
Grab life by the wheels with Ogo: the revolutionary hands-free wheelchair

This hybrid of a wheelchair crossed with self-balancing SEGWAY-style technology allows disabled users to lean in the direction they want to travel over all terrains.

The Ogo… a new take on personal transportation for those facing mobility challenges

The Ogo is a hands-free, self-balancing, electric personal all-terrain transport device that enables a person with a condition such as paraplegia, spina bifida, or someone who is missing a limb, to move relatively freely. However, the Ogo is a whole lot more than simply a fancy wheelchair…

Hands-free wheelchair is a real game changer Grabbing life by the wheels, this device is giving a new level of freedom to people facing mobility challenges. Source: Facebook/Smartly2

Ogo: your passport into an exciting new world of mobility, freedom and independence, say makers

The New Zealand-based makers of Ogo believe their revolutionary and award winning device is your passport into an exciting new world of mobility, freedom and independence. The Ogo Evolution 1 is a multipurpose personal mobility device with a fully integrated drive and steering system. 

Ogo Technolgy say their system is the only personal transportation system that fully integrates a unique dynamic seat control system with the best of self balancing technology. They point out that is not simply an add-on kit, and is built with functionality and safety in mind.

The Ogo can level the playing field in a social setting. The Dynamic Seat Control system (DSC), not only moves with your body – making it intuitive to use, but allows you to do so completely hands free!

When you are on the Ogo you are using your core or upper body to move, turn and stay in balance – which assists fitness. The user is able to move by simply leaning in the direction they want to travel.

By changing over to their all-terrain wheels, the Ogo becomes an off road monster that can go just about anywhere. Able to tackle soft sand, gravel, rough terrain and inclines, the Ogo is smaller, lighter and faster than most other powered mobility devices. 

It is the ultimate machine for accessibility and fun for every sector of the community; commuters, seniors, tourism operators, workplaces, athletes, and lovers of the great outdoors.


Able to tackle soft sand, gravel, rough terrain and inclines, the Ogo is smaller, lighter and faster than most other powered mobility devices.
With all-terrain wheels the Ogo becomes an off road monster that can go almost anywhere Able to tackle soft sand, gravel, rough terrain and inclines, the Ogo is smaller, lighter and faster than most other powered mobility devices. Source:

How the Ogo works, its many features and advantages

By using core and upper body muscles, users are able to both steer and control the pace of the Ogo electric wheelchair. This balance requirement is what makes this powerchair different, and for those who are able, it will help them to maintain strength in their core muscles.

Some of the many features of the device include:

  • Three steering options – Hands free, handgrip or joystick (the joystick and other controls can be positioned on either the left or right side of the body)
  • Automatic self leveling feet, for ease and safety of transfer
  • Easy clean impact resistant hi-density polyethylene body
  • Built in front and rear lights and reflectors for added visibility after dark
  • Storage compartment
  • Easy transferring to get on and off
  • No bulky, dangerous central steering column
  • Foldaway footrest with a choice of height adjustments
  • Adjustable seat height and positioning
  • USB charging port for phones
  • Multi functional holder for accessories (for example, cup holder, fishing rods, umbrellas, tray, smartphone/tablet holder), positioned on the opposite side to the controls. 
  •  Weather resistant – (but not submersible!)
  • Ogo has in built safety features that will shut it down. For example Ogo will come to a stop if it comes up against a high kerb or obstruction that it is unable to traverse -meaning that it is very unlikely to tip backwards.
  • The Ogo Evolution I can only be started with a remote control. The Ogo switches off automatically if the operator “falls out”. As long as you have the "InfoKey" controller with you, NO ONE can get on your OGO and drive away with it! If anyone tries to move it an alarm will go off.

The most defining feature of the Ogo is the patented dynamic seat steering control system. With its amazing functionality, intuitiveness and benefits described above, your body becomes the joystick. Your eyes become the will to motivate it. Another great feature is the seat pan, the seat position options and the back rest.

At least 90% of the hundreds of trialists from around the world have remarked at how comfortable the seat is. They say it is more comfortable than the one they had customised for themselves, or presently use. They are not experiencing the pressure points because their weight is on the outer thigh bone and they are constantly moving their weight to operate the seat. 

For the first production run the Ogo is available in five colour options- Green, Blue, Orange, Purple and Black. After our first run, the Ogo will be colour customisable.
Available colours For the first production run the Ogo is available in five colour options- Green, Blue, Orange, Purple and Black. After our first run, the Ogo will be colour customisable. Source:

Find out more

For more information, pricing, statistics and contact, visit Ogo Technolgy website or Facebook page.

Get fit and active in a wheelchair: Fitness advice for wheelchair users

As a wheelchair user, getting active will bring you important health benefits and can help you manage daily life, too. Regular aerobic exercise – the kind that raises your heart rate and causes you to break a sweat – and muscle-strengthening exercise are just as important for the health and wellbeing of wheelchair users as they are for other adults. Whatever your preferences and level of physical ability, there will be an activity or sport for you. Here are some ideas.

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