Source: Interplast Holland

Interplast Holland performs free reconstructive surgery for the poorest

Treatment for burn wounds, cleft lips and other (congenital) deformations aren’t available or affordable everywhere in the world. Interplast Holland goes on missions to areas where they are needed the most and performs the surgeries for free.

The Interplast Holland foundation

Burn wounds, cleft lips and congenital deformations are occur worldwide. Unfortunately treatment, a reconstructive surgery, isn’t affordable or even available for everyone in the world. The Interplast Holland foundation travels to the poorest countries to perform these surgeries for free.

Interplast Holland travels to the poorest countries to perform free reconstructive surgeriesSource: Facebook BrightVibes

Life changing results

Yearly, several teams of doctors from the Netherlands go on missions to countries such as Burundi, Nigeria, Zanzibar and Bangladesh. These teams are made up of experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeons, anaesthetists and assistants and is assisted by local doctors and nurses.

In close cooperation with local hospitals and nurses, they make sure the results are durable.   The team also trains local doctors and nurses to perform these surgeries and burns centres are set up so that the country becomes more self reliable. 

All materials for the operations are being brought from the Netherlands so there’s not too much burden on the local hospitals.

The Burundi team during their mission in 2017 Source: Interplast Holland


In 2009, a first team of Interplast Holland doctors travelled to Burundi. This country is one of the smallest and densely populated countries in Africa.  On top of this, it is also one of the poorest countries in the world.

As in many other countries, Interplast Holland staff in Burundi, sees many children and adults with untreated burn wounds and cleft lips.   Every year, more and more surgeries are performed by a growing team that gains more and more experience.  In 2017, no less than 80 surgeries were performed in places such as Karuzi and Rumonge.

You can help out too!

Your donations would be very welcome and would help Interplast Holland to perform more surgeries and change people's lives. The donations are used to set up more burn centra, educating local nurses and get more materials to perform surgeries.

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