Teenager saves for over two years to buy wheelchair for his friend

One high school student’s generosity and kindness toward a fellow classmate is warming hearts across the Internet.

High school student saves for over 2 years to buy his friend and classmate a new wheelchair

The news of one teen’s selfless act of kindness and generosity is spreading around the internet. Tanner Wilson, a senior at Caddo Hills High School in the rural town of Norman, Arkansas, bought an electric wheelchair for his classmate and friend, Brandon Qualls. It took the thoughtful teen over two years to save up money from his part-time job to afford the life-changing gift. "He’s just been a really good friend and I wanted to do him a favor," said Wilson. "I just felt like I needed to do it, and I wanted to do it."

Emotional gift This teenage boy saved all of his money for two years to buy his classmate the electric wheelchair he was dreaming of. What a buddy! Source: Facebook/CBSNews

Selfless sudent says saving for over 2 years was “100% worth it,”

For years, Brandon Qualls had been using a self-propelled wheelchair to get around.

"My arms would get really tired, and I would have to stop and take rests," Qualls told local television station KTHV.

His friend and classmate Tanner Wilson surprised Qualls with the new wheelchair during class on February 26. A teacher helped decorate the chair with orange flames on the fenders and Qualls’ last name written in orange flames on the back of the headrest. Orange is Qualls’ favorite color.

"They came in and my face just blew up, crying everywhere," Qualls told KTHV. "Just like, ‘Wow, can’t believe he did that for me!’"

Wilson said seeing the smile on his friend’s face made it "100 percent" worth it. There’s many people out here that have troubles and need a little bit of help," added the inspirational teen.

Source: ABCNews

Caddo Hills School District shared a photo of the two friends on Facebook “We would like to share some love,” the school district wrote in the Feb. 26 post. “Today Tanner Wilson, Caddo Hill’s Senior, surprised his fellow classmate Brandon Qualls with a motorized wheelchair. We are so grateful for the heartfelt surprise from one Indian to another. Tanner has been saving for two years to show his appreciation and friendship for Brandon.” Source: Facebook / Cado Hill School District

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