Source: Facebook/BenjaminJackson

Grieving Aussie farmer sends heartfelt tribute to late aunt through the medium of sheep art

When Covid border closures forced him to miss her funeral, a NSW farmer paid tribute to his beloved aunt in the only way he knew how: with sheep

Say it with sheep: farmer pays tribute to favourite Aunt through flock art

Unable to attend her Brisbane funeral in person due to border restrictions, a grieving Guyra (NSW) farmer laid out grain in the paddock in the shape of a giant heart to pay tribute to a beloved Aunt who died.


Who knew watching some sheep eating kibble in a field could be so emotional? Watch the video and try not to sob. Click this link to watch Benjamin’s original video:?

Touching ovine tribute will have you bawling. Who knew watching some sheep eating kibble in a field could be so emotional? Watch the video and try not to sob. Click this link to watch Benjamin’s original video:? Source: Benjamin Jackson via Facebook

Rainbow bridge over troubled water

A sheep farmer stuck in lockdown in New South Wales who was unable to attend his aunt’s funeral has honoured her memory with the ultimate tribute: a love heart made from sheep.

Ben Jackson from Guyra couldn’t make it to Brisbane to be with his aunt during her final moments after a two-year fight with cancer that began at the start of the pandemic.

“Unfortunately, she didn’t make it,” Jackson told The Guardian. “At those times of grief, you feel really helpless, you don’t know what to do, what to say.

“Especially in these Covid times, no one can prepare for that border closure grief, not being able to say cheerio or be there when she passes. It’s pretty difficult.”

Jackson said the idea for the heart came to him while he was out feeding his sheep “supplementary tucker” as they are “quite pregnant and need a bit of extra TLC”.

Having created the heart, the video was filmed by drone and sent to his family in Brisbane so it could be overlaid to Simon and Garfunkel’s Bridge over Troubled Water and played at his aunt’s funeral.

Source: TheGuardian 

'I made this for my Aunty Deb. We said goodbye yesterday. I hope you had a peep down from up there and saw this sheep art for you,' he wrote. 'Bridge over Troubled water by Simon and Garfunkel was one of her favourite tunes.'

The moving gesture was posted to Jackson’s Facebook on Tuesday night, accompanied by a heartfelt message captioned alongside the video. ‘I made this for my Aunty Deb. We said goodbye yesterday. I hope you had a peep down from up there and saw this sheep art for you,’ he wrote. ‘Bridge over Troubled water by Simon and Garfunkel was one of her favourite tunes.’ Source: Facebook/BenjaminJackson

The touching tribute video from Mr Jackson was played at the end of Deb Cowdery’s funeral service

Mr Jackson said the true reality of Covid-19 restrictions didn’t hit home until he found himself separated from his family during the time of his aunt’s death.

‘You hear about people doing it tough and not being able to say cheerio to their loved ones and not being able to be there or have that type of connection that we’re used to,’ Mr Jackson told The Sydney Morning Herald.   

‘I was completely and utterly unprepared for how it’s affected me, the family and others, of course there are so many people who are doing it tough in Australia and the world.’

Source: DailyMail

Sheep farmer’s touching tribute to aunt after being unable to attend funeral. A grieving sheep farmer has come up with a heart-warming way to pay tribute to his late aunty after being unable to attend the funeral due to border closures. Source: Facebook / BrightVibes


Even when you care deeply about someone, it can be difficult to show those feelings. There are many ways to reach out to loved ones and show your appreciation. Speaking to them kindly, giving them your full attention, and acting kindly toward them will go a long way to show your appreciation for them.

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