
These Biodegradable Cigarette Filters Grow Into Plants

‘Karma’ biodegradable cigarette filters are embedded with seeds that grow into different plant varieties when thrown away.

Karma Tips: Turning cigarette waste into something positive

Karma Filter Tips are specially created roll-your-own cigarette filters that are designed to change Cigarette Waste into something positive. 100% organic, biodegradable and chemical free, these handmade filter tips release live seeds into the ground when disposed of. Thousands of seeds of Basil, New Zealand Lawn Grass, Rosemary, Thyme, and more in every booklet.

Butts to Buds Karma Filter Tips are hand-made from Natural Cotton, Fruit and Vegetable pulp which means that no trees are cut to produce this filter paper and made without the use of any kind of chemicals. The speciality of these filter tips are that they contain seeds of exotic and edible plants like Amaranth, Basil, Spinach, Rosemary, Celosia, Wildflowers and more... Source: YouTube/KarmaTips

Turning an antisocial litter issue into something more environmentally friendly

With an estimated 6 billion pounds (2.7bn kg) of degradation-resistant, synthetic smoking filters littering every nook and cranny of the planet each year, the makers of these filters say their products can help reverse the effects of this pollution in just a few years!

These roll-your-own filter tips are 100% biodegradable and 100% chemical free ensuring a high tar and nicotine absorption while eradicating all chemical aftertaste users may get from other filters & tips. Synthetic cigarette butts were found to be the most common polluting item in our oceans.

Some might say it would be better all-round if people didn’t smoke at all—but they do—and while smoking rates are on the decline in many western countries, it is still legal and generating enormous sums of tax revenue for governments worldwide. So like it or not, it is people’s right to continue to smoke if they choose to. 

So with that point of view put aside for now, wouldn’t it be better all-round if cigarette filters were made of something more environmentally-friendly?

To tickle the conscience of the smokers, Indian startup Prasadam Industries created Karma Tips, using 100% organic and non-toxic paper, made of fruit pulp, vegetable extracts and more importantly herbal and flowering seeds. All the smokers have to do now is to stick the extinguished butts into soil so that the seeds in the cigarette butts can sprout into different plants. 


The handmade filters are 100% organic, biodegradable, and non-addictive, and are sold alongside a similarly improved book of rolling papers. When disposed of, the butt degrades in a matter of days and gives root to basil, New Zealand lawn grass, rosemary, or thyme.
Biodegradable filter tips that plant seeds The handmade filters are 100% organic, biodegradable, and non-addictive, and are sold alongside a similarly improved book of rolling papers. When disposed of, the butt degrades in a matter of days and gives root to basil, New Zealand lawn grass, rosemary, or thyme. Source:

Low impact cigarette products for those who smoke and care for the environment

Karma Tips was created by former advertising rep couple Chetana and Ved Roy of Bengaluru, India. Ved first got the idea for Karma Tips when he was working with a tobacco company and he learned about the list of chemicals found in commercial cigarette papers. The couple, who has worked for dozens of corporate giants in the past, quit their jobs so they could pursue creating low-impact cigarette materials.

The Roys employ roughly two dozen staff – most of whom are women – from local villages to help make, package, and distribute Karma Tips. Furthermore, all the packaging used for the products are created locally, stimulating small village economies.

The bags that contain the products are handwoven by a community of local weavers, using organic cotton and locally grown raw material. Even the ink we use for printing is food-grade, non-toxic, and made locally. These small initiatives go a long way in involving local and rural communities in the business, thereby helping them prosper,” Ved told Your Story. “After all, any business that makes only money, we believe, is a bad business.”

To buy your own Karma Tips, or follow the development of the company, check out the product’s Facebook page.

Another company, Green-Buttsare manufacturing 100% biodegradable filters from a patent pending blend of natural materials, including flax, hemp, and cotton, with a natural starch binder, and they hope to partner with cigarette manufacturers in order to replace the existing non-biodegradable filters in ready-made cigarettes (See below).


Green-Butts are looking to partner with cigarette manufacturers Cigarette filters are the single most-littered item in the world. They litter our beaches, roadways and parks posing a significant health hazard for all wild life. But, there is a solution out there. Greenbutts filters are 100% natural, biodegrading in a matter of weeks as opposed to several years. These filters help curb pollution and create a healthier planet. While nobody condones littering, who can argue that a biodegradable solution is better than the current status quo? Source: Vimeo/Green-Butts

How to Take Action to Prevent Littering (With Pictures)

In this day and age, it seems as though littering should be a problem of the past. Unfortunately, it is still a huge problem for the world. People litter for many reasons; for example, because they don’t feel responsible for taking care of the environment, because they believe someone else will take care of the litter, or because there is already so much litter in an area that they don’t think one more piece will make much difference. If you are concerned about a littering problem in your area, you can take steps to encourage others to stop littering and you can take action by arranging litter pick ups in the community.

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