Source: MediaMonks

Santa Cruz del Islote: what this small island teaches us about taking care of our resources

Santa Cruz del Islote is a tiny Colombian community island. The island is completely self-reliant and focusses on sharing resources. They want to share their way of life so that the world may learn from them.

Santa Cruz del Islote

What can a 3-acres large island in the caribbean sea teach us about sustainability? A lot!  Santa Cruz del Islote is a self-reliant island that has opened up their island so that we may learn what we can do to strive to be as sustainable as they are. Virtually, you can explore the entire island, complete 9 lessons, learn about the community and graduate from the school of sustainability.

School of sustainabilitySource: Facebook BrightVibes

School of Sustainability

BanColombia is one of the most sustainable banks in the world and together with google, they have created a virtual tour to the school of sustainability so that the world can learn from Santa Cruz del Islote.

You can explore the entire island on their website and there’s nine lessons to be learned. You’ll learn from different island inhabitants that are all specialised in something else. There’s Jorge Luis who has an incredible amount of experience with fishing and teaches us how he shares the work and resources with his fellow fishermen to ensure no one goes to bed with an empty stomach. Rocio Barrios de Hoyos, who is responsible for collecting the money for the electric bill on the island. She shares her method of work and her thoughts on paying what you have and for what you need. 

After each lesson there are questions about your thoughts on sharing and the lesson you just learned. Little by little, you get to know the island and see how their small community not only works, but thrives. The lessons you learn in the school of sustainability can be used in your own life, to better not only your life and the lives of those around you, but to better the world as well.

Sustainability is the future and this main lesson ought to be taught to the entire world.

but their take on life and resources is something the entire world could benefit from.
Santa Cruz del Islote is hardly bigger than a soccerfield but their take on life and resources is something the entire world could benefit from. Source: MediaMonks

visit the School of sustainability

Enroll in the school of sustainability and learn about life on Santa Cruz del Islote and how you can incorporate their wisdom into your own life.

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