Source: BrightVibes

The Green Passage in Rotterdam is Europe’s first sustainable Shopping Mall

At ‘de Groene Passage’, or; the green mall, in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, you can get everything: from lunch to presents, to groceries, furniture and even beauty treatments: and everything is sustainable and fair.

The green Mall

This green mall consists of a bunch of sustainable shops who all started with the same notion; they want everyone and everything on this earth to have thei best life. Not just for now, but for the future as well.

The green mall stands for sustainable, fair trade and green.

At the green mall, a cluster of sustainable, fair shops can be found all in one place. Whether you need groceries, a gift or your next couch, this mall has it all. Source: Facebook BrightVibes


Twenty years ago the Green Passage was born from the idea that people and shops are stronger together ánd that more customers would be inclined to visit the sustainable shops when they’re all together in one building.

In the beginning their clientele consisted mostly out of the very conscious consumer. This has grown into a way more diverse group over the past years. With people’s increased interest in the environment ánd with the growing need to stop climate change and the depletion of the earth’s sources, the crowd has become more diverse. Not just a select group of people shop their anymore, but many people who  care about the environment ánd their health.

The Green Mall sonsists out of;

  • supermarktet Gimsel. From bread and cheese to cosmetics and cleaning materials; not only can you find this ans more in one supermarket, it’s also all sustainable without additives. 
  • restaurant Spirit. In this restaurant you you can enjoy a vegetarian and partial vegan buffet. Eat it on the spot or take it home. Spirit is the sensible take-out.
  • The Green Way is a butchershop that handles things differently than normal. The Green Mall stated they wanted the butchery in order to offer a complete shopping experience. To make sure they didn’t loose clients over the lack of meat, they offer it in the butchery, but, it only sells organic meat that comes from happy cows. They know this becasue they keep close and personal ties with their farmers. As far as meat can be friendly; this is it.
  • Van Binnen. This store sells all sorts of furniture, cloth and generally everything you could need in a house. All their materials are sustainable and their wood comes from Europe, so there’s not too much emisison from transportation. 
  • The Worldshop. The well known world shop is housed in the green mall as well. With gifts that help their makers with their sustainable startups and that have a sustainable origin, there’s something there for everyone. From jewelry to books to a dopper bottle.
  • beauty salon Aditi. The salon is named after the Indian goddess whose job it was so make humans forget their earthly worries for a while. The salon works exclusively with natural and pure products.
At 'Inside' you can find everything for... inside your home! From sustainable fabrics to furniture made from local wood.
At ‘Inside’ you can find everything for… inside your home! From sustainable fabrics to furniture made from local wood. Source: BrightVibes
Buy your dopper at the World shop. With this gift, for you or someone else, you make the world a better place!
Buy your dopper at the World shop. With this gift, for you or someone else, you make the world a better place! Source: BrightVibes

The green mall

Visit the website for more information about their stores and upcoming events.

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