
These Stunning Maternity Momento Photos Made With Fruit & Vegetables

Von Wong’s sister is almost 8 months pregnant and his mom wanted him to take some maternity photos of her – so the family teamed up and got creative!

Corn cob skyscrapers and fantasy landscapes are maternity memories that will never be forgotten

After noticing that corn cobs looked like Skyscrapers, Von Wong’s Mom asked if he could help her create a series of tiny-world portraits of his 8-month pregnant sister and her husband. Von’s sister is a pretty adventurous lady, but since the lockdowns began they’ve all been trapped indoors… so the family decided to give her an adventure from the comforts of their own home, and the results are quite amazing! Von posted the video on TikTok and unexpectedly, it blew up with over 3M views in less than a week. Follow for more on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. All images courtesy of Von Wong.

From Left: Von Wong, mom, dad, brother-in-law and pregnant sister. The creative family put their heads together and came up with a fun activity they could all get involved with. These are maternity memories that will never be forgotten.
Scroll down to see how they did it. From Left: Von Wong, mom, dad, brother-in-law and pregnant sister. The creative family put their heads together and came up with a fun activity they could all get involved with. These are maternity memories that will never be forgotten. Source:
My mom was in charge of experimenting with fruits and vegetables. In this case, she picked the inside of Pomegranates!
The reflections in the background were created with a massive flower vase almost as tall as my mom.
Step 1: Capture silhouettes by shooting against a white background. My mom was in charge of experimenting with fruits and vegetables. In this case, she picked the inside of Pomegranates!
The reflections in the background were created with a massive flower vase almost as tall as my mom. Source:
The little silhouettes were stuck onto thin pieces of wire. We used scraps of wood that my mom found while walking in the park. We then added a couple fly swatters to help add texture and color to our cell phone flashlights. Simple pieces of bark picked up from the floor during a walk in the park.
Step 2: Edit, print, and cut out the silhouettes by hand. The little silhouettes were stuck onto thin pieces of wire. We used scraps of wood that my mom found while walking in the park. We then added a couple fly swatters to help add texture and color to our cell phone flashlights. Simple pieces of bark picked up from the floor during a walk in the park. Source:
Without lighting, everything looks flat, boring, and unconvincing. Direct cellphone light is too harsh. The secret is to always find some material to shine the light through. In this case, an old curtain we had lying around.
By playing with the camera’s white balance, we were able to accentuate bring out different colors without the help of any colored gels.
Step 3: Make sure the lighting comes from the back! Without lighting, everything looks flat, boring, and unconvincing. Direct cellphone light is too harsh. The secret is to always find some material to shine the light through. In this case, an old curtain we had lying around.
By playing with the camera’s white balance, we were able to accentuate bring out different colors without the help of any colored gels. Source: VonWong.con
My mom spent her days looking at random household objects to see how they could be used in unique and interesting ways. She used aluminum foil to create a reflection inside of a takeout lid she had hoarded for years. From there, we combined it with some incense she had lying around. The final touch was to use a small translucent orange bag to create the sunset!
Step 4: (optional) A little bit of Smoke makes everything magical My mom spent her days looking at random household objects to see how they could be used in unique and interesting ways. She used aluminum foil to create a reflection inside of a takeout lid she had hoarded for years. From there, we combined it with some incense she had lying around. The final touch was to use a small translucent orange bag to create the sunset! Source:
Impossible Maternity Pics with my Family using Fruits & Vegetables My sister is almost 8 months pregnant and my mom wanted me to take some maternity photos of her - so we teamed up and got creative! Source: YouTube/VonWong


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