Source: TheOceanCleanup

inspiration list: 12 of BrightVibes’ most popular positive news stories in 2021

Green initiatives, inspiring people, community projects, healthcare innovation, wildlife wins and much more — Brightvibes amplifies the impact of all positive initiatives around the world, and these are 12 of the most popular news items from 2021.

Brightvibes believes in the power of Contagiously Inspiring Stories

Brightvibes amplifies the positive impact of all good initiatives around the world. Together we inspire and activate a global community of good-doers (a.k.a. Bright Vibers) and help you to increase your positive impact. Here are the 12 of the most read and shared stories of the past year. For full details of any story, click image source. Enjoy! 

In 2009 there were only around 72,000 bald eagles in the lower 48 states, but now researchers say the population is above 300,000 — including more than 71,400 nesting pairs. Bald eagles once teetered on the brink of extinction, reaching an all-time low of 417 known nesting pairs in 1963 in the lower 48 states. However, after decades of protection, the banning of the pesticide DDT, and conservation efforts with numerous partners, the bald eagle population has flourished. Scientists say the bald eagle population climbed to an estimated 316,700 individual bald eagles in the lower 48 states, indicating the bald eagle population has continued to increase rapidly since their previous survey. Full story:?
1. America’s Bald eagles are back from the brink of extinction, In 2009 there were only around 72,000 bald eagles in the lower 48 states, but now researchers say the population is above 300,000 — including more than 71,400 nesting pairs. Bald eagles once teetered on the brink of extinction, reaching an all-time low of 417 known nesting pairs in 1963 in the lower 48 states. However, after decades of protection, the banning of the pesticide DDT, and conservation efforts with numerous partners, the bald eagle population has flourished. Scientists say the bald eagle population climbed to an estimated 316,700 individual bald eagles in the lower 48 states, indicating the bald eagle population has continued to increase rapidly since their previous survey. Full story:? Source: BALD EAGLES
On Sunday 14 December (2020), Aurora Borealis Observatory uploaded a video to Facebook showing a reindeer, its magnificent antlers clearly visible against the backdrop of an electric-green night sky. For full details of this story, to watch the video, and see lots more stunning images, click source:?
2. REINDEER STEALS THE LIMELIGHT AT AURORA BOREALIS OBSERVATORY On Sunday 14 December (2020), Aurora Borealis Observatory uploaded a video to Facebook showing a reindeer, its magnificent antlers clearly visible against the backdrop of an electric-green night sky. For full details of this story, to watch the video, and see lots more stunning images, click source:? Source: AURORA BOREALIS REINDEER
In 2012, six-year-old Hailey Ford started a garden to grow food for the homeless in her neighbourhood — since then both the garden and her impact in the community have grown. While Hailey might look like any other little girl at first glance, nobody would guess that this amazing child has built up to 11 tiny cabins and has been farming actively to help the homeless in Kitsap County, Washington. Full story, click source:?
3. CARING YOUNG GIRL BUILDS 11 TINY HOMES TO SUPPORT HOMELESS PEOPLE AND GROWS HER OWN FOOD. In 2012, six-year-old Hailey Ford started a garden to grow food for the homeless in her neighbourhood — since then both the garden and her impact in the community have grown. While Hailey might look like any other little girl at first glance, nobody would guess that this amazing child has built up to 11 tiny cabins and has been farming actively to help the homeless in Kitsap County, Washington. Full story, click source:? Source: HAILEY FORD
With the release of the 15 original Española Island tortoises back to their island home after 55 years in the program, one of the most successful captive breeding programs in the world is now officially closed, the Galapagos Conservancy announced last month. The reproduction of these 15 individuals in captivity led to the eventual reintroduction of nearly 1,900 Española tortoises to their island or origin through the breeding program. Full story:?

Many of those tortoises have survived in the wild and started breeding, so that there are now more than 2,300 tortoises on the island – all the offspring and “grandchildren” of the original 15 surviving Española tortoises.
4. THE LONG ROAD HOME FOR 15 GIANT TORTOISES THAT SAVED A SPECIES. With the release of the 15 original Española Island tortoises back to their island home after 55 years in the program, one of the most successful captive breeding programs in the world is now officially closed, the Galapagos Conservancy announced last month. The reproduction of these 15 individuals in captivity led to the eventual reintroduction of nearly 1,900 Española tortoises to their island or origin through the breeding program. Full story:?

