
The most sustainable logistics company of the Netherlands – TSN Groen – is leading the way

TSN Groen, the most sustainable logistics company in the Netherlands, is leading the way in eco-conscious business practices. Andries Vlot, the CEO and Founder, also demonstrates that sustainability can be more cost-effective when considering the broader picture.

Is sustainability always expensive? Not necessarily!

The common belief is that sustainable practices come with a high price tag. However, Andries Vlot, the director and owner of TSN Groen, a consumer logistics and home delivery company, begs to differ. ‘I strongly disagree with this notion. In fact, I believe that sustainability is invariably more economical if you’re willing to consider the entire scenario,’ he asserts.

Staff work in MUD jeans that are made from recycled denim jeans. And the outerwear and jackets are all made from material that can be can be reused to make new clothes.

Staff work in MUD jeans that are made from recycled denim jeans and PET bottles. And the outerwear and jackets are all made from material that can be can be reused to make new clothes. Source:

TSN Groen builds its own electric vehicles

Recognizing transport’s significant contribution to CO2 emissions and particulate matter, TSN Groen transitioned from diesel to electric transport in 2020. Their fleet now boasts 60 EVs. Addressing the demand-supply gap, they established a new venture to convert 100 diesel vehicles to electric.

Andries Vlot points out, ‘Switching to electric is a step forward, but the energy for these EVs must be produced sustainably. That’s why we installed a solar park at our distribution center. With nearly 3,200 solar panels, we generate double the energy we use. The surplus energy is fed back into the grid, part of which assists those in need.’

TSN Groen distinguishes itself by employing an in-house ecologist who meticulously assesses the sustainability of every planned company initiative. Source:

TSN Groen employs their own ecologist

TSN Groen’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond standard practices. They employ an ecologist who critically evaluates the ecological impact of every company activity, ensuring a sustainable approach. This includes creating habitats for bees and swallows around their warehouse.

Their eco-friendly ethos is also evident in their use of recycled materials for employee uniforms, including shoes made from PET bottles and clothing from recycled denim. Additionally, TSN Groen is promoting CO2-neutral employee transportation through a bicycle program.

Their comprehensive sustainability strategy encompasses not just environmental concerns but also focuses on employee well-being and social initiatives, like integrating a social workshop in their warehouse to facilitate access to the labor market.

When planting around the warehouse, an area for bee hotels and a swallow wall were included. Source:

Wow! This Dutch sustainable entrepreneur is an example to many.Source: Facebook/BrightVibes

A main goal of Vlot’s is to inspire and do it well and get imitated

Andries Vlot places great importance on sustainable practices not only for their environmental benefits but also for their economic advantages. He challenges the common perception that sustainability is costly, emphasizing its long-term financial savings, particularly in public health and reduced vehicle emissions. Vlot highlights the cost-effectiveness of sustainable operations, noting lower maintenance and fuel costs despite higher initial investments in vehicles.

He believes in sustainability’s additional benefits, like lower staff absenteeism and increased commitment. Vlot’s primary ambition is to inspire and be emulated, hoping to be remembered for his attention to both the financial and human aspects of the business.

There are also bee hives around the distribution center. Source:

More than standard distribution services

TSN Groen engages actively in logistical challenges and collaborates with customers to ensure efficient delivery. The company is versatile, offering both one-person and two-person distribution services, and can take back packaging materials if needed. They also provide a comprehensive service by accepting old furniture or appliances for recycling, demonstrating their commitment to a full-circle sustainable approach.

The company ecologist recommended wild flowers in otherwise empty spaces.

Why waste space when pollinators love weeds? The company ecologist recommended wild flowers in otherwise empty spaces. Source:

“That's what made us decide to to install a solar park at our own distribution center. There are almost 3,200 solar panels at our current solar park, we generate about twice as much than we use ourselves.” Of the additional yield from the return to the grid, a portion is used to help those who are less fortunate.

“You can switch to electric vehicles, but if the energy they use isn’t sustainably generated, you’re not making a real difference,” explains Vlot. He further adds, “This realization led us to install a solar park at our distribution center. With almost 3,200 solar panels, we produce about twice the energy we consume.” Vlot also mentions that the excess energy generated is contributed back to the grid, aiding those in need. Source:

In 2020, TSN Groen made the switch from diesel transport to electric transport, and now they have a fleet of 60 EVs in operation. Source:
Because supply was lower than demand, they actually started up a new company with the aim of converting 100 diesel vehicles to electric. Source:
Vlot’s policies translate into lower absenteeism due to illness, more commitment of the people, more willingness to delivering quality.
Happy workers. Vlot’s policies translate into lower absenteeism due to illness, more commitment of the people, more willingness to delivering quality. Source:
Pollinator heaven surrounds the site. Source: TSNGroep.nlFor more stories about sustainable entrepreneurs, make sure to check these BrightVibes articles too. This article was first published on 15 July 2021.


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