Source: Facebook/LifeTerraEurope

In partnership with Life Terra

Life Terra is a foundation with a mission to enable people to take impactful climate action now. They facilitate tree planting, educate future generations, and develop tree monitoring technology. Life Terra is co-financed by the European Commission through the LIFE programme.

Life Terra’s ever-growing number of tree-planting events are sprouting up all over Europe

Enabling people to take impactful climate action now by facilitating tree planting events, educating future generations, and developing tree monitoring technology, the Life Terra project is spreading to new countries.

Life terra tree plating project picking up momentum across Europe

Recently we published a roundup of of this year’s activities so far from our friends and partners, Life Terra. Life Terra seeks to bring people together to plant 500 million trees in Europe, harnessing and monitoring nature’s own carbon capture mechanism and enabling citizens to take urgent action against the climate crisis, now. Well, if you thought they were busy in January and February, let’s take a look at what that momentum has produced in March and April, including first-time plantings in new countries.

‘We're making this island more beautiful with the planting of 22 different species of native trees and bushes at the national hockey stadium, adding much-needed green to the city,’ it reads on their blog. ‘We applied mulch to help retain moisture and also placed several Cocoons, water-saving devices to help grow trees. But would you believe it? After 3 months without a drop, it started raining in the afternoon, so all plants will get a good headstart! More photos?

14 March 2022: Malta – Opening a new country! ‘We’re making this island more beautiful with the planting of 22 different species of native trees and bushes at the national hockey stadium, adding much-needed green to the city,’ it reads on their blog. ‘We applied mulch to help retain moisture and also placed several Cocoons, water-saving devices to help grow trees. But would you believe it? After 3 months without a drop, it started raining in the afternoon, so all plants will get a good headstart! More photos? Source: Malta

