The sustainable future in 1 picture; Tesla uses own electric semi truck to deliver new electric cars

As Tesla is delivering as many vehicles as possible, it’s even begun using its own electric semi truck prototypes to deliver vehicles.

The future of electric vehicle transporting is also electric

As Tesla is in the middle of its end-the-quarter push to deliver as many vehicles as possible, it’s even begun using its own electric semi truck prototypes to deliver vehicles. CEO Elon Musk shared a picture of the Tesla Semi truck carrying the vehicle—showing a glimpse of a sustainable future in a single image—and other footage shows the electric semi accelerating up a feeeway on-ramp.

Spotted: Tesla Semi Acceleration Smokes The On-ramp On 19 Feb 2019, YouTuber ‘My Tesla Adventure’ uploaded this clip, with the comment—
‘In my Model 75D Uncorked I had to put the pedal down to catch back up. This clip is from my spotting of the Tesla Semi's in their first commercial run from the Tesla Gigga (sic) Factory to the Tesla Freemont Factory.’ Source: YouTube/MyTeslaAdventure

Tesla looks set to be one of its own main customers when it comes the Tesla Semi program

Over the last few quarters since Model 3 production has been somewhat sustainable at high volume, Tesla has had issues delivering the high numbers of vehicles. — reports Elektrek.

At one point, Tesla even started building its own car transporters and more recently, the company bought car-hauling trucks and trailers with $13 million in equity.

Now the company is killing two birds with one stone by using its own Tesla Semi prototype, which is currently in the test and development phase, to carry Tesla vehicles to their destinations.

Tesla was originally supposed to bring the electric semi truck to market by the end of the year, but the company hasn’t updated its production timeline in a long time.

The automaker is also expected to release its delivery numbers for the first quarter next week after its end-of-the-quarter delivery push.

The image gives us a glimpse of what a sustainable future could look like with zero-emission trucks carrying zero-emission vehicles to their users.

If all those vehicles are powered by renewable energy, it would have a tremendous impact on carbon emissions.

For now, it remains only a test project and Tesla leveraging any carrying capacity to deliver vehicles by the end of the quarter, but one can imagine what it would look like at scale and it is definitely exciting.

Tesla is going to be one of its own main customers when it comes the Tesla Semi program.

We guess those few new buyers taking delivery with their cars on a Tesla Semi are going to be even more excited about their new electric car purchase.


Without a trailer, Elon Musk said that the Tesla Semi can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 5 seconds thanks to its 4 independent Model 3 electric motors.
Musk shared an image of the electric truck at work Without a trailer, Elon Musk said that the Tesla Semi can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 5 seconds thanks to its 4 independent Model 3 electric motors. Source: Twitter/ElonMusk

How much is a Tesla Semi and what is the range?

After Tesla revealed the pricing of its electrics semi trucks last year, it was learned that the regular production versions for the 300-mile and 500-mile range versions will be $150,000 and $180,000 respectively, while the company is also listing a ‘Founders Series’ version for $200,000.

But after a year in development, Musk said that he expects that the production version could be even more efficient with a range closer to 600 miles (1000km).

Tesla originally said that it aims to bring the electric truck to production in 2019, but that was over a year ago and the company hasn’t updated the timeline since.


Unveiled on November 16, 2017 and planned for production in 2020 by Tesla, Inc, the company initially announced that the truck would have a 500 miles (805 km) range on a full charge and with its new batteries it would be able to run for 400 miles (640 km) after an 80% charge in 30 minutes using a solar-powered
The Tesla Semi is an all-electric battery-powered Class 8 semi-trailer truck prototype Unveiled on November 16, 2017 and planned for production in 2020 by Tesla, Inc, the company initially announced that the truck would have a 500 miles (805 km) range on a full charge and with its new batteries it would be able to run for 400 miles (640 km) after an 80% charge in 30 minutes using a solar-powered “Tesla Megacharger” charging station. Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that the Semi would come standard with Tesla Autopilot that allows semi-autonomous driving on highways. Source: Wikipedia
Tesla Semi acceleration: 4K footage up close and personal Highlights of 4K footage of the smaller Tesla Semi accelerating for executive test rides, recorded in 2017. Source: YouTube/Teslavangelist


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