Source: BrightVibes

Peace for Peoria

An inspiring inter religion event was held, showing that people unite and respect each other, what ever their religion.

Earlier this month, a multi religious rally was held in Peoria, Illinois, with the name Know Islam, Know peace.

It was an answer to the negativity that the media is throwing at us about the Muslim faith. The rally was held in a mosque led by imam Kamil Mufti and its purpose was to create understanding for this religion and to bring people into contact with each other, whatever their religion may be.

Faith leaders united
Faith leaders united Source: Peoria Public Radio

More than seven hundred people from different religious backgrounds attended and there were different host speakers including pastor Jim Powell, rabbi Daniel Bogard and the mayor of Peoria, Jim Ardis. They all talked about faith uniting people and the interreligious and intercultural friendships they have formed over the years.

Source: WMBD

The next day, Ardis proclaimed March seventh to be Peace in Peoria day and the event will be held annually to remind people of the peace and understanding that people from all sorts of different backgrounds can have with and for each other!

The massive turnout!
The massive turnout! Source: Ckdean