Many of those tortoises have survived in the wild and started breeding, so that there are now more than 2,300 tortoises on the island – all the offspring and “grandchildren” of the original 15 surviving Española tortoises. Source: GALAPAGOS TORTOISES

Nine-year-old Sean Porter from Southport, near Liverpool, was originally asked to create a game for a school project, but the boy took it one step further in a bid to help his little brother, and designed an app for him and other non-verbal children and those with autism in order to help them communicate better. Full story click:?
5. BOY (9) CREATES APP FOR HIS BROTHER (6) WITH AUTISM TO GIVE NON-VERBAL CHILDREN A VOICE. Nine-year-old Sean Porter from Southport, near Liverpool, was originally asked to create a game for a school project, but the boy took it one step further in a bid to help his little brother, and designed an app for him and other non-verbal children and those with autism in order to help them communicate better. Full story click:? Source: AUTISM APP
Leydy Pech is the indigenous Mayan beekeeper who led a coalition that successfully halted Monsanto’s planting of genetically modified soybeans in southern Mexico. Due to the relentless persistence of Pech and her coalition, in September 2017, Mexico’s Food and Agricultural Service revoked Monsanto’s permit to grow genetically modified soybeans in seven states. For this monumental feat of determination on behalf of her ancestral ecosystem, Leydy Pech was recently awarded the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize for North America. Full story:?
6. THE MAYAN BEEKEEPER WHO BEAT MONSANTO. Leydy Pech is the indigenous Mayan beekeeper who led a coalition that successfully halted Monsanto’s planting of genetically modified soybeans in southern Mexico. Due to the relentless persistence of Pech and her coalition, in September 2017, Mexico’s Food and Agricultural Service revoked Monsanto’s permit to grow genetically modified soybeans in seven states. For this monumental feat of determination on behalf of her ancestral ecosystem, Leydy Pech was recently awarded the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize for North America. Full story:? Source: BEEKEEPER BEAT MONSANTO
Dutch entrepreneur Boyan Slat’s The Ocean Cleanup project launched System 002, aimed at cleaning an area equal to 1 soccer field of ocean plastic every 15 seconds. They can now steer to high-density zones to accelerate the cleanup process - Boosted span, speed, and efficiency = reduced cost/kg of plastic removed - Quicker time to scale up, because of simpler, readily available technology. Full story:?
7. A FASTER WAY TO CLEAN THE OCEANS: THE OCEAN CLEANUP SYSTEM 002. Dutch entrepreneur Boyan Slat’s The Ocean Cleanup project launched System 002, aimed at cleaning an area equal to 1 soccer field of ocean plastic every 15 seconds. They can now steer to high-density zones to accelerate the cleanup process – Boosted span, speed, and efficiency = reduced cost/kg of plastic removed – Quicker time to scale up, because of simpler, readily available technology. Full story:? Source: THE OCEAN CLEANUP
The Block Project builds fully equipped, healthy homes for people experiencing homelessness. BLOCK Homes are permitted and placed in homeowners' backyards throughout Seattle. This model gives residents a place to call home and communities around the city an opportunity to make a real difference in supporting their unhoused neighbours and addressing the issue of homelessness together. The Block Project program has so far housed 12 people in private backyards and there are plans to grow. Full story:?
8. SEATTLE HOMEOWNERS VOLUNTEER THEIR BACKYARDS FOR TINY HOMES FOR UNHOUSED NEIGHBOURS. The Block Project builds fully equipped, healthy homes for people experiencing homelessness. BLOCK Homes are permitted and placed in homeowners’ backyards throughout Seattle. This model gives residents a place to call home and communities around the city an opportunity to make a real difference in supporting their unhoused neighbours and addressing the issue of homelessness together. The Block Project program has so far housed 12 people in private backyards and there are plans to grow. Full story:? Source: THE BLOCK PROJECT
The free competition, open to wildlife photography experts and novices, celebrates the hilarity of our natural world and highlights what we need to do to protect it. From a tree-hugging proboscis monkey to a pair of dancing bear cubs, Comedy Wildlife’s photographs transcend cultures and ages to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Full article and photo gallery:?
