Source: EngageVancouver

Native American Chief Phil Lane Jr. Shares Words of Wisdom

“We are all indigenous people to Mother Earth… We are related to all living things. That’s the fundamental foundation of the indigenous worldview.”

Native American chief answers: ‘What does the world need to hear right now?’

In the beginning of Covid-19 when the world was standing still, Ingeborg Ertinger and Thomas Roebers felt that it was time to go back to our collective roots. Indigenous peoples from around our planet have managed to preserve the memory of our origins – timeless wisdom forgotten by many. The pair found 16 indigenous wisdom-keepers from around the world. Unable to travel, they interviewed them over the internet and asked them their answer to the question: 

‘What does the world need to hear right now?’

This resulted in 16 unique and poignant video Rooted Messages. Ingeborg and Thomas are passionate about sharing this wisdom as broadly as possible and plant seeds to live together in a more connected way; with ourselves, each other and the Earth. One of those interviewed was Native American Chief Phil Lane Jr., Ihanktonwan and Chickasaw Nations, North America and Canada. Here is Chief Lane’s Rooted Message:

Chief Lane is an internationally recognised indigenous leader in human and community development. As founder and chairman of the Four World’s International Institute, Chief Lane is dedicated to unifying the human family through the Fourth Way which transcends assimilation, resignation, and conflict by building partnerships with all nations and peoples.
Chief Phil Lane Jr. is an enrolled member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, and is a citizen of both Canada and the United States. Chief Lane is an internationally recognised indigenous leader in human and community development. As founder and chairman of the Four World’s International Institute, Chief Lane is dedicated to unifying the human family through the Fourth Way which transcends assimilation, resignation, and conflict by building partnerships with all nations and peoples. Source: RootedMessages

“To understand oneness also means to understand we’re related to all living things,”

“I am hereditary Chief Phil Lane Junior. Ihanktonwan and Chickasaw Nations. Turtle Island, Abya Yala. This time we’re in, of the coronavirus, is a time that we can hear, on one hand, the death pangs, the death cries of an old dying order, dying away, dying away. At the same time we can hear if we listen carefully the birth cries of the new being born. And while outwardly this might seem like fire and vengeance, inwardly we’ll find as we look back from the future this is purifying water to purify our hearts and minds, to bring us to a state of humility if we truly listen to what is happening. 

“And so I think it’s so important and understanding that all these prophecies that were given to the Indigenous People across the Americas…which also fit so beautifully togetherwith prophecies all over the world tell us that yes there is a new heaven and a new earth coming. It is here, actually and we can see it. 

“Each one of us was born for this day. Each one of us has within us those potentialities, those capabilities, those gifts that if shared in unity and respect and kindness and compassion will transform the world we live in. Once we have that peace within ourself then we can bring peace around us. And from that peace comes healing from that healing comes prosperity from that prosperity comes more understanding of oneness and kindness and compassion and love. 

“But to understand oneness also means to understand we’re related to all living things that’s the fundamental foundation of the Indigenous worldview.”

Continued below…

Rooted Messages asked 16 indigenous wisdom keepers from around the planet: 'What does the world need to hear right now?'
Timeless wisdom forgotten by many. Rooted Messages asked 16 indigenous wisdom keepers from around the planet: ‘What does the world need to hear right now?’ Source: Facebook/RootedMessages

“we all are Indigenous Peoples to Mother Earth.”

“Even to the point where now science is proving what Black Elk said so beautifully: The centre of the universe is everywhere. Everywhere. That means we’re intimately related. As long as 50% of the world’s population is being oppressed…and not allowed to express their full potentiality, there will not be solutions, not only to the climate issue, but to world peace. Because directly the way we treat women as a human family is a direct reflection of how we’re treating Mother Earth.The eagle has two wings: one is man and one is woman. Until both wings of the eagle have equal power and respect and honour, the eagle of humanity will never fly as high as to its promise. 

“Tied to that is the lack of importance we’re giving to the education of children. Really, if you think about it if we want to change this whole context, we have to provide universal education to all members of our human family. May we focus on all those wonderful potentialities we see unfolding for the future without giving away our energy fighting the negative. For in this process of integration and disintegration there is disintegration unfolding everywhere. At the same time we can choose to be part of that disintegration or be part of the integration. And I really want to encourage us that we step forward into that day that shall not be followed by night.”

“And utilising the guiding principles given to us part of our Indigenous cultures everywhere on Mother Earth where we all are Indigenous Peoples to Mother Earth.”

— Chief Phil Lane Jr., Ihanktonwan and Chickasaw Nations, North America and Canada, was speaking to Rooted Messages.

Native American Chief Shares What The World Needs To Hear:Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

Rooted messages: timeless indigenous wisdom

Rooted Messages is a non-profit organisation. Find them of Facebook or check out their website for more timeless indigenous wisdom.


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