This Bakery invented “Open Hiring”—employing people without asking questions. It works brilliantly!

Greyston’s mission is to create thriving communities through the practice and promotion of Open Hiring — creating opportunities for those who have been kept out of the workforce.

Open Hiring: hiring anyone willing to work—no questions asked

Open Hiring fills jobs without judging applicants or asking any questions. It creates opportunities for those who have been kept out of the workforce, including women, men, people of colour, people of all faiths and sexual orientations, immigrants and refugees, those living in poverty or who have spent time in prison, and anyone else who has faced barriers to employment. When organisations practice Open Hiring, they upend traditional hiring practices by shifting spending from screening people out to investment in support of employee success.

A pioneering social enterprise, Greyston practices Open Hiring in their world-class commercial bakery.

A job can change everything. A pioneering social enterprise, Greyston practices Open Hiring in their world-class commercial bakery. Source:

Open Hiring helps people to change their lives and contribute to a thriving community

‘Crime, recidivism, poverty, food insecurity and homelessness are critical issues that affect our collective wellbeing and prosperity as a society. These issues are the result of systems evolved over decades that discriminate against people.’ — say Greyston on their website.

‘We need a systemic solution. When people have the opportunity to participate fully in our economy and contribute to our collective values, we all benefit. Along with visionary leaders around the world, we can build a new system of social and economic relationships that put people at the center of all we do. Our Open Hiring Model holds the potential to change the world—one company, one job, one person at a time.’

Since 1982, Greyston has developed and refined Open Hiring, assembling their remarkable team of bakers by hiring without interviews, resumes, background checks or applications. 

Beyond the critical first step of providing an opportunity to work, the Open Hiring Model includes community services programs to support new employees and their neighbours. 

With each position they fill through Open Hiring, Greyston create the opportunity for that person to change their life and the lives of their family members and to contribute to a thriving community.

Check out below some real life stories of lives changed by Greyston‘s Open Hiring Policy.


“I can’t explain all that Greyston has done for me. Without Greyston, I’d still be on the streets — likely dead or in jail.”

Dion’s Story: The Journey from “Un-hirable” Former Inmate to Greyston Bakery Supervisor “I can’t explain all that Greyston has done for me. Without Greyston, I’d still be on the streets — likely dead or in jail.” Source:

Dion’s Story: The Journey from “Un-hirable” Former Inmate to Greyston Bakery Supervisor

“Before coming to Greyston, I had been incarcerated for four years upstate. I started selling drugs when I was 14 to bring money in to support my family. Twenty years later I had been in and out of jail too many times. I didn’t like who I was. I wanted to change, but I had no idea where to go or how to start. When I got out of jail, I applied for jobs and went on interviews every other day. No one would hire me when they saw my rap sheet. I started to feel that the streets were all there was for me. I had no hope for a legal life.

Greyston Bakery was just down the street. A friend reminded me about its Open Hiring process. I put my name on the list, and one day I got a call asking me if I wanted to work. My first day I was so excited. I saw people there I knew, and they all encouraged me because we’d all been through the same things.

I can’t explain all that Greyston has done for me. Without Greyston, I’d still be on the streets — likely dead or in jail. When I had my daughter, I wanted to save for her future. One of the best things I learned at Greyston was how to take a small amount of money from each paycheck and put it in a special bank account for her through direct deposit. In the past, I had never even thought about having a family because I was in no position to with being in and out of jail. Now I am supporting a family. To me, it’s not all about the money; it’s about being a man and doing the right thing.

It’s been an amazing journey. I went from apprentice to lead operator to lead operator in research and development. Recently, I just got promoted to supervisor training. I’m proof that if you’re willing to change your life, Greyston can help make it happen.”


“I am grateful to have found Greyston. I may have fallen off my path a couple of times, but Greyston’s been there to help me get right back on.”

Liz’s Story: “I am grateful to have found Greyston. I may have fallen off my path a couple of times, but Greyston’s been there to help me get right back on.” Source:

Liz’s Story

‘I’m a mother of three children living in Yonkers, NY. I couldn’t find work when I didn’t have related experience to anything on the job forums. I came to Greyston as an intern through the Department of Social Service’s “Community Work Experience Program”.  

I began to gain experience as I assisted the Youth Coordinator with events, recruitment, enrollment and maintained the youth database. After two months of internship training at Greyston, I was hired at Train with Juan in Yonkers. Unfortunately, and uncontrollable by me, I was laid off after 5 months. So I returned to Greyston.  

This time I decided to try something different. I participated in Greyston’s Security Guard training and obtained 8- and 16- hour certificates as well as a NYS Security Guard License.  I was now able to secure a job at Greyston’s Issan House as a security guard.  

It was great to be working again. Combining my previous administrative intern-work experience and my security credentials, I was quickly promoted to the front desk receptionist at Greyston’s administrative offices. Greyston helped me rebuild my momentum and I wanted to keep growing. So I asked for assistance finding a second job to meet personal goals. I even acquired a second job! I was hired as a security guard at Westhab just last month.

I am grateful to have found Greyston. I may have fallen off my path a couple of times, but Greyston’s been there to help me get right back on. My daughter, Dynashia, enrolled in youth programs at Greyston, and has since obtained credentials in Customer Service and has also been placed into a job at Westhab. I couldn’t be more proud of myself and my girl. 2019 is our year!’

For more on Greyston’s mission to create thriving communities through the practice and promotion of Open Hiring™ Click Here.


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