Source: Facebook/OfficerTommyNorman

Officer Tommy Norman’s unorthodox approach made him “America’s Favourite Cop”

Officer Tommy Norman has become something of a folk hero to an entire community for his unorthodox approach to community policing, not to mention an inspiration to hundreds of thousands via his social media posts.

Newsweek have called him “America’s Favourite Cop”

Tommy Norman is a veteran officer who has spent more than 20 years employing a tactic he believes to be most effective in keeping neighbourhoods safe: community policing. His passion for the community goes well beyond his normal patrol route. He is known for his off-duty involvement with children, elderly and the disabled. "It’s forming relationships with people that I think some of society would forget about or turn their backs on," he says.

Norman says the two main components of community policing are forming relationships and maintaining commitment to those relationships.
The Community Policeman Norman says the two main components of community policing are forming relationships and maintaining commitment to those relationships. “It starts with the heart. So as a police officer, your badge should have a heartbeat and not an ego. Your badge should have empathy, it should have respect, compassion,” Norman says. Source: Facebook/OfficerTommyNorman

Officer Norman spends as much time off duty among the community he serves as he does in uniform

Norman is a local legend in his community of North Little Rock, Arkansas, and he makes his presence known. His vast number of social media followers spot him in different neighbourhoods, visiting with residents of the community, distributing gifts on behalf of his foundation and engaging in local events.

(Follow Officer Tommy Norman on Facebook & Instagram or check out his website)

Norman credits his strong relationship with the community to the firmly held promise that he will always be around.

"That’s huge when it comes to community policing, [for] people to see your face every day, [to] be visible but not only in uniform," Norman told Newsweek, adding, "You go right back out there on your day off, or maybe when your shift is over, because the community becomes ultimately a part of your family, and you spend as much time with them as you can."

The officer had been posting about his outreach on social media for a few years when in 2016, rapper The Game gave Norman a shoutout on Instagram. The rapper and his son Harlem started a GoFundMe page to aid Norman’s work through his foundation. The fund exceeded its $50,000 goal, eventually exceeding $73,000.

"When my time on Earth is done, I don’t want people to just remember me as a man in a uniform. I want to prove to people that you don’t have to be a police officer to make a difference." ~ Officer Tommy Norman.

If you would like to see a conversation with social media sensation Officer Tommy Norman, when he visited the University of Arkansas to discuss his approach to community policing and what it means to be an agent of change, click here.

Source: Newsweek

Norman’s unorthodox approach to policing includes thousands of video posts, pictures and daily interactive engagement at the Boys & Girls Clubs and the Police Athletic League with those that he protects and serves.
Norman is known for positive community policing Norman’s unorthodox approach to policing includes thousands of video posts, pictures and daily interactive engagement at the Boys & Girls Clubs and the Police Athletic League with those that he protects and serves. Source: Instagram/tnorman23
Norman’s unorthodox approach to policing includes thousands of video posts, pictures and daily interactive engagement at the Boys & Girls Clubs and the Police Athletic League with those that he protects and serves.
Dancing on duty Norman’s unorthodox approach to policing includes thousands of video posts, pictures and daily interactive engagement at the Boys & Girls Clubs and the Police Athletic League with those that he protects and serves. Source: YouTube/HornelFoods
Officer Norman uses social media [Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram] and a variety of ways to inspire the world, a world where too often police are seen in a negative light with brutality, abuse of force and poor relationships with citizens.
An example of social media helping bridge the divide between police and the community they serve Officer Norman uses social media [Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram] and a variety of ways to inspire the world, a world where too often police are seen in a negative light with brutality, abuse of force and poor relationships with citizens. Source:
Inspired People: Officer Tommy Norman Officer Tommy Norman, a 20-year police officer in North Little Rock, Ark., has become a folk hero to an entire community, not to mention a shining light to hundreds of thousands around the country. Source: YouTube/HormelFoods

4 ways to be more community-minded

Becoming more involved in your community doesn’t just provide benefits to the community. When you commit yourself to giving back, you have the opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. Serving others offers lasting feelings of fulfilment – and it can be a great way to get to know your neighbors!<br /> Here are four ways to become more involved in your community – why not start this weekend?

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