Source: Pixabay

How to help bees: 9 actions YOU can take to befriend bees

Bees are among the most important insects to humans on Earth. Due to a.o. the use of pesticides, they have become under threat. But do not despair; you can help bees by following up on these tips.

9 things you can do to help save bees

The world would be a far different place if bees didn’t exist. Bees and other insects are vital for global food production as they pollinate three-quarters of all crops. The pollinating service honeybees and the other pollinators provide helped produce around $19 billion worth of agricultural crops in the US alone in 2010. 

In the last half decade alone 30% of the national bee population has disappeared and nearly a third of all bee colonies in the U.S. have perished. Fortunately, you can action to help bees from becoming extinct. Below you find 9 practical tips with what you can do to help save bees. 

9 things you can do to help save bees Here are nine practical things you can do today to help save the bee. Source: BrightVibes Facebook

9 things you can do to help save the bee

1. Plant a bee garden with flowers

Planting flowers – especially ones indigenous to your area – helps feed bees.

And it doesn’t require much space; a small garden, window box or rooftop is all it takes

2. Cut out toxic insecticides!

Try natural methods of pest control such as putting up bird boxes and blasting aphids with water. Or put a ladybird house near your plants to eat any aphids. Find out more here.

3. Buy local and support your local beekeeper

Buy Organically grown fruits, vegetables and honey at beekeepers in your area.

Create or buy a bee hotel to ensure bees have a safe place. 
Place it in a shady area near flowers.
4. Make or buy a bee hotel Create or buy a bee hotel to ensure bees have a safe place.
Place it in a shady area near flowers. Source: Pixabay

5. Do not panic If you are worried about a honey bee swarm or nest, contact a local beekeeper.
They will safely relocate the bees to a secure and permanent new home. Source:

3 more great tips on how to help save bees

6. Register:

The Pollinator Partnership database collects habitats to build a bee community

Register your space if you have plants available for pollination

7. Become a beekeeper and start your own beehive!
Benefits include bee products as raw honey and beeswax. 

And the joy of working with a hive. Contact your local beekeeping club for more information

8. Prairies, not lawns

Lawns are cut too often and don’t have plants that benefit bees. Instead, plant prairies!

Bees get tired after all the pollinating they do. Help them by setting up a watering station so they can regain their strength
9. Set up a bee refreshment station Bees get tired after all the pollinating they do. Help them by setting up a watering station so they can regain their strength Source: Pinterest

Good news! EU agrees to a total van on bee-harming pesticides

The world’s most common insecticides will be banned from all European agricultural fields within 6 months in order to protect both wild and honeybees, and this is fantastic news because our world would be a very  different place if bees didn’t exist.

You can read up on the EU’s ban here.

Petitions, bills & regulatory action

If you want the US to follow into Europe's foodsteps by banning certain bee-harming pesticides, let your voice be heard and sign this petition

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