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These celebrities show you should never give up doing what matters

What these celebs had to overcome before they ended up where they are today, will inspire you to keep going.

We all got great plans for our lives, right? Now the thing is that in order to fulfil our dreams, a lot effort and perseverance are required. Get inspired by these amazing celebrities who turned their hardships, ‘failure’ and rejection into fuel for their success. Watch the video below. 

Celebrities that never gave up! And neither should you. Life can be really tough, and very unfair. We believe that the art of living is to accept your circumstances, and realise that how you deal with these circumstances, can make a big difference. How these celebrities, have overcome their troubling passed and difficult circumstances, serve as great inspiration for us all. Source: BrightVibes Facebook
Jim Carrey lived with his family in a van when he was 12 years old. Aged 15, he dropped out of school to support his family. He has also been plagues by severe depressions. Het turned down by many night and comedy clubs, before he finally had his break through.
Jim Carrey – Living in a van Jim Carrey lived with his family in a van when he was 12 years old. Aged 15, he dropped out of school to support his family. He has also been plagues by severe depressions. Het turned down by many night and comedy clubs, before he finally had his break through. Source:

Charlize Theron - watched her mother shoot her father When Charlize was 15 years old, her alcoholic father, attacked her and her mother. Her mother had no other option than to shoot Charlize's father. Fortunately, her mother's act was ajudged as self-defence. Source: Facebook BrightVibes
Oprah Winfrey - Raped when she was 9 Oprah's story is so filled with hardship that it is a even more of an accomplishment what she has achieved in life. Her mother was not able to take care of her, so she group up with her grandmother. Aged 6 she moved in with her mother. She was raped by a family member when she was 9 years old and had a baby when she was 14 who died early after birth. Not exactly an easy start. But today she is the wealthiest self made woman in the USA, who has positively impacted millions of people. Source: Facebook BrightVibes

He was imprisoned for 27 years. Let that sink in. When he got out in 1990 he negotiated the transition to a new government, leading the transition in South Africa. He has received over 250 honours, amongst which the Nobel Peace Prize.
27 years in jail & Nobel Peace Prize He was imprisoned for 27 years. Let that sink in. When he got out in 1990 he negotiated the transition to a new government, leading the transition in South Africa. He has received over 250 honours, amongst which the Nobel Peace Prize. Source: BrightVibes

Learn to love againSource: Facebook BrightVibes
Tom Hardy Drug addiction, alcohol abuse and run-ins with the police - how Tom Hardy went from a very dark place to inspirational Hollywood star Source: BrightVibes

He was brought up by his mother who did not pay much attention to him, to say the least. He moved constantly, and got bullied at school. But he used his tough youth as fuel to skyrocket his career as the most successful white rapper.
Eminem He was brought up by his mother who did not pay much attention to him, to say the least. He moved constantly, and got bullied at school. But he used his tough youth as fuel to skyrocket his career as the most successful white rapper. Source: Flickr
Keanu Reeves - to hell and back Keanu Reeves lost has suffered so many hardships that if you would turn his life into a script, you would not believe it. As a young boy, his father ran out of him and his family. Due to heavy dyslexia he had trouble studying and got bullied at school. At age 21 he lost his best friend River Phoenix who overdosed. Then he fell in love. His wife had a still born baby after an 8 months pregnancy. It cost him his marriage and 18 months later his ex died in a car accident. Then his sister suffered leukemia, of which she fortunately recovered. All this misery did not make him bitter. He is one of the most generous, grounded celebrities alive. Source: Brightvibes
When J.K. Rowling was depressed and unemployed, she started writing the Harry Potter books. She did this to escape her daily misseries. When she finished her first book, she got turned down time and time again by publishers. But she persisted. The rest is history.
J.K. Rowling – unemployed and depressed When J.K. Rowling was depressed and unemployed, she started writing the Harry Potter books. She did this to escape her daily misseries. When she finished her first book, she got turned down time and time again by publishers. But she persisted. The rest is history. Source: Flickr CC
Malala Yousafzai (19 years young) is a school pupil and spokesperson for women’s right to education from Pakistan. In retaliation for her high profile campaign for education and criticism of the Taliban, she was shot in the head at close range by a Taliban gunman. She survived the gunshot wound and has become a leading spokesperson for human rights, education and women’s rights. She has received numerous peace awards, and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014
Malala – bullet proof Malala Yousafzai (19 years young) is a school pupil and spokesperson for women’s right to education from Pakistan. In retaliation for her high profile campaign for education and criticism of the Taliban, she was shot in the head at close range by a Taliban gunman. She survived the gunshot wound and has become a leading spokesperson for human rights, education and women’s rights. She has received numerous peace awards, and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 Source: UN
One of the greatest composers that has ever lived, turned deaf when he was about 26 years old. In stead of getting stuck in frustration over his deafness, he continued composing. Did you know he composed the 9th Symphony without being to hear it?
Beethoven – Defying deafness One of the greatest composers that has ever lived, turned deaf when he was about 26 years old. In stead of getting stuck in frustration over his deafness, he continued composing. Did you know he composed the 9th Symphony without being to hear it? Source: Wikipedia
One of the best paid actors in Hollywood, has gone through many rough times. He grew up with a drug addicted father, and started using drugs at the age of 6. He got off drugs many times, but relapsed regularly. Fortunately, he's been completely off drugs for a long time now, and made an amazing comeback.
Robert Downey Jr – exposed to drugs as a kid One of the best paid actors in Hollywood, has gone through many rough times. He grew up with a drug addicted father, and started using drugs at the age of 6. He got off drugs many times, but relapsed regularly. Fortunately, he’s been completely off drugs for a long time now, and made an amazing comeback. Source: Wikipedia
What each of these celebrities have in common, is that they - despite the huge challenges they have faced - did not let their past dictate their future. They were able to turn their hardships into fuel for their success. They embrace their past, in stead of fighting it.
Focus on the positive What each of these celebrities have in common, is that they – despite the huge challenges they have faced – did not let their past dictate their future. They were able to turn their hardships into fuel for their success. They embrace their past, in stead of fighting it. Source: BrightVibes