Source: Facebook/BellevuePublicSchools

Students club together to replace teacher’s stolen sneakers. “I’m not crying, you are crying.”

When their teacher’s favourite basketball shoes were stolen, this class showed their appreciation and affection for him by replacing them with a brand new pair, and his touching response went viral on social media.

Tears of joy over replaced stolen sneakers

Nebraska: When Logan Fontanelle Middle School teacher Trey Payne’s favourite basketball sneakers were stolen from his classroom, his students got together, chipped in some money, and replaced the stolen shoes with a brand new pair. In a now-viral video, they captured their cherished teacher’s emotional reaction to their generous gift.

A group of Payne's students pitched in money to replace the stolen Nike basketball shoes.
Logan Fontenelle Middle School teacher Trey Payne and his students. A group of Payne’s students pitched in money to replace the stolen Nike basketball shoes. Source: Facebook/BellevuePublicSchools

“It’s more than a pair of shoes, it’s about doing things to build everyone up around you,”

Two weeks ago, Logan Fontenelle Middle School teacher Trey Payne‘s basketball shoes were stolen from his classroom, according to a Facebook post from Bellevue Public Schools. On Tuesday, a group of Payne’s students made sure he didn’t miss those shoes too much when they pitched in money to replace the stolen Nike basketball shoes. The students were upset about what had happened and wanted to help Payne.

Thankfully, the surprise was caught on camera so Payne’s reaction could be shared with the world. A student can be heard prompting Payne to open a card before opening the gift bag. "You’re all making me nervous," Payne says in the video.

After reading the students’ card, Payne shakes his head in disbelief and reluctantly pulls a shoebox out of the gift bag.

With a quick glance across the huddle of students in front of him, Payne asks, "Are you serious?" To which students respond without hesitation, a collective "yes." As Payne opens the box, he starts shaking his head, again in disbelief, as tears begin to fill his eyes once he realises what the students were gifting him.

A student in the background can be heard saying, "You’re going to make me cry," as Payne starts to cover his eyes.

"It’s more than a pair of shoes, it’s about doing things to build everyone up around you," Payne shared with the district. "I try to show my kids this and I think the lesson has sunk in for many, in turn, reaffirming my purpose and my ideals."

To wrap up the surprise, the students all come in for a group hug to console Payne.

Source: CNN

These Students Made Their Teacher Cry With A Special GiftSource: Facebook/A-Plus

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