
Texas cop buys new shoes and socks for man in need

One police officer’s act of kindness was caught on camera in San Antonio, Texas, and social media is loving the gesture. Plus more cops doing the same, and why they do it.

San Antonio cop buys new shoes and socks for man in need

A San Antonio Police Department Officer Knirlberger assisted an individual who is down on his luck by buying him a pair of shoes and socks after he noticed him sleep on the bench. Thank you officer Knirlberger for your kind gesture.

SAPD Officer Knirlberger assisted an individual who was down on his luck by buying him a new pair of shoes and socks after he noticed him asleep on a bench.
Texas police officer buys new shoes and socks for man in need SAPD Officer Knirlberger assisted an individual who was down on his luck by buying him a new pair of shoes and socks after he noticed him asleep on a bench. Source: MSN

Acts of kindness never go unnoticed…

An officer’s act of kindness was caught on camera in San Antonio, the police department there posted on Facebook.

The police officer saw a man in need and provided him with new shoes and socks, according to the San Antonio Police Department:

“Acts of kindness never go unnoticed… Today (Tuesday 28th May), SAPD Officer Knirlberger assisted an individual who was down on his luck by buying him a new pair of shoes and socks after he noticed him asleep on a bench. Thank You Officer Knirlberger for your kind gesture!”

Source: MSN


With no family or friends, and nowhere to go, the officer bought him some new shoes and socks before dropping him at the bus that would take him to the homeless shelter.
Sgt. Glenn Sharp found a homeless vet that had just been released from the hospital With no family or friends, and nowhere to go, the officer bought him some new shoes and socks before dropping him at the bus that would take him to the homeless shelter. Source: LittleThings/Facebook/KathrynHamm

Shopper Snaps Photo Of Another Cop Buying Shoes For Homeless Vet With ‘No Family Or Friends’

The men and women who serve as police officers are often known for going above and beyond the call of duty.

But in addition to risking their lives to keep other people safe, they commonly perform small acts of kindness many of which go entirely unnoticed. 

But back in the summer of 2016, another Texas policeman, this time in Nassau Bay, got some much-deserved credit for his kind deed.

Sgt. Glenn Sharp of the Nassau Bay Police Department was caught on camera, helping a complete stranger in a shoe store. While there might not seem anything special at first glance, the picture reveals something much more incredible going on. 

The man was a homeless veteran who had recently been released from the hospital with nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Noticing that the man’s shoes were entirely worn out, Sgt. Sharp decided to make a special trip with him to the shoe store, and before making sure he caught that bus, Sgt. Sharp bought the man some shoes.

This simple act of kindness on the part of Sgt. Glenn Sharp toward this man who served his country is an inspiration. It proves just how big a difference a single person can make in the life of a complete stranger.

Sgt. Glenn told LittleThings, “I saw the opportunity to help someone in need, and I did what I felt was right.”

Source: LittleThings

This simple act of kindness on the part of Sgt. Glenn Sharp toward this man who served his country is an inspiration. It proves just how big a difference a single person can make in the life of a complete stranger.
Sgt. Glenn’s act of generosity toward a homeless veteran went viral This simple act of kindness on the part of Sgt. Glenn Sharp toward this man who served his country is an inspiration. It proves just how big a difference a single person can make in the life of a complete stranger. Source:

Police Officer buys Homeless man a new pair of shoes and socks

The Los Lunas Police Department released video of Officer Mark Gurule performing an unexpected act of kindness.

Gurule was called to the area of Highway 47 and Main Street to check on a man who was sleeping behind a rock without any shoes or socks on. The officer noticed the man’s wet socks were drying off nearby and his shoes had holes in them.Gurule went to a nearby Big 5 Sporting Goods store and got a new pair of shoes and socks for the man.

“The most rewarding feeling was when the man put on his socks and shoes and he gave me a thumb ups with a big smile on his face,” said the officer.

The man gladly accepted the act of kindness and gave the officer a big thumbs up when he put them on. The entire thing was caught on his lapel camera.

Source: LatestNews

Scroll down to find out why cops keep doing this.

Heartwarming moment police officer buys homeless man a new pair of shoes and socks Officer Mark Gurule's act of kindness caught on camera. Cop buys homeless man shoes, socks, and gives him $20. Source: YouTube/LatestNews


If there is one thing these stories have in common, it’s cops going above and beyond the call of duty to buy shoes and socks for those down on their luck.

But the BrightVibes staffer who is compiling these stories into a single article has a second important observation to make—there is one thing both cops and homeless people share in common, and that is both spend many, many gruelling hours per day on their feet. Every day.

When you are homeless you have nowhere to go. That’s what “homeless” means when all said and done. When everyone else goes home, you don’t. You aren’t wanted most places, so you move on. And on. And on. 

I believe (if you’ll forgive me this once using the 1st person?), that police officers more than anyone are aware of this harsh reality, for it is they who are often charged with the duty of moving the homeless along. They see these individuals day-in, day-out, carrying their meagre worldly possessions with them from place to place, with no end destination.

And police officers are human beings at the end of the day. They do empathise. Have you looked at a cop’s boots lately? Did you know most cops wear the very best footwear available for the job? Designed for the rigours of 12+ hour shifts on foot? With ankle support, and sturdy soles? Insoles to insulate from the cold ground? Quality natural fibre socks, which they change daily?

Why did I notice? Why did I feel the need to break my own rule of never injecting my personality into an article and point it out? Why do I even care? 

Well… I did it because this time ten years ago I was homeless, living on the streets 24 hours a day. This time ten years ago I was regularly moved along by police. This time ten years ago my legs were so blackened and swollen from walking, walking, walking, with my world on my back, that I was in excruciating pain all day.

Sometimes the tender look in a cop’s eyes when he told me to move along were at odds with the words coming out of his mouth. So I know they see the homeless. I know they empathise. And, like these officers above, perhaps some of them do what they can when they can to relieve some of the burden in some small way. It’s not their job. But they are human beings too, and I personally applaud them for their kindness.

I’m sorry to speak out of turn. In the hundreds of articles I’ve written for BrightVibes, you’ve never even had a hint of the person behind them, and I’ll never do it again. It’s not my place. This was something too important to me.

One last thing… if you want to witness something miraculous, to be part of really making someone’s day, give a homeless person a new pair of thick socks and watch their face. I promise you faithfully it’ll make your day too.

Fino ❤️

How to Help the Homeless: 5 Ways to Help the Homeless (With Pictures)

There are lots of other ways to help homeless people. Donating food and clothing to homeless shelters is a great way to help. You could also volunteer your time with such an organization. Educate yourself and others about homelessness, and share facts about homelessness with others. Use letters to your local newspaper, blog posts, and social media to spread the word about how homelessness is a problem and what others can do to help. Click to learn more.

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