The Municipality of Benavente is preparing a new urban park that will improve the people´s connection with nature and a sustainable life. Sunday 13 March, Life Terra was there to help, prepare a comprehensive set of actions in climate and environment education and...  plant 15 trees together! Benavente is an ancient town in the Santarém district, near the fertile agricultural zone in the estuarine zone of the river Tagus, where we can also find surprisingly biodiverse cork oak “montados”. More photos ?
15 March 2022: Portugal – Life Terra and Benavente, planting together. The Municipality of Benavente is preparing a new urban park that will improve the people´s connection with nature and a sustainable life. Sunday 13 March, Life Terra was there to help, prepare a comprehensive set of actions in climate and environment education and…  plant 15 trees together! Benavente is an ancient town in the Santarém district, near the fertile agricultural zone in the estuarine zone of the river Tagus, where we can also find surprisingly biodiverse cork oak “montados”. More photos ? Source: Portugal
On Friday 18 March, team members of PIP Studio and their partners met at Landgoed Pijnenburg to plant trees. The centuries-old family estate on the border of the province Utrecht with the province Noord-Holland offers a beautiful nature full of lovely lanes and cycle paths. The PIP Studio team and their partners literally rolled up their sleeves to contribute - over 600 new trees were planted in one afternoon. A total of 1,500 trees will be planted by PIP Studio and Life Terra. This is a mix of deciduous species, with the aim of restoring the area to nature in a sustainable way that encourages biodiversity and is climate-proof. More details ?
18 March 2022: The Netherlands – PIP Studio & Life Terra join forces to plant new species on ‘Pijnenburg Estate’. On Friday 18 March, team members of PIP Studio and their partners met at Landgoed Pijnenburg to plant trees. The centuries-old family estate on the border of the province Utrecht with the province Noord-Holland offers a beautiful nature full of lovely lanes and cycle paths. The PIP Studio team and their partners literally rolled up their sleeves to contribute – over 600 new trees were planted in one afternoon. A total of 1,500 trees will be planted by PIP Studio and Life Terra. This is a mix of deciduous species, with the aim of restoring the area to nature in a sustainable way that encourages biodiversity and is climate-proof. More details ? Source: Netherlands PIP
Life Terra collaborated in the reforestation project Fantástico Bosque together with SEO BirdLife in Valdavido, León. Thanks to the participation of more than 120 volunteers and with the support of the Valdavido Neighbourhood, they planted more than 3,500 trees of 16 native species to reforest this area of high ecological value for its flora and fauna. Five groves have been created of Mustard, Plum, Arraclán, Hazel, Alder, Ash, Willow, Oleander, Serb, Wild Apple, Cherry, Plum, Birch, Holly Birch, Pyrenean Oaks, Wild Rose, Yew and Maple. More details ?
28 March 2022: Spain – Reforestation weekend with Fantástico Bosque in Valdavido. Life Terra collaborated in the reforestation project Fantástico Bosque together with SEO BirdLife in Valdavido, León. Thanks to the participation of more than 120 volunteers and with the support of the Valdavido Neighbourhood, they planted more than 3,500 trees of 16 native species to reforest this area of high ecological value for its flora and fauna.
Five groves have been created of Mustard, Plum, Arraclán, Hazel, Alder, Ash, Willow, Oleander, Serb, Wild Apple, Cherry, Plum, Birch, Holly Birch, Pyrenean Oaks, Wild Rose, Yew and Maple. More details ? Source: Valdavido, León.
On Monday 28 March, the Life Terra team carried out a planting event in the schoolyard of the high school IES Alonso Quijano with the collaboration of
28 March 2022: Spain – School planting with IES Alonso Quijano. On Monday 28 March, the Life Terra team carried out a planting event in the schoolyard of the high school IES Alonso Quijano with the collaboration of “1 Million Trees for Climate Change” from Alcalá de Henares. More than 120 first-year students and the school eco-delegates took part in the planting of about 200 trees and shrubs. The aim of this activity was not only to create a green barrier around the perimeter of the yard, but also to provide shelter and food for urban fauna, especially birds. Students learned how to care for and promote local fauna and the importance of green areas in urban environments as well as how to care for trees. More details ? Source: IES Alonso Quijano
The first professional planting in Italy has been completed. More than 9000 trees planted in 7 hectares. The AlberItalia team designed a multifunctional polycyclic planting that aims to create a more orderly future riverside Woodland. Among the species planted we highlight Sessile oak (Quercus robur), White poplar (Populus alba), Alder (Alnus glutinosa) or European black elderberry (Sambucus nigra). The planting area is within the Natura 2000 network, and this reforestation will undoubtedly bring great ecological value to the area, reducing erosion on the riversides and supporting the local fauna. More details ?
8 April 2022: Italy – First professional planting in Italy finished! The first professional planting in Italy has been completed. More than 9000 trees planted in 7 hectares. The AlberItalia team designed a multifunctional polycyclic planting that aims to create a more orderly future riverside Woodland. Among the species planted we highlight Sessile oak (Quercus robur), White poplar (Populus alba), Alder (Alnus glutinosa) or European black elderberry (Sambucus nigra). The planting area is within the Natura 2000 network, and this reforestation will undoubtedly bring great ecological value to the area, reducing erosion on the riversides and supporting the local fauna. More details ? Source: Italy
