
GravityLight: the innovative device that generates instant off-grid light from the lift of a weight

Taking just moments to lift a weight will power GravityLight for 25 minutes of its descent — a real ray of hope for the 1.5 billion without mains electricity.

GravityLight is significantly more sustainable, safe and healthy than kerosene

GravityLight is an innovative device that generates light from the lift of a weight. It takes seconds to lift the weight that powers GravityLight, creating 25 minutes of light on its descent. With no need for batteries or the sun, it can be used anytime; over and over again with no running costs. While GravityLight only generates a deciwatt or two of power, it sheds a superior light to the majority of kerosene lamps used by those without electricity, as well as being significantly more sustainable, safe and healthy. With no running costs, a GravityLight would pay for itself within a few months, freeing people from fuel poverty and the increasing costs of kerosene.

This amazing GravityLight — offering a ray of hope to millions without electricity GravityLight is a gravity-powered lamp designed by the company Deciwatt for use in developing or third-world nations, as a replacement for kerosene lamps. It uses a bag filled with rocks or earth, attached to a cord, which slowly descends similar to the weight drive in a cuckoo clock. This action powers the light for almost thirty minutes. Source: Facebook/ThisIsZinc

The problem, and the problem with kerosene…

Over 1.2 billion people globally have no access to electricity and millions more have an unreliable supply. Instead they use dangerous, polluting and expensive kerosene lamps for light.

A typical kerosene lamp is made by taking an empty bottle or tin can, putting a wick in the middle, filling it with fuel and setting light to it. Using kerosene for lighting is extremely inefficient, incredibly dangerous and increasingly more expensive, aside from the fact kerosene poses extensive health and environmental drawbacks.

Collectively, kerosene lamps cause 3% of the worlds CO2 emissions and are a significant source of black carbon, with even more intense local warming impact. Smoke from kerosene lamps causes respiratory problems. Accidental kerosene poisoning has potentially fatal consequences, particularly for children. Using kerosene inside homes can lead to devastating fires and burns.

The cost of kerosene is a poverty trap. Amongst the poorest populations, kerosene alone consumes up to 30% of their income.


The ongoing cost of kerosene fuel consumes a significant portion of people's disposable income in developing countries. In Kenya, some families spend up to 30% of their household income on kerosene alone!
Kerosene is both dangerous and costly The ongoing cost of kerosene fuel consumes a significant portion of people’s disposable income in developing countries. In Kenya, some families spend up to 30% of their household income on kerosene alone! Source: Facebook/GravityLight

The Solution — GravityLight generates light from the lift of a weight.

Combining both kinetic and potential energy, GravityLight works by connecting an elevated weight — filled with rocks or sand — to a pulley system that slowly powers a generator as the weight falls to the ground. 

  • Instant Light: It takes just a few seconds to lift the weight that powers GravityLight. Providing 20 minutes of light as it descends. 
  • No Batteries: No batteries mean that GravityLight can be stored indefinitely and there’s no need to charge in advance, it’s ready when you need it.
  • No Running Costs: As the energy generated from the device is completely self sustained, GravityLight pays for itself within months of switching from a kerosene lamp. 

What’s more, the people behind the device are committed to ensuring GravityLight is sustainable and scalable. They say they aim to create local jobs, skills and livelihoods in the heart of the communities that will be using GravityLight. 

Rather than undermining the local economy by giving away free products, they are working through sales agents and community networks, as simply flooding the market with free products can harm the local economy by undermining local businesses and livelihoods in areas where earning potential is already fragile. 

The GravityLight Foundation wants to boost the local economy by creating sustainable demand for clean, safe lighting solutions.


1. Fill the bag with weight, 2. Lift the bag using the orange cord, 3. Bag falls slowly creating light (20+ mins), 4.When the bag reaches the ground it can be lifted again.
Instant electicity with elegant simplicity 1. Fill the bag with weight, 2. Lift the bag using the orange cord, 3. Bag falls slowly creating light (20+ mins), 4.When the bag reaches the ground it can be lifted again. Source:
The ability to see after dark allows the poorest of families to ensure their children have the best chance to make the most of their education, and gives cottage industries a chance to thrive.
With the ability to see comes the ability to work study The ability to see after dark allows the poorest of families to ensure their children have the best chance to make the most of their education, and gives cottage industries a chance to thrive. Source:

Want your own GravityLight? Check them out on Amazon

GravityLight is a unique and innovative device that generates light from gravity. This portable hanging lamp is simple to setup and provides instant light in any non-electrified space. It includes 2 LED lamps providing lamp brightness of up to 15 lumens. No batteries, no charging required.

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