Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto

In celebration of International Women’s Day — we take a look at The Atlas of Beauty

Photographer Mihaela Noroc travels the world and captures the natural beauty and diversity of our planet through 500 portraits of women.

The Atlas of Beauty — Women of the World in 500 Portraits

The Atlas Of Beauty is a project about our planet’s diversity shown through portraits of women. Mihaela Noroc is a Romanian photographer, and for the past four years she has been travelling around the world with her backpack and camera. In this journey she photographs natural women surrounded by their natural environment. So far Mihaela has visited more than 50 countries. The project has become a global media phenomenon and the book is an international bestseller.

Let’s send a message to the world about love and diversity! Mihaela Noroc travels the world photographing women and proving that beauty knows no border. Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto

Mihaela quit her “ordinary” life and put all her efforts and savings into travel and photography

Mihaela Noroc is a 31 years old photographer from Bucharest, Romania, who has spent most of the last 4 years traveling in different countries of the world. Her father is a painter, so since childhood Mihaela was surrounded by colours. When she was 16 she discovered photography, but unfortunately she couldn’t make a living with it, so had to work in other fields where she could earn a decent income. 

Traveling during vacations as a backpacker in different parts of the world helped Mihaela discover the diversity of our planet. So when she was 27 she decided to quit her ”ordinary” life in Bucharest and put all her efforts and savings into travel and photography.

Even though The Atlas of Beauty became very popular all around the world, Mihaela says, “I’m the same ordinary person, with the same backpack like 4 years ago, that loves to explore the unnoticed beauty which lies in people around us.”

Mihaela continues, “I see myself like a very normal woman, with ups and downs. I work hard for my dream, and, by chance, this dream is very appreciated by mass media. But there are millions of women in the world, that work even harder for their goals and maybe their activities don’t seem so spectacular from the outside. I hope I will have the chance to photograph some of them for the project, capturing their inner and outer beauty and showing them how special they are.”

Follow Mihaela on Facebook, Instagram, or check out The Atlas of Beauty website. See below to order your own copy.


One of the descendants of Inca empire is Zafiro (pictured). Mihaela noticed her on a Peruvian street and proposed she be part of the Atlas.
Peru: before spanish colonisation, the Incas had huge treasures of gold and precious stones One of the descendants of Inca empire is Zafiro (pictured). Mihaela noticed her on a Peruvian street and proposed she be part of the Atlas. Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto
Since 2013 Mihaela Noroc has travelled the world with her backpack and camera taking photos of everyday women to showcase the diversity and beauty all around us. The Atlas of Beauty is a collection of her photographs that celebrates women from fifty countries across the globe.
Tibetan woman in Xiahe, China Since 2013 Mihaela Noroc has travelled the world with her backpack and camera taking photos of everyday women to showcase the diversity and beauty all around us. The Atlas of Beauty is a collection of her photographs that celebrates women from fifty countries across the globe. Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto
Havana, Cuba Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto
Ecuador Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto
Before her performance in a traditional show, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto
Wakhan Corridor, Afghanistan Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto
Each morning she comes from her small village, to Varanasi to sell in the market with her family.
India Each morning she comes from her small village, to Varanasi to sell in the market with her family. Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto
They transport more than twenty million people every day. Just imagine twenty million fascinating stories!
While traveling in India, Mihaela noticed that trains are the country’s vital circulatory system They transport more than twenty million people every day. Just imagine twenty million fascinating stories! Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto
Iran Source: Facebook/MihaelaNorocPhoto

Click Here to Order Your Copy of The Atlas of Beauty

Order The Atlas of Beauty book now and enjoy many more photos and stories from this unique project.

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