9. WINNERS OF THE HILARIOUS COMEDY WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD 2021. The free competition, open to wildlife photography experts and novices, celebrates the hilarity of our natural world and highlights what we need to do to protect it. From a tree-hugging proboscis monkey to a pair of dancing bear cubs, Comedy Wildlife’s photographs transcend cultures and ages to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Full article and photo gallery:? Source: KEN JENSEN/COMEDYWILDLIFEPHOTO
The Spanish capital is building a green wall around the city. The project covers 14,200 hectares and provides for the planting of up to 450,000 trees of native species; a green infrastructure that will extend over 75 kilometres around the capital, and which will contribute to the rebalancing of the city, the reduction of CO2 emissions, the fight against climate change, the ecological and landscape restoration of degraded areas and increase the supply of pedestrian and cyclist zones, as well as benefit the health of the population.
10. MADRID IS PLANTING A MASSIVE FOREST RING AROUND THE CITY TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE. The Spanish capital is building a green wall around the city. The project covers 14,200 hectares and provides for the planting of up to 450,000 trees of native species; a green infrastructure that will extend over 75 kilometres around the capital, and which will contribute to the rebalancing of the city, the reduction of CO2 emissions, the fight against climate change, the ecological and landscape restoration of degraded areas and increase the supply of pedestrian and cyclist zones, as well as benefit the health of the population. Source: MADRID GREEN WALL
‘Manta’ is the first concentrated ecology and technology factory ship capable of collecting, processing and recovering large quantities of marine plastic waste —and it's powered by renewable energy. The SeaCleaners unveils the Manta, its pioneering and ecofriendly sailboat to collect and process large quantities of marine plastic waste. The Manta is an ecofriendly sailboat, operating autonomously at 75% without fossil fuels - an unprecedented technological feat. This multi-purpose factory boat, propelled by renewable energies, embodies a new way of acting to protect the oceans. Full story:?
11. ‘MANTA’ THE SEA-CLEANING SAILBOAT COLLECTS UP TO 3 TONS OF OCEAN GARBAGE PER HOUR. ‘Manta’ is the first concentrated ecology and technology factory ship capable of collecting, processing and recovering large quantities of marine plastic waste —and it’s powered by renewable energy. The SeaCleaners unveils the Manta, its pioneering and ecofriendly sailboat to collect and process large quantities of marine plastic waste. The Manta is an ecofriendly sailboat, operating autonomously at 75% without fossil fuels – an unprecedented technological feat. This multi-purpose factory boat, propelled by renewable energies, embodies a new way of acting to protect the oceans. Full story:? Source: MANTA
They improve air quality, retain rainwater, provide natural insulation and they look stunning! Each tile is supplied overgrown with sedum plants. Easy to install on sloping roofs; ventilating and water resistant, just like a normal tiled roof. The advantages of a roof tile combined with all the advantages of a green roof. Get rid of cold attic rooms and grey tiles. The advantage of natural insulation and the beautiful appearance of the plants are laid with the convenience of a tiled roof. Because the roof tile substrate and the sedum-mix mat are attached to the green roof tile, roof slopes of 20º to 55º are feasible. Full details:?
12. DUTCH INVENT GREEN ROOF TILES THAT CAN TURN EVEN PITCHED ROOFS INTO GREEN ROOFS. They improve air quality, retain rainwater, provide natural insulation and they look stunning! Each tile is supplied overgrown with sedum plants. Easy to install on sloping roofs; ventilating and water resistant, just like a normal tiled roof. The advantages of a roof tile combined with all the advantages of a green roof. Get rid of cold attic rooms and grey tiles. The advantage of natural insulation and the beautiful appearance of the plants are laid with the convenience of a tiled roof. Because the roof tile substrate and the sedum-mix mat are attached to the green roof tile, roof slopes of 20º to 55º are feasible. Full details:? Source: GREEN ROOF TILES


We don’t need to tell you that 2021 was a tough year, but we would like to remind you it wasn't all bad. Here’s a recap of 12 of BrightVibes’ favourite underreported, positive news stories.

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