
Gujarat man has an amazing wedding ceremony… with no bride!

The family of a Gujarati man with Down Syndrome fulfilled his lifelong wish to have a traditional Indian wedding… but without a bride.

Family throws lavish wedding for unmarried relative

27-year-old Ajay Barot’s lifelong dream has been to have a grand, traditional Indian wedding celebration, just like his cousin. While his long-standing wish was fulfilled by family and friends recently in Himmatnagar, Gujarat, his wedding had one missing element… a bride for the groom.

The young man had always wanted a traditional wedding but couldn’t find a match Around 200 people, who were part of the wedding procession in which Ajay rode a horse, danced to the tune of Gujarati music and drum beats. Source: Facebook/NowThis

A grand wedding procession was held with the groom sat astride a horse

The family of Ajay Barot, 27, decided to fulfil the wishes of their loved one by giving him the lavish wedding of his dreams. 

Unfortunately it was not possible for them to find a match for the young man, who has Down syndrome, so they decided to have the wedding without a bride and ensured all Gujarati rituals and traditions were observed.

A day before the wedding, mehendi and sangeet ceremonies were held, attended by close friends and relatives. 

The next day, Ajay was decked out in traditional ceremonial garb—a golden sherwani, dazzling pink headgear and red and white rose garlands. 

A grand wedding procession was held with the groom sat astride a horse, and around 200 people, who were part of the procession, danced to the tune of Gujarati music and drum beats.

Ajay’s father, Vishnu Barot, told ANI News, "My son was diagnosed with learning disability and lost his mother at an early age. He used to enjoy the wedding procession of other people and asked us about his marriage. We were unable to answer his question as it was not possible to find a match for him. 

Thus, after talking to all my family members, I decided to arrange a wedding procession for him so he feels like his wedding is being held and his dream is getting accomplished. I am very happy that I fulfilled my son’s dream without thinking about what society would say.”  (continued below)

Source: ANI-News

Ajay Barot had always wanted a traditional wedding but couldn’t find a match, so his loving family threw him the celebration of his dreams anyway.
The groom was resplendent in a golden sherwani, dazzling pink headgear and red & white roses Ajay Barot had always wanted a traditional wedding but couldn’t find a match, so his loving family threw him the celebration of his dreams anyway. Source:

“What was important for us is to see Ajay gleaming with joy on his big day,”

Ajay’s uncle, Kamlesh Barot, said his nephew is very fond of music, and dancing brings a smile to his face. "He never misses any wedding in our village. After seeing my son’s marriage in February, Ajay used to ask us about his wedding. When my brother came up with an idea to fulfil his son’s wish, we all stood by him and decided to have his varghodo (wedding procession) like any normal wedding, though a bride was missing here."

"We sent wedding invitations to our relatives and performed all rituals as per Gujarati tradition in the presence of a priest. What was important for us is to see Ajay gleaming with joy on his big day," he added.

"My brother was lucky that his family supported his wish. We all are happy for him. We did not want to hurt anyone’s emotion, it was just to see him thrilled with joy as he is very dear to us," Ajay’s younger sister told ANI News.

Such loving and caring family and friends ensured Ajay’s special day was one he will remember forever.


The family arranged a feast for nearly 800 family, friends and well-wishers in a community hall situated close to their residence.
All rituals as per Gujarati tradition were performed in the presence of a priest The family arranged a feast for nearly 800 family, friends and well-wishers in a community hall situated close to their residence. Source:

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