Source: ZimbabweVoice

Kenyan schoolboy honoured by president for innovative hand washing machine

A nine-year-old Kenyan boy was honoured with a presidential award after he invented a touch-free hand washing machine to help curb the spread of COVID-19 in his country.

Kenya boy honoured with presidential award for inventing hand washing machine

Last month, nine-year-old Stephen Wamukota received a prestigious state commendation for building a unique touch-free hand washing machine to aid in the fight against Covid-19. Wamukota was named by President Uhuru Kenyatta as a recipient of the first Uzalendo Award alongside 67 others who were deemed to have contributed to the country’s anti-Covid-19 fight.

Wamukota's father, James, told CNN that his son came up with the idea to build the machine after learning how to stay safe from Covid-19 on a local TV channel.
Stephen Wamukota, from Bungoma County in western Kenya, was the youngest of 68 people to receive the award from President Uhuru Kenyatta. Wamukota’s father, James, told CNN that his son came up with the idea to build the machine after learning how to stay safe from Covid-19 on a local TV channel. “The first time the president announced Covid-19 infection in our country, it was said that everyone should wash their hands regularly to prevent the virus. My son told me that time that he had come up with a structure to help make hand washing easier,” he said. Source: CNN

Stephen was the youngest recipient of the award

The newly created presidential category of state commendations honours civilian Kenyans who play key roles in helping the country during the Covid-19 period.

The first batch of award recipients featured professionals including doctors, businessmen and journalists. Among the prominent names on the list were Equity Group CEO James Mwangi, Covid-19 Fund Chairperson Jane Karuku, and Kenya’s Ministry of Health Director Dr Patrick Amoth. — reported the Nairobi News.

However, it is the young Wamukota who stood out on the list, not just for his youth, but for his innovation.

Earlier last month, 9-yo Wamukota, who hails from Siboti Ward in Bumula Constituency, grabbed the headlines after coming up with a hand washing machine that left many people amazed by the innovation. The pupil at Mukwa Primary School, made the machine which does not require one to touch the liquid soap or the water bucket, which are placed side by side.

Wamukota said that he came up with the idea after watching many people struggle to wash their hands. He began putting together the machine together and later on his father helped him to complete it. He said he only used Sh3,000 ($30/€27/£24) to build his machine. He said his father gave him some money to finance his project.

“I had the idea of developing this machine and after I started, I became ran out of materials and approached my father who assisted me complete it,” he said.

On May 15, Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati and area Senator Cleophas Malala said they would scout for a special school for Wamukota to nurture his creativity.

Source: NairobiNews

Kenyan schoolboy invents hand washing machine An innovative nine-year-old from Western Kenya has designed a machine that allows people to wash their hands by using a foot pedal and therefore avoiding the spread of germs. Steve Wamukota has become a social media celebrity for his invention. Source: Facebook/MinistryofHealth


Even those without eczema are struggling with dry and cracked skin due to frequent hand-washing, so the UK’s National Eczema Society (NES) issued advice to help those struggling at the moment.

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