live in.When the roof is raised, extra solar panels can be slid out on the sides. As a result we can double the surface area of the solar panels. So, the lifting roof has two important functions for energy efficiency.
Lifting roof: In order to provide the necessary space for sleeping, cooking and eating, the vehicle has a lifting roof. The lifting roof is folded down when the vehicle is driving to reduce drag. However, when stationary and charging the complete roof will be raised. This creates a much larger and more comfortable space to live in.When the roof is raised, extra solar panels can be slid out on the sides. As a result we can double the surface area of the solar panels. So, the lifting roof has two important functions for energy efficiency. Source:
The interior is designed to blend in perfectly with nature. The large French windows give the feeling of being outdoors and the colours in the interior are chosen to match the colours of the outside. The living space is arranged in such a way that you can cook from both inside and outside. Because of the light furniture, it is easy to move it outside, making the transition from indoor to outdoor living easy.
Daily life is an important part of SHOW. Therefore, an extensive and lightweight interior is designed. You will not be short of anything. SHOW contains everything you need for your daily needs. A kitchen, bed, sofa, shower and toilet ensure that you can l The interior is designed to blend in perfectly with nature. The large French windows give the feeling of being outdoors and the colours in the interior are chosen to match the colours of the outside. The living space is arranged in such a way that you can cook from both inside and outside. Because of the light furniture, it is easy to move it outside, making the transition from indoor to outdoor living easy. Source:


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