Gary Vaynerchuck explains “Why society is wrong about what you should do in your 20s.”

Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuck’s has a powerful message for those feeling lost in their 20s.

“Society is wrong about what you should do from 22 to 30 years old” —Gary Vee

“The number one thing you should do is the most high risk behaviour of your life. This is exactly when you should go and live in Bali for a year. This is exactly when you try to become Beyoncé. The biggest reason that (young) people become unhappy is they are playing life in reverse. Self-awareness is the most important thing. The only things you could be dealing with are either debt or the expectations of your parents. What society and your parents do is to tell you to take the lowest risk manoeuvre. The number one thing you should be thinking about is the highest risk behaviour around the thing you think is going to make you the happiest.” — Gary Vaynerchuck 

‘Society is wrong about your 20s’ — Gary VeeSource: Facebook/GaryVaynerchuck

‘The land-grab of happiness’ — Gary Vee’s Greatest Motivational Speech to 22-30-year-olds

“If you’re lucky enough to be graduating today with not a f***ing idea of what you’re going to do with your future, nobody’s ever been luckier than you.

I’m scared. I’m scared because I know there are so many of you graduate this month and have no f***ing idea what you want to do, and that’s okay. Most people don’t. You should not be stressed about that. I’m actually not scared about that. I’m scared that you don’t realize that you’re entering the greatest 5-year window of your life.

If you are 22 years old, you are entering first of all some of the greatest years of your life, A, but B, this is the moment you have to understand this next five-year window is when you don’t go practical and safe. 

This is not the time to get the job Mom wanted you to. This is not the time to try to maximize as much money so you can buy a fat whip. This is the time to realize you have a five year window—and it’s three for some and eight for others—but this is a five year window for you to attack the life that you want to win, not because it’s “The Secret”, because the world’s so Zen, because it’s f***ing hard as sh*t out there…

Class is easy, right, what you’ve been doing for the last 16 years is easy, it’s a f***ing bulls*t game, it’s structured, it’s easy. The world, this thing, this thing is hard, however that contradicts what I’m going to tell you right now which is the best and easiest five years of your life, because this is when you need to attack what you love and what you want to do. 

Here’s why. You don’t have all the baggage. You may have college loans—respect, it’s hard as sh*t—you may have the expectations of your parents, mentally hard, fake hard. You may have a lot of other things, but this is exactly when you can live with four roommates in a basement and eat fucking fast food. 

Do you understand, this is not when the baby’s there? This is not when you’ve been married and you promised. This is not when the world has sucked out all your dreams and hopes. 

Yes, you’ve still got this window, and yet so many of you are so hungry for short-term, short-term gains like maximizing the job that pays $3000 more, but it’s not as fun, but you want that $3000… for what? For what, for a new iPhone? For what? 

You get to live life one time, and this is the time right now to understand what’s actually happening and actually map your behaviour to something that will impact you for the next 80 years. 

So promise me, promise me that you understand that the land grab of happiness starts right now, that you don’t have to worry about getting that job. What you should do is go and travel and learn. Go and start that business you’ve always wanted. Hook up with those three teammates and start that band you’ve always wanted. 

This is the time to be massively risk, massively risk oriented. I know this is when you’re supposed to grow up and go see the world. But guess what… The world isn’t what mummy and daddy told you. The world is exactly going to be what it’s going to be, with or without the way you thought it was going to be. 

A ton of sh*t is gonna change. The world changes every goddamn day. Right now what do you need to recognize is you can afford to. And again, ‘cause I’m scared I can see myself f***ing talking. It’s not “The Secret”, it’s practicality. 

When you’re in your early 20s, this is when you can grind at your highest levels because there isn’t all the f***ing baggage that comes across your life. It’s harder for the 42-year-olds that are watching right now to listen to this advice. You can’t just wake up tomorrow and be like “Let’s go!”, because Sally has soccer f***ing practice and because you got a million other things that are holding you down. 

Buy boy, if you’re lucky enough to be graduating today with no f***ing idea what you’re going to do with your future, nobody’s ever been luckier than you. Please recognise it.”

Gary Vaynerchuk is a Belarusian-American entrepreneur, author, speaker and internet personality. First known as a wine critic who expanded his family’s wine business, Vaynerchuk is best known for his work in digital marketing and social media, through New York–based VaynerMedia. 

Source: YouTube/GaryVaynerchuck-via-ActionBeginsSuccess

Best advice for 2018 Millennials Greatest Advice For Young People You Will EVER Hear, by Gary Vaynerchuk Source: YouTube/ActionBeginsSuccess


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