In collaboration with our local partner Grow 10 trees, Life Terra recently organised a new urban tree planting event, this time with the help of the Safi Local Council. The event saw the removal of a number of invasive species from this garden to give more space to indigenous plants and more than 55 trees and bushes were planted. More photos ?
19 April 2022: Malta! Second tree planting event completed in Malta. In collaboration with our local partner Grow 10 trees, Life Terra recently organised a new urban tree planting event, this time with the help of the Safi Local Council. The event saw the removal of a number of invasive species from this garden to give more space to indigenous plants and more than 55 trees and bushes were planted. More photos ? Source: Malta 2
Life Terra are very happy to have been able to plant trees in Dublin in their first event in Ireland. About a hundred+ years ago only about 1% tree cover was left on this big island, now the country has about 11%. We aim to increase that percentage the coming years in collaboration with local partners. A big thanks to the EY Ireland team coming out to support this planting and partners One Tree Planted and Easy Treesie. More photos ?
21 April 2022: Ireland – First Life Terra tree planting in the Emerald Isle. Life Terra are very happy to have been able to plant trees in Dublin in their first event in Ireland. About a hundred+ years ago only about 1% tree cover was left on this big island, now the country has about 11%. We aim to increase that percentage the coming years in collaboration with local partners. A big thanks to the EY Ireland team coming out to support this planting and partners One Tree Planted and Easy Treesie. More photos ? Source: Ireland
Moritz, a master’s student of agricultural economics contacted Life Terra a few months ago with his idea to create a food forest at his friend’s Demeter farm in the south of Germany that is also going to be an evolving field lab and a potential destination for school field trips. Friends, family, neighbours and other supporters came to learn about the project. Over the course of a few days, finishing up this Easter weekend, the volunteers planted a biodiverse mix of certified organic shrubs and trees, created climbing supports for the young plants and prepared garden beds. More details ?
27 April 2022: Germany – New food forest in south Germany! Moritz, a master’s student of agricultural economics contacted Life Terra a few months ago with his idea to create a food forest at his friend’s Demeter farm in the south of Germany that is also going to be an evolving field lab and a potential destination for school field trips. Friends, family, neighbours and other supporters came to learn about the project. Over the course of a few days, finishing up this Easter weekend, the volunteers planted a biodiverse mix of certified organic shrubs and trees, created climbing supports for the young plants and prepared garden beds. More details ? Source: Germany
The landowner of this property, inspired by his neighbor
2 May 2022: Spain – Tree planting in Pinell del Brai, Tarragona. The landowner of this property, inspired by his neighbor “The green rebel” who already planted with us a couple of months ago, decided to also collaborate with us to plant more than 500 trees. It is really exciting to see how people get inspired and empowered by Life Terra and decide to carry out an event by themselves. Keep up the good work! More photos ? Source: Pinell del Brai
HP Spain joined Life Terra for one of reñirnos last plantings this season in Spain. Almost 100 native trees and shrubs were planted of 5 different species in Parc de la Serralada de Marina (Tiana, Catalunya), adding biodiversity and accelerating the restoration of this burnt area. Thanks to all the participants for their good work and positive energy! More photos ?
4 May 2022: HP Spain planting with Life Terra! HP Spain joined Life Terra for one of reñirnos last plantings this season in Spain. Almost 100 native trees and shrubs were planted of 5 different species in Parc de la Serralada de Marina (Tiana, Catalunya), adding biodiversity and accelerating the restoration of this burnt area. Thanks to all the participants for their good work and positive energy! More photos ? Source: Spain
This spring, together with the University of Barcelona and Volterra, Life Terra are working with five students with the bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences (UB) to develop a reforestation project in Spain. They visited the project area in Camarena de la Sierra, in the beautiful region of Teruel, to analyse the ecological context, take soil samples, and interview key stakeholders and local people to understand their vision. This was an opportunity for students to get hands-on experience and apply their theoretical knowledge to a real reforestation project. More ?
5 May 2022: Spain – Developing a reforestation project in Teruel. This spring, together with the University of Barcelona and Volterra, Life Terra are working with five students with the bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences (UB) to develop a reforestation project in Spain. They visited the project area in Camarena de la Sierra, in the beautiful region of Teruel, to analyse the ecological context, take soil samples, and interview key stakeholders and local people to understand their vision. This was an opportunity for students to get hands-on experience and apply their theoretical knowledge to a real reforestation project. More ? Source: Teruel

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How technology can help grow forests. Ned Dwyer, a specialist in satellite imagery, believes that technology has a role to play in helping us to restore the environment. Ned's role within Life Terra is to use satellite data and images in order to tell us about the health of the newly planted trees and the plots and how they are developing over time. Source: Facebook/LifeTerraEurope


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